Wednesday, December 31, 2008

On The Calendar

Plan time for Bible Study in the New Year.
Monday evening 7:30 p.m., starting Jan. 5
Thursday afternoon 2 p.m., starting Jan. 15
Men’s Bible Breakfast, Sat., Jan. 17 at 9:00 a.m.
If you are unable to attend any of these studies, see Pastor Jim about taking part in a do-it-yourself, weekly study and online discussion group.

Evangelism Team Meeting Jan. 18
Join the Evangelism team after worship as we plan to share the story of God’s love in Jesus Christ in 2009. We are planning on a variety of fronts – children and families, seniors and caregivers, worship and music, welcoming and greeting, events, mailings and invitations. Your time, talents and unique gifts are needed to reach the neighborhood with the story of what God is doing the world.
Annual Congregation Meeting and Potluck Jan. 25

Call the office at (973)667-0256 or mail the form below to take part in our potluck lunch and to take your place in the assembly, as we look back on God’s mission through Holy Trinity in 2008 and then look forward to what God is calling us to be and do as we share the Gospel, overcome barriers and connect in the love of Christ in 2009.

We will be there (names): _____________________________________

and we plan on sharing:

Food: Main Dish _____ Salad or Vegetable _____ Dessert _____

Time & talents: Set up __ Clean up _ I have a story to share ___

Pastor's Message

“As Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. And a voice came from heaven” ‘You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.’” Mark 1:10-11

I am reading Doris Kearns Goodwin’s Team of Rivals. What I have found to be most shocking about life in the United States in the mid-nineteenth century is how closely acquainted people were with death. The loss of infants and young children, husbands, wives and friends brought grief into almost everyone’s life. Life expectancy was short. To live 60 or 70 years was considered a long life. Death lurked behind every fever, cough and sniffle. This grief shaped the way people lived and looked at life.

How different for us today. We expect to live actively into our 80s, and most of us know people who have lived almost 20 years – a relatively full life itself – in retirement. That is not to say that we know nothing of death and dying. We too are people who lived with loss and tragedy. We have suffered the death of children and spouses, sisters and brothers. In some neighborhoods in our own state life expectancy is alarmingly short. We too have had to come to terms with death. But more often than not, we are surprised by it. It comes from outside our normal expectations. It is easy to ignore death for long stretches, and in some instances to welcome death as a peaceful, liberating end for a person we love dearly, but who has been confined to suffering.

When Jesus came up out of the Jordan, he saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit descending on him. What a wonderful summary of what Jesus accomplishes for us in his life, death and resurrection. He opens heaven for us. He reconciles us to God. He brings the Spirit, the divine breath of life to us as God’s gift of love and mercy. Because Jesus has died for us and rose again, we can hear God say to us in our baptism, “You are my child, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” In Jesus Christ, God has removed the sting of death, and brought light and life to all people. It is God’s gift to us, a heaven torn open.

Yet, the gifts God gives in baptism – forgiveness of sins, life, the Holy Spirit – are gifts for living life here and now on earth. Jesus emerges from the waters of his baptism to announce the arrival of God’s kingdom among people, and to engage in a powerful resistance against those forces of death and oppression that cause suffering. Jesus walks wet from the Jordan and into a life, a life lived, died and lived again … for us and for all of God’s creation. When we were baptized into Jesus, we were baptized into his life, for the sake of the world. When we bring our children to be baptized, we bring them to enlist them into Jesus’ life, for the sake of the world.

For years, we have used the promises of baptism to comfort us against the sting of death. But that is only part of what God does for us through the sacrament. By the grace of God, those same promises empower a life of discipleship, a life of resistance, mission and purpose. As we enter another “green season” of life and growth in the Spirit, I pray that God pours out the Spirit on us so we too can live out the promises and the implications of our baptism and proclaim the good news of Jesus in all areas of our life … on the job, gathered with friends, in our home, and, yes … even at the graveside.

In Our Community

We are on a mission to fight hunger!
More than 15 years ago on Super Bowl Sunday, a single youth group was inspired by a simple prayer. They started the Souper Bowl of Caring, a youth-led movement that is now an international event.

Since 1990, the Souper Bowl of Caring has raised more than $50 million for individual charities across the country. It is also turning our nation’s biggest weekend of football into the largest weekend of giving.

Each year, tens of thousands of our nation’s youth, including ours at Holy Trinity, put God’s love into action through the Souper Bowl of Caring. Bring your contribution to church on Sunday, February 1, to drop into the soup pot that we will pass during worship. (or mail a donation to church clearly marked “Souper Bowl”.) Your donation will go to fight hunger right here in the community.

With your help, more dollars will be raised, more lives will be changed and more young people will experience the joy of serving Christ by serving others. With your help, let’s try to collect $175 this year. Please visit for more information.

“Unhanging” of the Greens
We will take down and pack away the Christmas decorations on Tuesday, Jan., 6 at 10:30 a.m. Please come out and lend a hand.

New Member Class

Are you interested in becoming a member of this community? Do you want to simply learn more about what this community of disciples is about and is called to do? Do you want to learn more about being a disciple of Jesus? Then sign up for our new member class. After signing up, pastor will meet with you and your family to set up a date for the class. Please call the office (973) 667-0256 or fill out and mail the form below.

Sign me/us up:


Phone __________________________________________________

E-mail __________________________________________________

January Birthdays, Anniversaries, People of the Month

January Birthdays
2: Miles Mueller
7: Phyllis Weber
8: Peter Franchino, Ken Blair, Evelyn Oberndorf
14: Chris Siclari
15: Max Mueller
20: Nancy Catelli
28: Liz Cicci

January Anniversaries
Joelle and Matthew Bernhard

Remember each other in prayer.
Each day of the week (except Sunday) has the name of a person in this community. Please, remember that person in your prayers that day. On Sunday, we will pray for all of the people listed in the coming week.

1:Matt Duhm
2:Ken Duke
3:Dot Duke
5:Rich Ebeling
6:Barb Ebeling
7:Stacie Ebeling
8:Elizabeth Ebeling
9:Chelsea Ebeling
10:Jean Esparolini
12:Christine Esparolini
13:Irene Falk
14:John Fenton
15:Elfrieda Fenton
16:Julie Franchino
17:Pete Franchino
19:John Franchino
20:Martin Futyma
21:Betty Futyma
22:Susan Gage
23:Tom Gallo
24:Heather Gallo
26:Nicholas Gallo
27:Cathy Geiselmann
28:Erica Geiselmann
29:Ken Geiselmann
30:Irene Geiselmann
31:Jim Greengrove

Stewardship Strengthens...

Stewardship strengthens our relationship with Jesus

Thank You!

Thank you to all who gave in 2008.
Thank you to all who pledged for 2009.
Come to the annual meeting on Jan. 25 to hear some stories of what God is doing in this community and through us to change lives as we continue to share the gospel, overcome barriers and connect in the love of Christ. Thank you.

New Offering Envelopes
The 2009 Offering Envelopes are in. Please pick yours up in the back of the sanctuary. If you haven’t received envelopes in the past and would like to start using them or if you will not be able to pick them up in the next couple of weeks, please call the church office at (973) 667-0256.

The Gift of Time
What is God calling you to do this year? What is God calling you to give up this year to make time for other things? If you were given the gift of two hours everyday to spend anyway you want, what would you do with it? Worship? Pray? Study God’s Word? Volunteer to serve your community in Jesus’ name? Wouldn’t it be great to give ourselves the time to live out the promises we made in our baptism? In 2009, take a first step. Then, share your story and your journey with your brothers and sisters at Holy Trinity. Maybe through your experiences God free us from our own oppressive schedules.

Here’s one way. On Monday nights at 7:30 p.m. for the next two months, we will be doing a unit of the No Experience Necessary Bible Study. We will listen to and explore God’s Word as God spoke by the prophets. It’s a new year, a new unit, and a great time to start a new routine that includes tending to God’s word in scripture. Call the office to sign up (973) 667-0256 or just show up Monday night.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pastor's Message

There is no one who calls on your name, or attempts to take hold of you; for you have hidden your face from us, and have delivered us into the hand of our iniquity. Yet, O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. Isaiah 64:7-8

Have you read the memo about holiday festivities this year? The party has been cancelled. And, by the way, don’t expect a year-end bonus either. In a month of layoffs, cutbacks and more government bailouts, it just wouldn’t be right to spend company (or tax-payer) money to celebrate with the remnant of co-workers.

At home, the picture looks just as somber. Even for those of us for whom nothing has really changed – our situation in life, our income remains as it was or as we expected – we have to admit that everything has changed. Our mood this season seems chilled by what is going on in the country and the world around us.

The first lesson we will read together in worship on the first Sunday in Advent this year (read it in Isaiah 64:1-9) is a lament over God’s apparent absence. The prophet laments, “you have hidden your face from us.” Commentator Scott Bader-Saye writes that “God hides in order to deconstruct a distorted set of beliefs and practices, thereby opening Israel to receive again (as gift and event) their calling to be God’s people. Hiding is a form of divine judgment that ultimately serves divine mercy, a “No” that clears the ground for a more profound “Yes.”

Year after year, it seems we suffered through a holiday season we habitually lament as too commercial. This year, the old year-end ritual, based on a distorted set of beliefs and practices, has broken down. A resounding “No,” to the values of consumerism echoes throughout our world. Painful as it may be, I believe God may be clearing the ground to a more profound “Yes.” In this holiday season, God may be opening up our lives to once again hear and receive God’s call to walk as disciples of Jesus Christ.

God’s revelation in the Christ child is a revelation hidden from the world in a stable, tucked away from obvious sight in a manager, an unnoticed baby, a human body and blood. In that way, the Christmas gift and event is God’s “No” to the powers and the status quo, No to domination, money, and violence. Instead of tearing open the heavens and coming in fire and fury, God comes to us as baby Jesus, grows up among us and lives with us in humble service – healing the sick, raising the dead, preaching the good news of freedom. God embraces us as loving Father, grabs hold of us as passionate artist, suffer with us and for us in faithful patience, dies with us, for us in faithful love, and on the third day rises again as God’s promise of new life. Jesus is God’s more profound “Yes.”

What surprise from God awaits us this Advent and Christmas. Perhaps by losing everything – the bonus, the parties, the presents, the broken down values and distorted rituals – by God’s grace we may gain everything – reconciliation, new life, salvation, a renewed sense of meaning and call. Now, that would finally be a holiday bonus to celebrate. If that’s the case, prepare a new memo and gather the family around the table because “The party’s on!” (read Isaiah 65). In Jesus name. Amen.

Here’s a simple prayer for a simple Advent and Christmas: God show us yourself -- your heart, your character, your intention for us -- in the Christ at the center of our holiday. By your grace, claim us again as your children, and with your hands, mold us into your new creation through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

On The Calendar

November 24th – Nutley Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service
Nutley is a special place to live and work. Thank God. Here’s your chance. Get together with people of all faiths at 7:30 p.m. at Holy Family Church to thank God for all the blessings we enjoy as a community, and to remember in prayer those who are in need. The offering supports the Red Cross Food Pantry. Additionally, you are encouraged to bring a gift of non-perishable foods for the pantry.

Bloomfield Chorale to Debut
The newly formed Bloomfield Chorale, under the direction of Ruth Hsu will perform in a Holiday Concert along with the Bloomfield Civic Band on Sunday, December 7 at 3:00 pm. Please join us at the Bloomfield Middle School, 60 Huck Rd., Bloomfield. Guest performers will be students from Miss Roseanna’s School of Dance. Admission is $8 at the door or $5 in advance. Children 12 and under free. (973) 338-8140

The Advent Vigil: Prepare, Watch, Wait, Turn, Open.
Jesus announced the good news like this: “The kingdom of God has come near; turn around; change your mind; believe it.” What an extraordinary thing for Jesus to say (see Mark 1:15). What an extraordinary thing for us to announce as well.

As we start our advent journey, Jesus calls us to follow him, to work, with him, to prepare our hearts, watch for God’s coming with joyful expectation, wait for God’s coming with patient hope, turn to God’s advent in faith, and open our hearts to God’s coming in love. The kingdom of God has come near. It’s time for us to change.

Invite your friends to watch with you for the Advent by asking them to join you here each week at Holy Trinity. Here, gathered by the crucified and risen baby of Bethlehem, we light the candles and experience “hope amid crisis, light in deep darkness, a growing sense of expectation, a growing trust in the promises of God.” God’s promises that are not ours to hold; but ours to share, give, and shout.

‘Family’ volunteers to light advent wreath … and more?
We’re looking for four “families” (Don’t just think Mom, Dad and the kids … get creative and maybe make some phone calls to invite and gather a whole clan … what about sponsors and godchildren) to lead various parts of our Sunday liturgy, particularly the prayer and the lighting of the Advent wreath each week. Fill out the form below, and return it to the office (mail, e-mail, fax, put it in the offering plate on Sunday.)

We (names) ___________________________________________________

___ would like to lead the prayer and light the advent wreath.

___ would be interested in leading other parts of the Sunday service.

__ Prayers of the church __ Serving communion __ Benediction

We are available to serve on the following Sundays (check all you can attend)

__ Nov. 30 __ Dec. 7 __ Dec. 14 __ Dec. 21

Notes, Comments _________________________________________

Hanging of the Greens and Luncheon
Sunday December 21st after Worship
Everyone, young and old, is invited to help us prepare the church for our Christmas Services. We will once again gather around the table, this time for some sandwiches and salad. Please plan to join us for a fun time!


We will be there (names): ____________________________& we plan on sharing:

Food: Sandwiches _____ Salad _____ Dessert _____

Time & Talents: Set up _____ Clean up _____

Christmas Services at Holy Trinity

CHRISTMAS EVE (Wed., Dec. 24)
4:00 p.m.: A special service for children of every age with a simple spoken eucharist.
7:30pm: Candlelight service with festive music.

CHRISTMAS DAY (Thurs., Dec. 25)
10:00am: Intimate Christmas Day Worship.

To assist at these services, please sign up at worship or call the church office.

Christmas is a great time to invite a friend into the joy of worship and discipleship. The angels announced it, the shepherds told everyone they saw, the magi traveled for years to experience the good news of God’s love in Jesus Christ. The world was changed forever. Now it’s our turn. Share the good news, overcome the barriers and connect one to many in the love of Christ.

A Cure for Holiday Insanity
Join Pastor Jim for a half-hour service of evening prayer Thursday evenings in Advent (Dec. 4; Dec. 11; and Dec. 18) from 7:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. While the rest of the nation runs around preparing for the high holy days of consumerism, take some time out and rediscover God at the center of our your life and the life of the world.

Feed on God’s Word
90-minutes a week can change your life and change the world, really. Join the lively discussion and supportive community that spring up from scripture and prayer on Thursday afternoons at 2 p.m. or Monday evenings at 7:30pm Bible Study. Together, we read, share and discuss God’s Word and what it means for our lives today. Bring a friend.

Poinsettia Plants

Order deadline is Sunday, November 30, 2008

The cost of each plant is $8.00. Plants are in a 6 1/2" pot and are foil wrapped.

Please send a check (or drop by the office) for the total amount along with your name and phone number. Please include who the plants are in Honor and/or Memory of. Plants may be taken home following the 7:30pm Christmas Eve Service.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pastor's Message

Then the one who had received the one talent came forward, saying, ‘Master, I knew that you were a harsh man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter seed; so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here you have what is yours.’ Matthew 25:24-25

I have a difficult time with the parable of the talents (you can read it in Matthew 25:14-30), because through it Jesus is reminding me of something I don’t like about this world: the rich get richer. To make matters worse, the parable leaves me with the impression that this is the way God wants the world to work. The rich get richer. What manner of god is this at work in the parable?

The rich get richer. That’s the ugly truth under the current economic crisis. If you have ten talents or five talents to start with, then you probably still have enough left to clean up after the panic. You can afford to be “greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy.” Meanwhile, those with a mere one-talent nest egg, knew they just couldn’t risk it. It’s their hope. Their future. They know how unforgiving the whole thing can be. They fled the market in fear and went and buried the treasure in the ground, happy to escape with something and content to defend the little they have from loss. Then comes the reckoning. The richer get their richest reward. The others lose everything, even the little they had. Then, these others are confined to a future of darkness, weeping and regret. A pensioner’s retirement? An unemployment line? A short sale on my house and then back to live with Mom and Dad? The selling of the house and moving in with adult children? The final kick in the pants is that it’s the parable’s god-figure kicking the timid investor to the curb.

“Now, come on,” you may be saying. “That’s not what the parable is about. It’s not about money and investing, really. That’s just figurative language. It’s really about the church’s mission.” Yes. But isn’t it more about money and investing and your part, our part as church in the mission of God in the world. The brilliance of Jesus’ parable is that it works on us both ways.

First, it exposes the utter cruelty and brokenness of a system with money and markets as the god at the center, a system that rewards the rich and punishes all others, a system, which even today, so many of us are devoted to in fear, love and trust. We comfort ourselves and each other with these words: “Don’t be afraid. The market will come back. The money will return. We will be saved.” If that is where we have placed our hope, the parable coldly tells the story of what we can expect from that god who expects us to get out each morning and go about our mission in life: making money, collecting things.

At the same time, Jesus invites us into a life where who we are, what we have, what we do – gifts of God all – are leveraged in the kingdom of God. We exist by God’s grace as God’s people sent into the world. Our life, as community, is in God’s mission. God expects a return as we invest all the gifts that God has given us in God’s mission to love, save and bless the world in Jesus Christ. God expects us to grow the number of people in the world who are glorifying and thanking the God who raised Jesus from the dead.

This means taking risks with our time, with our talent and with our money in order to engage the world and the people around us in a creative conversation about how we can bring hope and life to all God’s creation. This means taking risks with our talent, our money and our time to engage people with a variety of invitations to come and worship the God who gives real hope in times of crisis, true light in the darkness of the world, and eternal life from out of death. This means taking risks with our money, our time and our talent to liberate people from fear with encouragement and examples of how to act and live generously, trusting in God – not money or market -- for our salvation. This means being 100 percent BOLD in Jesus name, as Jesus’ body, given for the sake of the world God loves so much.

We can do this, even in a recession. Or we can take the small number of gifts we have – the diminished store of money, the shrinking slice of time, the hidden bit of our talent – and bury them until Jesus comes again. It’s an option. But to make that choice will cost us everything, our money, our time, our talent. And, the grace of God – the privilege to be God’s people sent into this community to proclaim and enact God’s justice, love and mercy in the name of Jesus – that mission will pass to another. God’s kingdom comes with or without us. We pray that it may come among us in Nutley as well.

Now what? I think I will pray to God for courage, then head to that place where I bury my talent, dig it up, and then, with trembling hands take a risk by making an investment in God’s kingdom. (There are a lot of investment ideas in this newsletter alone.) And pray for 100 percent return. After all, when everyone is fearful, that’s the time to get greedy … for the kingdom of God and His righteousness. What are you going to do?

May God watch over you and give you courage and faith that lasts, so that you will be happy when Jesus returns (Matt. 25:21, 23). Amen

In our community

Church Night at the Devils

Join your friends from Holy Trinity at a NJ Devils hockey game, and save $30! There are two dates available in the coming months and the special group rate for upper level seats is $35 (normally $65 at full price.) Games are at the Prudential Center in Newark and tickets are on a first-come, first-served basis and may not be returned nor exchanged. We will have the tickets in advance, so you can arrange for your own transportation. (Some of us took the City Subway from Bloomfield for the last game.) I will order tickets, but only for reservations with full payment. Please write your name, the date of the game, and the number of tickets and include that with your cash or check payable to “J. Scott Jones.” Invite family and friends—the more the merrier! (Holiday gift?)

 Friday, November 21 vs. NY Islanders 7:00 PM (deadline Sunday, November 9)
 Sunday, January 4 vs. Ottawa Senators 5:00 PM (deadline Sunday, December 14)
Questions? (973) 338-0267 or

Choral Vespers

Scott and Emily Jones are singing Bach’s Cantata, Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme at Grace Lutheran Church, Teaneck on Sunday, November 23 at 4:00 PM. The choir is under the direction of Carol Weber and will be accompanied by a professional orchestra. An offering will be received.
Grace Lutheran, 1200 River Rd., Teaneck, NJ 07666.

November Birthdays, Anniversaries and Disciples of the Month


4:Erika Bacik
8:Sara Murphy
10:Jennifer Murphy
11:Chris Amlung
12:John Fenton
13:Irene Falk
14:Barbara Hudnett
15:Victor Smith
18:Cathy Geiselmann
21:Erik Hess
25:Frank Siclari
27:Judi Lovas
28:Joelle Bernhard, Stefeny Krombholz, Aida Rubens
29:Grace Viola, Bonnie Munoz
30:Nancy Duhm, Nicole Duhm, William Murphy


1: Ken & Irene Geiselmann
2: Richard & Susan Ulley
24: Louis & Terry D'Agnolo
24: Jim & Stefeny Krombholz


For some time we have been naming families of the month, people and households to keep in our prayers. Now, we’re going to change the emphasis a little. Instead of praying for families, we will pray for individual disciples of Jesus. Each day of the week (except Sunday) has the name of a person in this community. Remember that person in your prayers that day. On Sunday, we will pray for all of the people listed in the coming week. You may even want to get in touch with these people and pray with them personally. If you don’t know what to pray for, then pray that each member of the Holy Trinity community would grow in their faith and love for God and their love for God’s people and God’s world, and pray that each disciple may be fully equipped to share the Gospel, overcome barriers and connect one to many through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

1:Angelika Achtiani
3:Ira Achtiani
4:Chris Amlung
5:Anne Erwin
6:Andrea Ahrens
7:Lou Ann Ariante
8:Kristen Osnato
10:Lauren Osnato
11:Matthew Osnato
12:Richard Bacik
13:Erika Lee Bacik
14:Richard J. Bacik
15:Ava Bacik
17:Joelle Bernhard
18:Matt Bernhard
19:Madison Bernhard
20:Helen Blair
21:Kenneth Blair
22:David Cabral
24:Jennifer Cabral
25:Brandon Cabral
26:Emily Cabral
27:Leona Candura
28:John Catelli
29:Nancy Catelli

Stewardship Strengthens....

Stewardship strengthens our relationship with Jesus


Living Abundantly in a Time of Scarcity

30 percent of New Jersey Synod Congregations are Meeting or Exceeding Mission Support Goals

The news report tells the story of a crisis in the financial system, and some of us in New Jersey are feeling the pinch. Yet, in the face of it all, 30 percent of New Jersey synod congregations are keeping pace with their bold investments in the work we share strengthening our witness in 182 neighborhoods throughout the state. An even larger portion of our congregation’s witness to a trust in the God of abundance, the God who raised Jesus from the dead, by sharing a generous portion of resources in common ministries.

Holy Trinity is one of these congregations. At of the end of September, the people of Holy Trinity are on pace to meet and even exceed the goals for giving that we had set for 2008. Because we invest a proportionate amount of our regular gifts (11 percent) in our common work as a synod, the more we give, the more we share as partners in the mission of God in New Jersey, the nation and the world.

Thank you! What a strong sign of hopefulness and faithfulness. Our generosity as individuals and as the community of Holy Trinity is making a difference around the world. In these last two months of 2008, and as we make or recast our commitments for 2009, let’s encourage each other to BOLD generosity as we make disciples and strengthen our missionary behaviors.

Give thanks for this community at your Thanksgiving table.
This November, as we gather as families to give thanks to God and to enjoy a feast together – thank God for the generous people of Holy Trinity and for the grace of God that will keep us in this mission field for another 85 years. Thank you, LORD God, for your generous people. Grant that our talents may bring an abundant return when measured in lives changed, lived saved.

Ready to take a more active role in the life of this community?

This November, as we look in hope to Christ’s return, we also look to encourage each other and build each other up. There are many ways you can use your gifts to encourage and build up the people of Holy Trinity so that we can share the gospel, overcome barriers and connect one to many in Christ. Here are some ways to serve (please circle as many as you are interested in). Return this form to the church office.

Your name: _________________________________________________

Teams: I am interested in serving on one of these teams:

Worship and Music
Discipleship (education)
Church Council
God is calling me to lead a team.

Ministries: I would love to serve by participating in these ministries:

Prayer chain
Sunday School
Book group
Community Newsletter
Web site
Women’s Group
Bible Study
Book Group
Game night

I am passionate about and gifted by God to lead this ministry:

I am passionate about starting this ministry at Holy Trinity. Help me:

I know I am gifted, but I need help discovering those gifts. Call me

Thursday, September 25, 2008

On the Calendar

October is ‘Fill the Hall’ Month!

Jesus once told a story of king who has prepared a wedding banquet for his son. When all things were ready, the king sends his messengers out to tell the honored guests to come, but no one comes. So, the king tells the messengers to go out into the streets to urge everyone they can find to come to enjoy the banquet “so the wedding hall was filled with guests.”

Our Lord spreads a feast of his abundant mercy, grace and love each time we gather. You know the time – Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. You know the place – the corner of Hillside and Vreeland. Now, let’s go and invite and fill the hall!

Tuesday Night Prayer Nights: Money!

Join Pastor Jim Tuesday evenings in October to talk and to pray openly, honestly, sincerely about all sorts of issues related to money. Bring your fears, your worries, your concerns about the economy, the high cost of housing, food and gas, you retirement account balance … whatever. We’ll talk. We’ll listen. We’ll pray. We will meet in the sanctuary on Tuesday at 8 p.m. starting Oct. 7. Plan on a hour meeting.

Feed on God’s Word

90-minutes a week can change your life and change the world, really. Join the lively discussion and supportive community that spring up from scripture and prayer on Thursday afternoons at 2 p.m. or Monday evenings at 7:30pm Bible Study. Together, we read, share and discuss God’s Word and what it means for our lives today. Bring a friend.

Sunday School

Sunday School is in full swing. Families gather for worship at 10 a.m. and children and teachers move to the classroom after a children message and prayer. The whole assembly gathers again to celebrate the Lord’s Supper together. If you would like to volunteer to be a teacher or helper, please call the church office.

Stewardship Strengthens...

Stewardship strengthens our relationship with Jesus

Living Abundantly in a Time of Scarcity.
The news reports and economic pundits have convinced us that we are living in a time of scarcity. Resources appear to be is short supply and we easily identify with the disciples in the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 in Mark 6:34-44. Buried in that miracle story, however, are behaviors which turn the perception of scarcity into a celebration of abundance.

In our fall financial program at Holy Trinity we are employing the theme -- “100% BOLD: Living Abundantly in a Time of Scarcity.” We are convinced by the story God and God’s steadfast love for God’s people that the antidote to our anxiety and fears is 100% BOLD Stewardship.

As we begin this venture boldly, think about all God has entrusted to you. As you come to worship each week, listen for the words at the center of the prayer of thanksgiving. Here are four distinct actions—taking, blessing, breaking, and giving. These four actions are also at the heart of the story of Jesus feeding more than 5,000 from five loaves and two fish. As we consider this pattern, think about how you take, bless, break, and give as part of your faith in Jesus. Give prayerful consideration in the coming weeks to how you will join your brothers and sisters in making an investment in the mission to which Jesus has called us.

Assets are gifts in action: a story about gold.

At the end of September, Nancy found that she had some family jewelry that no one wanted. A few earrings. She started by donating them to the yard sale when somehow she remembered that the price of gold is high now, and jewelry shops are paying a nice price for gold. So, she took the jewelry to the jewelry store with a few more odds and ends and came out with more than $150, which she gave for the ministry at Holy Trinity. What do you have just laying around?

Thank you for your generous gifts that truly do help make a difference in the lives of people in this community and beyond

Friday, August 29, 2008

On the Calendar

Worship Time is now 10:00am.

Don’t forget that our worship time remains at 10:00am as we move into September. Our Sunday gathering time stays constant throughout the year.

Bible Study

90-minutes a week can change your life and change the world, really. Join us Thursday afternoons at 2 p.m. starting September 18 as we listen to, discuss and meditate on God's Word for us. We will be focusing on the Sunday morning Gospel reading and how we can use the scripture to enhance our life of faith and prayer.

Starting Monday, September 8, we will be having a 7:30pm Bible Study. This will take the place of the Tuesday evening (8pm) Study. Come as often as you can and bring a friend. This group can be a wonderful place of friendship and support for people of all walks of life.

Sunday School

will begin again on September 21 and there will be a Volunteers’ Meeting after worship on September 7. If you would like to volunteer to be a teacher or helper, please join us at this meeting or call the church office.

Choir Rehearsals

will begin again on Thursday, September 4, at 8pm and the choir will sing on Sunday, September 7. If you would like to join the choir or would like more information, please call, email or speak to Scott Jones.

Annual Back-to-School Celebration

Our annual Back-to-School Celebration will be held on Sunday, September 21st. We plan on pitching the tent and inviting the neighbors, the town and everyone we know. If you would like to be part of the planning team or would like to serve that day, call the church office or submit the form at the back of this newsletter. But whatever you do, be sure to mark your calendars, and invite your friends. There will be a Volunteers’ Meeting Sunday, September 7 after worship.

Invite a Friend

Martin Marty has said, “Invitation is what evangelism is all about! It is one person inviting another to find the Lord.” In a real sense, evangelism programs and opportunities are essentially God’s people reaching out to others with an invitation. The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) becomes global only as individual disciples reach out to those around them. According to Marty, there is only one word that separates congregations that grow from those that don’t. That word is “invite”!

Invitation works! Because most people find new places and new gatherings intimidating, they are far more likely to “come and see” if they are invited by a friend or relative. Invitations work because the person doing the inviting takes responsibility to acquaint the visitor with others. Those who are invited and welcomed are more likely to eventually join than those who may come on their own initiative. WHO ARE YOU INVITING TO THE FALL FESTIVAL, September 21st?

Invite, Invite, Invite!

Statistics reveal a surprising truth. More than 40% of New Jersey residents are not affiliated with any church. There is a lot of work for us to do in reaching the unchurched and offering them the opportunity to deepen their relationship with Jesus through participation in a faithful community.

We say, “come and follow Jesus for the sake of the world.” It’s more than a tag line. It describes the missional behaviors to which we aspire: Invitation, Discipleship, and Service. We are challenged to increase our capacity to invite, to say “Come and follow Jesus for the sake of the world,” easily and often.

We strive for consistency in our invitation. When we are convinced of the wonder of a relationship with Jesus, we will find ways to offer that joy to others. Beyond inviting people to worship, we are called in our Baptism to share our experiences with God’s presence in our lives and to point to the places where God’s grace is alive in the world. We can get into a conversation on a commuter train or bus, we can witness in the grocery lines, we can point to Christ in our neighborhoods, we can carefully listen to others as they talk about things that are puzzling to them. Through all these behaviors we say, “come.”

It is important to be intentional in our witness. We are inviting people to follow Jesus, to know and be captivated by our Lord Jesus so that they will want a deeper relationship. We are challenged to intentionally build relationships with others who are not like us and show the love of Christ.

Save the Date(s)!

From the Office of the Bishop

SEPTEMBER 20, 2008

The newly renovated Synod Church House will be dedicated at noon on Saturday, September 20. You are invited for the prayers of dedication, an open house, and a lunch-time cookout in the backyard! The Synod Hearing on the ELCA Draft Social Statement on Human Sexuality will follow at 2pm. An invitation with picture is posted on the Synod website


An open hearing on the first draft of the proposed ELCA Social Statement on Human Sexuality will be held on Saturday, September 20th at 2pm at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Hamilton Square (located immediately behind the Synod Church House). An invitation flyer is posted on the Synod website at The Bishop will serve as moderator and the Rev. Dr. Timothy Wengert, a member of the ELCA Human Sexuality Studies Task Force will be present as listener on behalf of the Task Force.

Get Involved in Issues of Justice

Just Neighbors Announces the First New Jersey Retreat featuring the Just Neighbors program of faith and social justice.
The retreat begins 7pm Wednesday, September 17th and ends 2:30pm on Friday, September 19th at the Stella Maris Retreat House in Elberon, N.J.
Through videos, interactive exercises, scripture and discussion, Just Neighbors allows us to walk in the shoes of the poor and together explore our response of faith.
Subjects of the Retreat: faith, compassion and action, affordable housing, low wages, racial equity, hunger, children’s issues, advocacy.
Retreat Includes: Worship, large and small group discussions, role plays, simulations…relaxation!

For reservations or information, contact:
or call (908) 273-1100 x14

Stewardship Strengthens...

Yard Sale on Saturday, September 20th

We will be holding a yard sale under the big tent on Saturday, September 20th from 9:30am until 12:30pm. If you are interested in donating to or helping with the sale, call Stefeny and Pastor Jim at (732) 548-1215. Look for more information.

Saint Barnabas Hospice and Palliative Care Center

Put your compassion into action. Saint Barnabas Hospice services families in all of Essex, Monmouth, Morris and Union Counties, as well as parts of Bergen, Hudson, Middlesex, Passaic & Somerset and volunteers are needed everywhere! However, you’ll only volunteer where YOU are comfortable going to. The families are in need of kind, caring people to ease the stressful time of facing the death of a loved-one, and to provide emotional support. If you have as little at 3 hours a week to give, please consider becoming a volunteer.

Trainings are happening this fall in the following areas: Belleville, Long Branch, Newark, North Arlington, Union, West Orange. Call (973) 322-4846 or

Veteran Volunteers Needed!

The hospice enables our veteran patients & their loved ones to maximize their quality of life. VETERAN VOLUNTEERS are needed to provide companionship, support and comfort to our veteran hospice patients. Free training is provided to veterans to become a VETERAN POPPY VOLUNTEER. Thank you for your service to our great country. Please call: Terry Hudak- Volunteer Manager at (973) 771-2687.

Thank you for your generous gifts that truly do help make a difference in the lives of people in this community and beyond.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

On the Calendar

Worship Time is now 10:00am.

Tuesday Evenings: Bible Study at 8 p.m.
Summer is a great time to set aside some time to study God’s word. Our group meets every Tuesday evening to listen to what God is saying to us as individuals, a group and a congregation. In this conversation, we discover new insights and applications as together we are encouraged to live as Jesus’ disciples in the world.

August 10 - August 15: Vacation Bible School
Take the kids and go on a recession-proof summer adventure through the Rain Forest, and, on the way, grow deeper in your faith in God and love for all of God’s creation. Call the church office to register or to volunteer, and see the article in this newsletter for more information. Be sure to bring some friends.

Annual Back-to-School Celebration
Our annual Back-to-School Celebration will be held on Sunday, September 21st. We plan on pitching the tent and inviting the neighbors, the town and everyone we know. If you would like to be part of the planning team or would like to serve that day, call the church office. But whatever you do, be sure to mark your calendars, and invite your friends.

Pastor's Message

“Those who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it” Matthew 10:39.

These are some strong words from Jesus. Here Jesus challenges our values, our priorities, everything. The challenge goes like this – start from zero and follow Jesus. Let go of everything – family, job, house, money, talents, … what else? Come again naked – so to speak – to the baptismal font, and hear the Word of God spoken. You belong to God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Experience the washing of God’s grace and love as your are chosen, named and given a new life. Hear Jesus’ call: “Follow me.” God’s love. God’s gifts. God’s promises. And from these we emerge to live by walking with God. God is all we have. Our God is all we need in this life and the next … God is our true treasure.

This is true. So, now how do we live? We pray. We read, study, talk about and meditate on God’s Word in the Bible … the book of faith. We work so that we may bless everyone, even our enemies, and so we can give generously and freely. We worship, praise and thank God in and among the assembly of God’s people. We share the good news of Jesus; overcome barriers; connect one to many in community of the saints who live in the love of God.

Now, in this context, open your hands and heart to what else God gives -- family, job, house, money, talents and so much more. I hope you can see a method for scheduling your week start to emerge, and with it, a cure to senseless busy-ness that leaves us tired.

Please join me in re-committing yourself to a life of discipleship this summer by doing three things: 1) Pray everyday. 2) Read the Bible, preferably in a Bible study group. 3) Worship every week – if not at Holy Trinity, at another assembly or in your household. And, most important, let’s put these items on our calendar first. I have resources to help you in all these areas. Let’s walk and talk together.

Finally, here is a promise. God will not leave you empty, destitute or alone … no matter what happens. Come again and follow Jesus, he will give a true rest this summer and beyond.

In our community

Congratulations to:

Pastors Eric and Wendolyn Trozzo on the birth of Caedmon Samuel. He arrived on May 17, 2008 weighing 7 lbs. 8 oz. and joins big brother Dante. Pastor Wendolyn was our interim pastor before Pastor Krombholz. Our best wishes to the whole family!

Chelsea Cicci and Derek Hanson for winning Rising Star Awards from Paper Mill Playhouse. Bloomfield High School’s production of Cats from February was nominated for eight awards and received two. Chelsea and Derek, along with Jessica Barton were presented the award for Outstanding Achievement in Hair and Make-up. Chelsea and Cormac McGowan of Bloomfield HS shared the award for Outstanding Direction. Nutley’s production of West Side Story was nominated for six awards and won one Student Achievement Award.

Ruth Hsu who was recently appointed the new director of the Bloomfield Chorale, one of five performing ensembles that make up the Bloomfield Federation of Music. (Elfrieda Fenton serves on the board as treasurer, Emily Jones plays in the Civic Band and Sarah Jones has been part of the Youth Band.) This vocal ensemble will bring together singers from all over the area and rehearsals should begin in September. Please watch for more information. Bravo, Ruth!

Eric Oberndorf and Whitney Lowery who will be married on Saturday, July 12 in Laurel Hill, NC.

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
The Charles Seller Foundation’s Talent Time is proud to present Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in August. Congratulations to our cast members, Sean Ulley and Sarah Jones. Sean is playing Benjamin and Sarah is Judah’s wife. Frances Lentz is in the chorus. Performances are at 8:00 PM, Thursday through Saturday, July 31, August 1, 2, 7, 8 & 9.

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is the biblical story of Joseph, one of Jacob's twelve sons and founder of one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Joseph was Jacob’s most beloved son, which caused great jealousy among his eleven brothers. Through the course of the show, we follow Joseph from a simple, naïve, farmer in Canaan, to the betrayal by his brothers, who sold him into slavery. His incredible journey ends finally with his rise to second command of Egypt, answering only to Pharaoh. All this is set to the wonderful music of Andrew Lloyd Webber, with lyrics by Tim Rice.

PLEASE NOTE that this year’s show is to be performed at BLOOMFIELD HIGH SCHOOL, 160 Broad St. in Bloomfield. (Past performances have been at the Middle School on Huck Rd.) The high school auditorium is AIR-CONDITIONED! General admission tickets at the door are $12; $10 for students and seniors.

As always, Talent Time performs as a benefit for someone with a severe medical need. This year’s beneficiary is 15 month-old Jayden Piacenza of Bloomfield, who has a congenital condition which causes cranio-facial anomalies requiring surgery.

For more information, call (862) 202-9151 or

To share your news with the Holy Trinity Community, send your information and photo if possible to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 158 Vreeland Ave., Nutley, NJ 07110, attn Newsletter. Or, you can e-mail it to with “for newsletter” in the subject line.

July & August Birthdays and Anniversaries

July Birthdays
1: Sydney Hess
4: Rory D'Agnolo
9: Meredith D'Agnolo
14: Verna Norton
18: David Reed
23: Ricky Hudnett
30: George Ceravolo

July Anniversaries
2: Al & Phyllis Weber
19: Scott & Debbie Jones

August Birthdays
3: Daniel Munoz
6: Aubrey D'Agnolo
10: Steve Oberndorf
16: Kay Ludwig
21: Greg Sekula
24: James Greengrove
25: Chao Lin
27: Dot Duke
29: Martin Mueller
30: Jared Lin
31: Robert Catelli

August Anniversaries
18: Frank & Chris Siclari
22: Gail & George Ceravolo
23: Evelyn & Steve Oberndorf
24: Dave & Sharon Reed
26: Martin & Sally Mueller

Pray for these disciplies this month.

For some time we have been naming families of the month, people and households to keep in our prayers. Now, we’re going to change the emphasis a little. Instead of praying for families, we will pray for individual disciples of Jesus. You will notice that each day of the week (except Sunday) there is the name of a person in this community. Remember that person in your prayers that day. On Sunday, we will pray for all of the people listed in the coming week. You may even want to get in touch with these people and pray with them personally. If you don’t know what to pray for, then pray that each member of the Holy Trinity community would grow in their faith and love for God and their love for God’s people and God’s world, and pray that each disciple may be fully equipped to share the Gospel, overcome barriers and connect one to many through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

1: Debbie Jones
2: Emily Jones
3: Sarah Jones
4: Chao-Ren Lin
5: Ying-Li Lin
7: Joyce Lin
8: Jeff Lin
9: Jared Lin
10: Edith Lodge
11: John Lovas
12: Judi Lovas
14: Rebecca Lovas
15: Kay Ludwig
16: Janette Lutz
17: Betty Mack
18: Tony Maguire
19: Nancy Maguire
21: Miriam Mascola
22: Gerald Mayr
23: Otto Mayr
24: Hedy Mayr
25: Bernd Mayr
26: Carlos Medina
28: Grace Medina
29: Lois Milner
30: Nicole Mozeliak
31: Martin Mueller

1: Sally Mueller
2: Max Mueller
4: Miles Mueller
5: Daniel Munuz
6: Brenda Munoz
7: Justin Munoz
8: Ethan Munoz
9: Bonnie Munoz
11: Damien Murphy
12: Sharon Murphy
13: Angela Murphy
14: Erika Murphy
15: Alex Murphy
16: Olivia Murphy
18: Sarah Murphy
19: William Murphy
20: Dennis Murphy
21: Daniel Murphy
22: Shannon Murphy
23: John Norton
25: Verna Norton
26: Steve Oberndorf
27: Evelyn Oberndorf
28: Ellen Oberndorf
29: Eric Oberndorf
30: Ross Pennise

Guess What's Swinging Up Ahead?

Are you looking to reach new heights of fun this summer? Then you’ll want to head to Holy Trinity for a canopy of adventures at Rainforest Adventure! This exciting Vacation Bible School is for everyone from infants to adults.

The fun begins Sunday, August 10 and concludes with a Rainforest Adventure Program and Party on Friday evening, August 15. Sessions run from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. each day. The cost will be: $10 per child/$20 per family.

At Rainforest Adventure you’ll hear stories about Jesus, make cool crafts, learn catchy rainforest tunes, play super fun games, do some zany skits, and make lots of new friends! Each evening offers a new Bible story to explore through loads of fun activities. For more information or to register, visit the church, go to and follow the link to VBS, call the church office at (973) 667-0256, or contact us via e-mail at A separate Registration Form is required for each participant and must be submitted
by July 31.

Your help is needed.

To help defray the cost of education and craft materials, we are asking for donations. If you would care to make a monetary donation, there will be donation cards in the church entry for different denominations totaling the amount estimated for the supplies. Please take one or more and enclose them with or attach them to your contribution, which can be put in the offering plate on Sundays through June, July and/or August. Please make sure to clearly mark the offering for “VBS”.

Thank you.

New communications card

As of May 25, you started seeing a new insert in your Sunday worship program: a communication card. This card has two parts. First, it is a way gather contact information about our first- and second-time guests. Second, it is a way to keep all of our contact information up-to-date. Third, it lists some next steps we can take to grow in faith and love as we go out from worship, and provides space to you to share your prayer requests and concerns. We ask that everyone fill out a card every week. If everyone fills out the card every week, then our guests will not feel uncomfortable or reluctant to fill out their cards and share with us.

Summer Food Drive

During the summer months, organizations that provide food to people in need often run short of needed supplies. This year, rising food costs have made the need that much more acute. Rising food prices means more people are in need of assistance. At the same time, the expense impact the ability of the organization to provide enough food.

This summer, we will once again collect food as part of our offering during worship. Bring your non-perishable food items to worship with you, and take them forward during the gathering of our offering. Thanks.

Bring your gently used shoes

Fashion Republic specializes in processing used clothing and shipping it to people in need. They currently are in need of used, but wearable shoes and/or new ones that don’t fit. By sponsoring a shoe collection, we can collect $0.13 per pound. Please drop off your donation(s) here at Holy Trinity and we will arrange for them to be picked up. There is a drop-off box in the Narthex.
Thank you.

Summer. Time for lemonade.

We are now into summer, and have started our after worship lemonade fellowship time. So, plan to linger a bit after worship to visit with friends both new and longstanding. You can also volunteer to host on one or more Sunday. A sign up sheet will be out during worship so you can sign up, or you can call the church office. The following dates are still available: July 6, August 3, August 17, August 24, August 31.

Youth! Here's Your Chance. Service Trips

The Nutley Clergy Fellowship is planning a service day in August for junior high and high school youth. We will meet and then travel to Newark to work at St. John’s homeless feeding program. If you are interested in be part of Holy Trinity’s team, contact Pastor Jim.

Next summer is the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans. Participants will not only take part in the inspiring worship and presentations that have made past youth gatherings life changing events, but the youth will go out in teams to help with Katrina recovery. Contact Pastor Jim for more info. Don’t worry about the money.

It's Christmas in July!

Picture this – it’s Christmas Eve at Holy Trinity. We have worship at 4:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Which will you attend?

Your name: __________________________________________

Holy Trinity Christmas Eve Service (please check one)

I will be attending the 4:00pm Service _____
I will be attending the 7:30pm Service _____

Please put your response in the Offering Plate, mail to the church office, call the church office, or you can e-mail your response to

Thank you, council members.

Thank you to the church council for their hard work, commitment and leadership so far this year. It has been a joy to work with such a dedicated and gifted group of people. I know God has great things planned to do through us for the sake of His people and His world in the rest of 2008. – Pastor Jim

Great Worship. Come and see what God is doing.

Thank you to all who led and participated in our worship in the park. It was a wonderful experience, and one we plan to repeat in the future. It felt great to be out and among the people of town on Sunday morning, didn’t you think? And we made some new friends, too!

Thank you to Judi Lovas for leading worship and Ruth Hsu for preaching while I was away at the beginning of June. If you would like to be a worship leader or preacher in the future, let’s talk about how we can make that happen.
Special thanks to Scott and the choir for their leadership in worship. God speaks powerfully, through you. – Pastor Jim.


Listen, God is calling. New ministry.

During Lent and Easter, we took an inventory of the gifts, talents and abilities with which God has blessed the people of this community. What a tremendously gifted group of people God has gathered here and commissioned as ambassadors of Jesus Christ! The church council started grouping those assets and imagining some ministries that God may be calling us to do in the coming year. Here’s what we came up with …

Here are the new ministry ideas we thought up using our asset map. Which one would you like to be part of or maybe lead?

1. Readers groups and book clubs
2. Physical fitness and outdoor activities
3. Friendly driver and rider program
4. Year-round food drive
5. The Holy Trinity Walkers
6. Game nights … in people’s homes
7. Senior care team (explore the issues and resources).

Ask how you can get involved in sharing the Gospel, overcoming barriers and connecting one to many in God’s love.
Remember, God sends people … not ideas! God is sending you!

Thanks for your generosity

Thank you for your partnership in God’s mission through Holy Trinity this year. God is doing so much through the people assembled here. Here is just some of what your gifts have helped to make happen in the first half of this year: A new start to our Sunday School program that connected the children and adults of this congregation in a powerful way. Weekly and occasional Bible studies, where the Holy Spirit is changing lives and empowering our discipleship. An outreach and invitation to more than 300 new residents of Nutley, Clifton and Belleville. Lively and inspiring worship where Jesus is present, transforming our hearts and minds. A canoe trip where God built community and showed us new ways to trust God’s promises. And more …
Thank you for your generous gifts that truly do help make a difference in the lives of people in this community and beyond.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


June 1: Worship Time Changes to 10 a.m.
Remember, we now gather for worship and Sunday School at 10 a.m.

Tuesday Evenings: Bible Study at 8 p.m.Summer is a great time to set aside some time to study God’s word. Our group meets every Tuesday evening to listen to what God is saying to us as individuals, a group and a congregation. In this conversation, we discover new insights and applications as together we are encouraged to live as Jesus’ disciples in the world.

June 15: Father’s Day
What better way to give thanks for and honor your Father than by gathering with Dad in worship. You may want to give a gift to ELCA World Hunger or to the Holy Trinity Endowment Fund in your Father’s honor.

June 21: Canoe TripTalk to Chris Duhm about taking part in this exciting outdoor adventure. The day will begin with a time of prayer and a brief devotion, and then we’ll all enjoy a day of fun in God’s creation. To reserve your place or for more information, see or call Chris Duhm.

August 10 - August 15: Vacation Bible School
Take the kids and go on a recession-proof summer adventure through the Rain Forest, and, on the way, grow deeper in your faith in God and love for all of God’s creation. Call the church office to register or to volunteer, and see the article in this newsletter for more information. Be sure to bring some friends.


“Then the LORD appeared to Abram, and said, ‘To your offspring I will give this land.’ So he built an altar to the LORD and invoked the name of LORD, who had appeared to him.”
Genesis 12:7

Where’s your altar?
God appeared to Abram, and God gave Abram a promise. In return, Abram built an altar and worshipped God. The altar was a visual cue to remember the story of God’s love for Abram. By that altar, Abram and his descendants were reminded of the place and time when God appeared to Abram. But more than that, they were reminded of the promise that God gave to Abram, a promise that is central to telling the story of God and this world.

Where have your built your altars? What story of God, of you and of this world can you tell at that place? How was God present, and what promise did God give you?

For many of us, some of our key altars are located inside the building on the corner of Hillside and Vreeland. The table, the baptismal font, a Sunday School classroom, all places where God appeared to us, spoke to us and gave us a promise: “I am your God; you are my child. I love you. I am with you. Walk with me and trust in me.”

Now we all know that church is people and not a building or place. Wherever Jesus’ people gather, he has promised to be with them, making that place a holy place. It is also true that the table and the font are pieces of wood. Nicely carved, finely crafted, well adorned, but furniture. Abrams altar was a bunch of stones, neatly piled. But tell the story of God in this place and at this time, speak again that word God spoke to you and share with someone else God’s promise given to you, and these stones and this wood sing songs of praise to the God who created us, redeemed us and makes us holy.

I am sure there are other holy places in your life. Places where God appeared, God spoke, God promised to be your God, to make you God’s own child. Take some time this month, to visit those places, to build an altar, remember God’s promise, call on God’s name, and, most importantly, take someone along with whom you can share the story. I know one person who would love to hear you talk about it … me.
Pastor Jim


Our choir will sing through June 15, after which it gets a well-deserved break for the summer. As part of our worship on June 15, we will recognize and give thanks for all of our musicians—singers and instrumentalists—who enhance our worship.

As Minister of Music, I would like to personally thank everyone who has given of their time for the music in our community. Holy Trinity has a long tradition of excellence which precedes me and I am thankful to be able to build on that tradition. People frequently remark about our music at worship. I think our worship is spiritual, varied and meaningful. Thanks to all of you for supporting our music ministry, and for adding your voice to our song when we gather.

I give thanks for Pastor Jim and his many gifts. As a musician, he is very supportive and appreciative of our music. I enjoy our worship planning time, I think we compliment each other and the congregation benefits from this team. Excellent preaching and our varied music all support the Word, which is at the center, and I think this makes our worship special. I am truly blessed!

Scott Jones, Minister of Music


Sarah Jones will graduate from Bloomfield High School on June 19. In August, Sarah will begin her studies at Emerson College in Boston, where she will major in Print Journalism and Media Communications.
We’re sorry if we missed anyone! If there are other high school or college graduates, please call or email the church office and we will print an update in the next newsletter.

Congratulations Whitney and Eric!
Ms. Donna Lowery of Laurel Hill and Mr. Lance Lowery of Gibson are proud to announce the engagement of their daughter Whitney Elizabeth Lowery, to Eric Steven Oberndorf of Cedar Grove, NJ. The bride-elect is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Ellis and the late Mrs. Mary Lowery and Mr. James Dutch, all of Laurel Hill.

The groom-elect is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Oberndorf of Cedar Grove, NJ. His grandparents are the late Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lindblad and the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oberndorf, all of Jersey City, NJ.

The bride-elect is a 2004 graduate of Scotland High School in Laurinburg and a 2008 graduate of the University of North Carolina at Pembroke with a bachelor's degree in biology. The groom-elect is a 2001 graduate of Seton Hall Prep in West Orange, NJ and is a sergeant in the U.S. Army. He is currently stationed at Ft. Bragg with the 82nd Airborne Division and has served two tours of duty in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

The wedding is planned for July 12, 2008 at Church in the Pines in Laurel Hill. A reception will follow at Wallace Lodge.


As we move into summer this month, we will re-start our after worship lemonade fellowship time. So, plan to linger a bit after worship to visit with friends both new and longstanding. You can also volunteer to host on one or more Sunday. A sign up sheet will be out during worship so you can sign up. You can also sign up to host by calling the church office.


Starting May 25, you will find a new insert in your Sunday worship program: a communication card. This card has two parts. First, it is a way gather contact information about our first- and second-time guests. Second, it is a way to keep all of our contact information up-to-date. Third, it lists some next steps we can take to grow in faith and love as we go out from worship, and provides space to you to share your prayer requests and concerns. We ask that everyone fill out a card every week. If everyone fills out the card every week, then our guests will not feel uncomfortable or reluctant to fill out their cards and share with us.


1: Scott Jones, Joyce Lin
4: Pastor Jim Krombholz
6: Chelsea Cicci
8: Ken Geiselmann, Sean Ulley
9: Ava Bacik
10: Ellen Oberndorf
15: Jakob Andrew Krombholz
18: Ann Erwin
26: Samantha Hess
27: Chris Duhm
28: Lou-Ann Ariante, Luke Stefan Krombholz

4: Richard & Erika Bacik
14: Alex & Aida Rubens
22: James & Dorothy Greengrove
23: Ed & Evelyn Cordes
26: John & Verna Norton
28: Chris & Nancy Duhm


For some time we have been naming families of the month, people and households to keep in our prayers. Now, we’re going to change the emphasis a little. Instead of praying for families, we will pray for individual disciples of Jesus. Below are dates with names. On each date, you will notice that each day of week (except Sunday) has the name of a person in this community. Remember that person in your prayers that day.

On Sunday, remember all of the people listed in the coming week. You may even want to get in touch with these people and pray with them personally.
If you don’t know what to pray for, then pray that each member of the Holy Trinity community would grow in their faith and love for God and their love for God’s people and God’s world, and pray that each disciple may be fully equipped to share the Gospel, overcome barriers and connect one to many through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

June 2: Martin Futyma
June 3: Betty Futyma
June 4: Susan Gage
June 5: Cathy Geiselmann
June 6: Erica Geiselmann
June 7: Ken Geiselmann
June 9: Irene Geiselmann
June 10: Jim Greengrove
June 11: Dot Greengrove
June 12: Nancy Guenther
June 13: Marcia Hayes
June 14: Erik Hess
June 16: Dayna Hess
June 17: Samantha Hess
June 19: Ruth Hsu
June 20: Richard Hudnett
June 21: Barbara Hudnett
June 23: Christina Hudnett
June 24: Alicia Hudnett
June 25: Ricky Hudnett
June 26: Lynn Johnson
June 27: Kevin Johnson
June 28: Brian Johnson
June 30: Scott Jones


Pastor Jim and Chris Duhm will attend the New Jersey Synod Assembly when it meets in East Brunswick from June 5 through June 7. Look for a report in next month’s newsletter.


During the summer months, organizations that provide food to people in need often run short of needed supplies. This year, rising food costs have made the need that much more acute. Rising food prices means more people are in need of assistance. At the same time, the expense impact the ability of the organization to provide enough food.

This summer, we will once again collect food as part of our offering during worship. Bring your non-perishable food items to worship with you, and take them forward during the gathering of our offering. Thanks.


Guess what’s swinging up ahead?
Are you looking to reach new heights of fun this summer? Then you’ll want to head to Holy Trinity for a canopy of adventures at Rainforest Adventure! This exciting Vacation Bible School is for everyone from infants to adults.

The fun begins Sunday, August 10 and concludes with a Rainforest Adventure Program and Party on Friday evening, August 15. Sessions run from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. each day. The cost will be: $10 per child/$20 per family.
At Rainforest Adventure you’ll hear stories about Jesus, make cool crafts, learn catchy rainforest tunes, play super fun games, do some zany skits, and make lots of new friends! Each evening offers a new Bible story to explore through loads of fun activities. Please call the church office at (973) 667-0256 with questions or to register.

A separate Registration Form is required for each participant and must be submitted by July 31. Please notify the office if you would like copies mailed or e-mailed to you.


Stewardship strengthens our relationship with Jesus

Our hands and hearts in action. What an impact.
About a year ago, the stewardship team asked us to list some of the ways in which we give of ourselves in Jesus’ name for the sake of the world. This included organizations and charities we support with financial gifts or as a volunteer. Nancy Maguire has skillfully arranged those responses into a wall-hanging that represents the big impact God’s people from Holy Trinity have in the world. With our hands and our hearts we follow Jesus into the world, and by the grace of God we make a difference. Thank you Nancy for your great work. And remember, this is a work in progress. If you have something you want to add, call the church office.

Putting our assets to work
Throughout Lent and Easter, we asked everyone to write down some of their gifts, ones they are willing to share, and place them on the wall in the back of the sanctuary. What a tremendously gifted group of people God has gathered here and commissioned as ambassadors of Jesus Christ! The church council started grouping those assets and imagining some ministries that God may be calling us to do in the coming year. Get ready to put your gifts into action as we share the good news of Jesus, overcome barriers and connect one to many by doing the things we love to do.

Thanks for your generosity
Thanks to your generosity and a one-to-one match from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans we were able to give $470 to support the work of Community Schools in Nutley, Inc. Thank you. Let’s continue to look for ways to share our gifts for the sake of the people in God’s world.


Mission on the Move calls us to redis¬cover our passion for God and for God’s mission in new ways in the 21st century. Changing our behavior, in¬vesting in new mission models are first steps in transforming the mis¬sional culture of the church. We un¬derstand that mission in not merely an activity of the church. Rather mission is the result of God’s initiative, rooted in God’s purposes to restore and heal creation. Mission is on the Move. Mission means sending, and it is the central biblical theme describing the purpose of God’s action in history.
Mission on the Move has the potential to transform every expression of the New Jersey Synod by strengthen¬ing the missionary orienta¬tion of this church. Now you can play a leadership role in shaping the church. Your support of MOM will make a difference and:
• Transform the missionary culture of this church.
• Invest over $310,000 in strengthening and trans¬forming 188 congregations into centers for mission outreach and faith invitation.
• Share $700,000 to sup¬port vibrant congrega¬tions through times of transition, redevelop¬ment, and critical need.
• Provide $1,600,000 to aid in the development of two new ministry starts in New Jersey.


Once again this years’ Aids Walk New York (AWNY) was a big success. Over 45,000 people participated and raised a record breaking sum of more than $7,058,000. Nancy and Tony Maguire exceeded their own prior record by raising over $1000, thanks to the generosity of the Holy Trinity family. Donations can still be made for this cause. Checks should be payable to AWNY and can be given to Nancy or Tony anytime. You can also mail your check to 26 Parsons Ct., Mahwah, NJ 07430. If you would like more information please call them at (201) 934-9366. You can also visit


Invite someone to worship this summer
Most people come to a certain church as a result of an invitation from a friend. As you talk with friends, neighbors and co-workers, keep in mind your commission to be an ambassador of Jesus. Invite them to get to know Jesus, to share the blessing of God’s gifts you enjoy. In addition, proudly tell the story of how God has worked in your life through the ministry of this community. God has called each of us – from the youngest to the oldest – to share the good news of Jesus, to overcome barriers and to connect one to many in love of God.
Share information about VBS
A fun way to introduce friends to Jesus is to invite them to take part in Vacation Bible School with you. We offer Vacation Bible School in the evenings so that entire families can take part if they wish. Another option may be to invite busy parents to bring their children to Vacation Bible School and to take that time to enjoy a “date night” or two. Be creative in your invitation. This isn’t the same old VBS.
Guess who’s coming to dinner
You don’t have to go door to door to witness to the good news of Jesus or to change and save a life. You can just invite a friend into your house for dinner. Stories of God’s love are best shared in intimate settings over dinner and maybe even a glass of good wine. That’s the way Jesus shared the good news.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Your ideas for this newsletter

We would love to improve this online newsletter. Right now, we are simply republishing the articles that appear in the print version of the Holy Trinity newsletter. But there is so much more we can do online.

What do you think we should do? How should we proceed? Would anyone be interested in a discussion of the coming Sunday's Gospel lesson? Is anyone interested in contributing by sharing stories, pictures, things you have seen? Leave your comments. Thanks.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

May Birthdays

Al Weber
Audrey Stevens
Erika Murphy
Don Walch
Jean Esparolini
Ethan Munoz
Gail Ceravolo
Dorothy Greengrove
Debbie Jones
Terry D’Agnolo
Jan Strachan
Gerald Mayr

May Anniversaries

Joseph & Liz Cicci

Pray for these disciples this month

For some time we have been naming families of the month, people and households to keep in our prayers. Now, we’re going to change the emphasis a little. Instead of praying for families, we will pray for individual disciples of Jesus. Here’s a calendar. On it, you will notice that each day of week (except Sunday) has the name of a person in this community. Remember that person in your prayers that day. On Sunday, remember all of the people listed in the coming week. You may even want to get in touch with these people and pray with them personally.

If you don’t know what to pray for, then pray that each member of the Holy Trinity community would grow in their faith and love for God and their love for God’s people and God’s world, and pray that each disciple may be fully equipped to share the Gospel, overcome barriers and connect one to many through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

May 1: Leona Candura
May 2: Elise Cooper
May 3: Jean Esparolini
May 5: Chris Esparolini
May 6: Chad Esparolini
May 7: Wendy Esparolini
May 8: Irene Falk
May 9: John Fenton
May 10: Elfrieda Fenton
May 12: Julie Franchino
May 13: Peter Franchino
May 14: John Franchino

Guess What's Swinging Up Ahead?

Are you looking to reach new heights of fun this summer? Then you’ll want to head to Holy Trinity for a canopy of adventures at Rainforest Adventure! This exciting Vacation Bible School is for everyone from infants to adults.

The fun begins Sunday, August 10 and concludes with a Rainforest Adventure Program and Party on Friday evening, August 15. Sessions run from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. each day. The cost will be: $10 per child/$20 per family.

At Rainforest Adventure you’ll hear stories about Jesus, make cool crafts, learn catchy rainforest tunes, play super fun games, do some zany skits, and make lots of new friends! Each evening offers a new Bible story to explore through loads of fun activities.

Registration Forms are required - a separate form is required for each participant and must be submitted by July 31. Please notify the office if you would like copies mailed or e-mailed to you.

Please call the church office at (973) 667-0256 with questions.

Mark your calendar

New Worship Time

Please note that as of Sunday,June 1, 2008, our new time for Worship will be 10:00 am. This decision was voted on at the Annual Meeting in January.

90 minutes a week will change your life

Tuesday evenings at 8 p.m. Everyone is invited to grow in their discipleship by taking a closer look at Jesus’ teaching, life and ministry as presented in the Gospel of Matthew.

Thursday afternoons at 2 p.m. (May 1, 15, 22, 30). All are welcome. On Thursday we will read some fabulous stories of faith and prepare to share our own stories of God’s amazing grace.

All Together in One Place

“When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in on place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting” Acts 2:1-2

I am making it my prayer, that when the day of Pentecost arrives – May 11, 2008 – that we will all be together in one place, gathered at 10:30 a.m. in our house of worship and prayer on the corner of Hillside and Vreeland. I am making this my prayer not just because I like to see our house full on Sunday morning, but because I am also praying God may pour out the Holy Spirit on all of us, filling each and every on of us … and filling the whole house too.

On that first Pentecost, God empowered God’s church for God’s mission, the mission to love, save and bless the world enacted by Jesus. Now, in Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit, we too are called, gathered, gifted and sent to be part of what God is doing the world.

When the Spirit was poured out on those first disciples, Peter stood up and said that God was doing then and there what God had promised long ago, God was giving the Holy Spirit so that young and old could dream dreams and vision and visions – the dreams and vision God has for the world.

That same Holy Spirit was poured out on each of us at our baptism, and we too were given to see and share God’s dream and vision for the world, and so I am praying that God stir up those gifts in all of us, as we all gather together in one place this Pentecost. I pray not so much for our sake, but for the sake of the people and the world God loves so much and desires to touch through the ministry we all share.
See you May 11 … and wear red!

But wait … there’s more in May!

Empowered by the Holy Spirit and sent out by Jesus

During May, we will hear a lot about God’s vision for the world in Christ Jesus, and about the part we all have in God’s purposes.

On May 18, when we all gather in the park, we will receive anew Jesus’ Great Commission that sends us out into the world to make disciples, to baptize, teach in God’s triune name. We will also hear the most comforting promise: Jesus promises to be with us until God’s plans are accomplished.

Then, on May 25, when we all gather again, we will hear Jesus teaching and challenging us to trust in God, not the almighty dollar. Jesus will tell us that we cannot serve two masters; we cannot serve God and money. (Matt. 6:24). Funny, about that same time, the Federal government will have started sending out those economic stimulus checks. Makes you think … hmmm.

So, in three weeks this May, we will have discovered that God has given us new life in Jesus Christ; that God has given us -- by pouring out God’s Spirit -- all the gifts, all the power, all the courage we need to share the good news of this new life and of God’s love with the whole world. What’s more, God has given us all the resources to carry out God’s mission. And look, the checks are in the mail. Where are you planning on putting your treasure?

A first-fruits gift to ELCA World Hunger or the New Jersey Synod’s new Mission on the Move Campaign (see more about M.O.M. in this newsletter) may be a great place to start. A gift designated to Holy Trinity’s Vacation Bible School program, to the endowment fund or another ministry or outreach may also be a way putting your gifts to use. Good stewardship may also call you to use the money to pay you’re your debt or start on a savings plan, too. Remember 10-10-80 (share 10 percent; save 10 percent; give 80 percent).

Whatever you do, however God leads you to use God’s gifts, hear again the simple promise Jesus makes to never leave us. Jesus is alive, and he is with us to the end of the age. God is our hope, our security, our future … even when prices are up and people seem scared. God is our source of life. So whatever percentage you end up giving, saving or spending, be 100 percent B.O.L.D – Believe Our Lord Delivers! What have we to fear? God raised Jesus from the dead and poured out the Holy Spirit on us all! Thanks be to God!

See you in church and out in the mission field,
Pastor Jim

Mission on the Move

The mission campaign of the New Jersey Synod


Mission on the Move is a venture that belongs to us—the New Jersey Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. God’s dream for our future is to accept the challenge of being church in a new way in a new day. We take up a life of discipleship and stewardship that strengthens the missionary impulse at the heart of our church.

God’s ultimate interest is not in tending the institutional parameters of the church but in transforming the world. This reorientation means reconnecting the church with what God is up to in the world. Mission on the Move is our call to share that vision. … It calls for a partnership with God that is bold and adventuresome.

The success of this mission initiative will require an essential clarity about the purpose of the ministry of God’s church in your specific context, and an openness to change in order to be more faithful. Mission on the Move is our call to prayer, Bible study, dialogue, and engagement. When we are most effective, we are prepared to be missionaries to the world and ambassadors for Jesus. MOM’s purpose is to call forth a community of persons who understand themselves to be followers of Jesus with gifts to share and a vision of God’s dream for engagement with the world.

Mission on the Move calls for a transformation to a missionary culture in the New Jersey Synod, its congregations, and people. In addition, MOM seeks to gather resources necessary to enable the bold and nimble response to the challenges that God places before us. Strategic allocation of resources will strengthen the mission outreach ministry of each congregation in the Synod. Transitional ministries and mission-critical congregations will find sustainable support from the expansion of the New Jersey Synod Fund for Mission and ELCA partnerships. Financial resources will be available in a timely manner to initiate new ministry starts on the territory of the Synod.

We believe that by living a missionary lifestyle, equipping people for mission work and sharing resources for mission we make our unique contribution to God’s mission. We will not be defined by limitation but by God’s dreams for our future.

Rev. Scott Schantzenbach,
MOM Campaign Coordinator

Transforming the Mission Culture

Missionary culture in our Synod and congregations is in need of transfor¬mation because the society in which we are missionaries has changed. All of the laments about recreational sporting events scheduled in conflict with church activities, loss of youth, confusion about both the purpose and the message of the church of Jesus Christ are reflective of changing times. Christianity in our society has been moved away from a position of domi¬nance and has experienced a loss of numbers, power, and influence within our society.

Mission on the Move calls us to redis¬cover our passion for God and for God’s mission in new ways in the 21st century. Changing our behavior, in¬vesting in new mission models are first steps in transforming the mis¬sional culture of the church. We un¬derstand that mission in not merely an activity of the church. Rather mission is the result of God’s initiative, rooted in God’s purposes to restore and heal creation. Mission is on the Move. Mission means sending and it is the central biblical theme describing the purpose of God’s action in history.

God is a missionary God and therefore we desire to claim the church as a “sent people.” “As the Father has sent me, so I send you” (John 20:21). MOM seeks to support God’s work to be missionaries in our own neighborhoods, in the culture in which we find ourselves. The com¬munities in which we are called to witness are no longer the neighbor¬hoods of the past century and have taken on new forms of language, ethnicity, and are may no longer be predominantly Christian.

The challenge of Mission on the move is to change from church with mission to missional church. Evalu¬ate the ministry of our congregation against these marks of a missional church:

A missional church is biblical. Testimony to God’s mission and the formation of mission¬ary people is rooted in the witness of Scripture.

A missional church is histori¬cal. We are guided by the Christian church in all of its cultural and historic expres¬sions, those that precede us and those that are contemporary.

A missional church is contextual. Every ef¬fective congregational witness is developed in a particular cultural context, rooted in time and place. The only way to be the church is incarnationally. The integrity and signifi¬cance of our witness is related both to the gospel we proclaim and the context in which it is shared.

A missional church is eschatological. The mission of this church is on the move. It can never be static. New insights and chal¬lenges will raise questions never before con¬sidered and demand a witness that redefines how we function and how we hope.

A missional church is engaged. Missionally oriented churches translate their passion for God and God’s mission into practice. The work of missional congregations equips the saints for faithful witness in particular places. This engagement serves the church’s wit¬ness as it, “makes disciples of all nations,... teaching them to obey everything that I (Jesus) have commanded you. (Matthew 28:19-20).

Now Is The Time To Share

Mission on the Move has the potential to transform every expression of the New Jersey Synod by strengthen¬ing the missionary orienta¬tion of this church. Now you can play a leadership role in shaping the church. Your support of MOM will make a difference and:

• Transform the missionary culture of this church.
• Invest over $310,000 in strengthening and trans¬forming 188 congrega¬tions into centers for mission outreach and faith invitation.
• Share $700,000 to sup¬port vibrant congrega¬tions through times of transition, redevelop¬ment, and critical need.
• Provide $1,600,000 to aid in the development of two new ministry starts in New Jersey.

The congregational phase of Mission on the Move (MOM) is now underway. In the coming weeks, you will be invited to pledge your financial support of Mission on the Move. Sharing a gift with MOM will reflect your commitment to missionally reorienting this church. You will also provide resources for use in your con¬gregation to engage the com¬munity with the Gospel of Je¬sus Christ. In addition, your gifts support sister congrega¬tions in times of transition and critical need and will help to plant two new ministries in New Jersey.


Sunday, May 18, 2008
Aids Walk New York (AWNY) is the world’s largest AIDS fundraising event. In 2007, more than 45,000 people participated and raised a record breaking sum of more than $6.8 million. Funds raised from the walkathon go to numerous programs and educational services to support people living with HIV/AIDS, and to over 60 other tri-state area AIDS organizations. The 10 kilometer (6.2 mile) walkathon begins and ends in Central Park.

Nancy and Tony Maguire are again raising funds and on Sunday, May 18, 2008 they will participate in Aids Walk New York. If you would like to walk with them, or sponsor them by donating money, please let them know. Checks should be payable to AWNY and can be given to Nancy or Tony anytime. You can also mail your check to 26 Parsons Ct., Mahwah, NJ 07430. If you would like to raise money at your school or place of business they can provide you with sponsor forms.

If you would like more information please call them at(201) 934-9366. You can also visit

May 1 Ascension Day/National Day of Prayer

Join people from all over town at the flag pole at Town Hall on Thursday, May 1 at noon to pray for this country and its leaders.

May 1 is Ascension Day, the day the church celebrates Jesus’ ascending to the right hand of the Father. Join us as we join the people of Grace Church in worship and prayer at 6:30 p.m. on this holy day. Call the office for complete details.

Gifts in action

We have a couple of newly organizing ministry opportunities that need some creative and technical support. Are you in?

Computer people, sound and recording people, audio-editing people, friendly visitors, creative writers, video directors, photographers and more … to plan, write produce, record and edit a variety of podcasts and, while we’re at it … to re-imagine the potential of our Web site. Talk to Pastor Jim.

Storytellers, actors and those who love to read out loud … to get deeply involved in God’s story (the Bible) and to explore creative ways of telling that story. Again, talk to Pastor Jim.

Let’s Get it Started

What gift do you have to share? What new ministry do you want to get started? If you have a new and exciting way to share the Gospel, overcome barriers and connect one to many, then by all means … do it. We’re here to help … all of us.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

From Pastor Jim

After his resurrection, Jesus met his disciples in Galilee. There he commissioned them, now as witnesses of the resurrection, to go into the world and make disciples. The disciples were made part of Jesus' mission to love and bless the world by forgiving sins and giving new life through baptism. Jesus also commissioned his disciples to teach people to live in this new way of Jesus Christ, to teach and encourage more people to follow Jesus, to follow Jesus in love.

As disciples of Jesus, and now as witnesses to his resurrection, we too have been sent into our community to love and bless the people we meet and to lead them more deeply into the ways of Jesus -- the way of God's love and God's forgiveness.
In Jesus Christ, we are loved. This love changes and transforms us. Our Lord Jesus has sent us into the world, so that others may know the transforming power of God's love.

This mission of love, this mission of Jesus, is the mission God has given us. God has also given us all we need to do this mission -- all the money, all the talents and all the time. The question for us to search out and discover is a question of how we are going to live out God's mission.
How will we love the people in our lives, in our town, in our community in Jesus' name and in a way that makes a difference? How will the world be changed through us -- as individuals, as families, and as a congregation?

As you come to worship, to study the Bible and to pray this spring, keep your eyes and ears open to what God is doing in your neighborhood. Then, as we meet, share what you have found with your fellow disciples.

And remember to pray that God strengthen and bless us as we share the good news of Jesus, overcome barriers and connect one to many this Easter season.

Mark Your Calendar

April 1 at 7 p.m. Vacation Bible School Planning Meeting
Share your gifts and talents and share the good news of God’s love with children from our congregation and from the neighborhood. If you like working with children, crafts, music, snacks, storytelling, teaching, organizing, don’t hide your light, let it shine.

April 6 after worship: ‘First’ Holy Communion Class
All second-graders and their parents are invited to meet with Pastor Jim after worship. We will start our instruction on the Lord’s Supper that will lead to a celebration of “first” Communion on Sunday, April 27.

April 8 at 7 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting
All of this year’s teachers and helpers, as well as any parents and anyone who would like to serve as a Sunday School teacher in the future, are invited to get together to review this year’s program and to discuss plans for next year. We’ve had a great year. Thanks to all who have worked with our children this year. Now, what can we do to make this important ministry even more powerful?

April 14 at 7:45 p.m. Church Council Meeting
The first part of this month’s meeting will be Bible Study and a discussion of Holy Trinity and our neighborhood. What is God doing in this town? How can we be part of God’s mission to love, save and bless the world? Everyone is invited to come and prayerfully discover God’s purpose for us and our congregation.

April 15 at 7:00 p.m. Transforming Team Meeting
We will meet to organize our wall of gifts and to discuss some specific actions we can take as a team to lead, guide and equip our congregation in its ministry to the surrounding neighborhood.

Bible Studies
Tuesday evenings at 8 p.m. Everyone is invited to grow in their discipleship by taking a closer look at Jesus’ teaching, life and ministry as presented in the Gospel of Matthew. This is a great place to bring friends and introduce them to Jesus and the fellowship of a caring, supportive group of friends.
Thursday afternoons at 2 p.m. (April 10 and April 24). All are welcome. This group will also take a look at Matthew’s Gospel, with special focus placed on the Gospel readings for the coming Sunday. Another great place to bring a friend, introduce them to Jesus and surround them with love of a group of friends.

Synod Gathering
Conference on Congregational Ministries. Saturday, April 12. A day of learning, and fellowship at dozens of workshops to help us on all aspects of congregational life and ministry. A great place to get ideas and share some of things we’re doing at Holy Trinity. Come to the office for a registration form and list of workshops.