Thursday, April 24, 2008

But wait … there’s more in May!

Empowered by the Holy Spirit and sent out by Jesus

During May, we will hear a lot about God’s vision for the world in Christ Jesus, and about the part we all have in God’s purposes.

On May 18, when we all gather in the park, we will receive anew Jesus’ Great Commission that sends us out into the world to make disciples, to baptize, teach in God’s triune name. We will also hear the most comforting promise: Jesus promises to be with us until God’s plans are accomplished.

Then, on May 25, when we all gather again, we will hear Jesus teaching and challenging us to trust in God, not the almighty dollar. Jesus will tell us that we cannot serve two masters; we cannot serve God and money. (Matt. 6:24). Funny, about that same time, the Federal government will have started sending out those economic stimulus checks. Makes you think … hmmm.

So, in three weeks this May, we will have discovered that God has given us new life in Jesus Christ; that God has given us -- by pouring out God’s Spirit -- all the gifts, all the power, all the courage we need to share the good news of this new life and of God’s love with the whole world. What’s more, God has given us all the resources to carry out God’s mission. And look, the checks are in the mail. Where are you planning on putting your treasure?

A first-fruits gift to ELCA World Hunger or the New Jersey Synod’s new Mission on the Move Campaign (see more about M.O.M. in this newsletter) may be a great place to start. A gift designated to Holy Trinity’s Vacation Bible School program, to the endowment fund or another ministry or outreach may also be a way putting your gifts to use. Good stewardship may also call you to use the money to pay you’re your debt or start on a savings plan, too. Remember 10-10-80 (share 10 percent; save 10 percent; give 80 percent).

Whatever you do, however God leads you to use God’s gifts, hear again the simple promise Jesus makes to never leave us. Jesus is alive, and he is with us to the end of the age. God is our hope, our security, our future … even when prices are up and people seem scared. God is our source of life. So whatever percentage you end up giving, saving or spending, be 100 percent B.O.L.D – Believe Our Lord Delivers! What have we to fear? God raised Jesus from the dead and poured out the Holy Spirit on us all! Thanks be to God!

See you in church and out in the mission field,
Pastor Jim

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