Thursday, April 24, 2008

Now Is The Time To Share

Mission on the Move has the potential to transform every expression of the New Jersey Synod by strengthen¬ing the missionary orienta¬tion of this church. Now you can play a leadership role in shaping the church. Your support of MOM will make a difference and:

• Transform the missionary culture of this church.
• Invest over $310,000 in strengthening and trans¬forming 188 congrega¬tions into centers for mission outreach and faith invitation.
• Share $700,000 to sup¬port vibrant congrega¬tions through times of transition, redevelop¬ment, and critical need.
• Provide $1,600,000 to aid in the development of two new ministry starts in New Jersey.

The congregational phase of Mission on the Move (MOM) is now underway. In the coming weeks, you will be invited to pledge your financial support of Mission on the Move. Sharing a gift with MOM will reflect your commitment to missionally reorienting this church. You will also provide resources for use in your con¬gregation to engage the com¬munity with the Gospel of Je¬sus Christ. In addition, your gifts support sister congrega¬tions in times of transition and critical need and will help to plant two new ministries in New Jersey.

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