Wednesday, March 26, 2008

From Pastor Jim

After his resurrection, Jesus met his disciples in Galilee. There he commissioned them, now as witnesses of the resurrection, to go into the world and make disciples. The disciples were made part of Jesus' mission to love and bless the world by forgiving sins and giving new life through baptism. Jesus also commissioned his disciples to teach people to live in this new way of Jesus Christ, to teach and encourage more people to follow Jesus, to follow Jesus in love.

As disciples of Jesus, and now as witnesses to his resurrection, we too have been sent into our community to love and bless the people we meet and to lead them more deeply into the ways of Jesus -- the way of God's love and God's forgiveness.
In Jesus Christ, we are loved. This love changes and transforms us. Our Lord Jesus has sent us into the world, so that others may know the transforming power of God's love.

This mission of love, this mission of Jesus, is the mission God has given us. God has also given us all we need to do this mission -- all the money, all the talents and all the time. The question for us to search out and discover is a question of how we are going to live out God's mission.
How will we love the people in our lives, in our town, in our community in Jesus' name and in a way that makes a difference? How will the world be changed through us -- as individuals, as families, and as a congregation?

As you come to worship, to study the Bible and to pray this spring, keep your eyes and ears open to what God is doing in your neighborhood. Then, as we meet, share what you have found with your fellow disciples.

And remember to pray that God strengthen and bless us as we share the good news of Jesus, overcome barriers and connect one to many this Easter season.

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