Thursday, April 24, 2008

Gifts in action

We have a couple of newly organizing ministry opportunities that need some creative and technical support. Are you in?

Computer people, sound and recording people, audio-editing people, friendly visitors, creative writers, video directors, photographers and more … to plan, write produce, record and edit a variety of podcasts and, while we’re at it … to re-imagine the potential of our Web site. Talk to Pastor Jim.

Storytellers, actors and those who love to read out loud … to get deeply involved in God’s story (the Bible) and to explore creative ways of telling that story. Again, talk to Pastor Jim.

Let’s Get it Started

What gift do you have to share? What new ministry do you want to get started? If you have a new and exciting way to share the Gospel, overcome barriers and connect one to many, then by all means … do it. We’re here to help … all of us.

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