Thursday, June 26, 2008

On the Calendar

Worship Time is now 10:00am.

Tuesday Evenings: Bible Study at 8 p.m.
Summer is a great time to set aside some time to study God’s word. Our group meets every Tuesday evening to listen to what God is saying to us as individuals, a group and a congregation. In this conversation, we discover new insights and applications as together we are encouraged to live as Jesus’ disciples in the world.

August 10 - August 15: Vacation Bible School
Take the kids and go on a recession-proof summer adventure through the Rain Forest, and, on the way, grow deeper in your faith in God and love for all of God’s creation. Call the church office to register or to volunteer, and see the article in this newsletter for more information. Be sure to bring some friends.

Annual Back-to-School Celebration
Our annual Back-to-School Celebration will be held on Sunday, September 21st. We plan on pitching the tent and inviting the neighbors, the town and everyone we know. If you would like to be part of the planning team or would like to serve that day, call the church office. But whatever you do, be sure to mark your calendars, and invite your friends.

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