Tuesday, May 27, 2008


“Then the LORD appeared to Abram, and said, ‘To your offspring I will give this land.’ So he built an altar to the LORD and invoked the name of LORD, who had appeared to him.”
Genesis 12:7

Where’s your altar?
God appeared to Abram, and God gave Abram a promise. In return, Abram built an altar and worshipped God. The altar was a visual cue to remember the story of God’s love for Abram. By that altar, Abram and his descendants were reminded of the place and time when God appeared to Abram. But more than that, they were reminded of the promise that God gave to Abram, a promise that is central to telling the story of God and this world.

Where have your built your altars? What story of God, of you and of this world can you tell at that place? How was God present, and what promise did God give you?

For many of us, some of our key altars are located inside the building on the corner of Hillside and Vreeland. The table, the baptismal font, a Sunday School classroom, all places where God appeared to us, spoke to us and gave us a promise: “I am your God; you are my child. I love you. I am with you. Walk with me and trust in me.”

Now we all know that church is people and not a building or place. Wherever Jesus’ people gather, he has promised to be with them, making that place a holy place. It is also true that the table and the font are pieces of wood. Nicely carved, finely crafted, well adorned, but furniture. Abrams altar was a bunch of stones, neatly piled. But tell the story of God in this place and at this time, speak again that word God spoke to you and share with someone else God’s promise given to you, and these stones and this wood sing songs of praise to the God who created us, redeemed us and makes us holy.

I am sure there are other holy places in your life. Places where God appeared, God spoke, God promised to be your God, to make you God’s own child. Take some time this month, to visit those places, to build an altar, remember God’s promise, call on God’s name, and, most importantly, take someone along with whom you can share the story. I know one person who would love to hear you talk about it … me.
Pastor Jim

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