Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pastor's Message

“Those who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it” Matthew 10:39.

These are some strong words from Jesus. Here Jesus challenges our values, our priorities, everything. The challenge goes like this – start from zero and follow Jesus. Let go of everything – family, job, house, money, talents, … what else? Come again naked – so to speak – to the baptismal font, and hear the Word of God spoken. You belong to God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Experience the washing of God’s grace and love as your are chosen, named and given a new life. Hear Jesus’ call: “Follow me.” God’s love. God’s gifts. God’s promises. And from these we emerge to live by walking with God. God is all we have. Our God is all we need in this life and the next … God is our true treasure.

This is true. So, now how do we live? We pray. We read, study, talk about and meditate on God’s Word in the Bible … the book of faith. We work so that we may bless everyone, even our enemies, and so we can give generously and freely. We worship, praise and thank God in and among the assembly of God’s people. We share the good news of Jesus; overcome barriers; connect one to many in community of the saints who live in the love of God.

Now, in this context, open your hands and heart to what else God gives -- family, job, house, money, talents and so much more. I hope you can see a method for scheduling your week start to emerge, and with it, a cure to senseless busy-ness that leaves us tired.

Please join me in re-committing yourself to a life of discipleship this summer by doing three things: 1) Pray everyday. 2) Read the Bible, preferably in a Bible study group. 3) Worship every week – if not at Holy Trinity, at another assembly or in your household. And, most important, let’s put these items on our calendar first. I have resources to help you in all these areas. Let’s walk and talk together.

Finally, here is a promise. God will not leave you empty, destitute or alone … no matter what happens. Come again and follow Jesus, he will give a true rest this summer and beyond.

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