Thursday, June 26, 2008


Listen, God is calling. New ministry.

During Lent and Easter, we took an inventory of the gifts, talents and abilities with which God has blessed the people of this community. What a tremendously gifted group of people God has gathered here and commissioned as ambassadors of Jesus Christ! The church council started grouping those assets and imagining some ministries that God may be calling us to do in the coming year. Here’s what we came up with …

Here are the new ministry ideas we thought up using our asset map. Which one would you like to be part of or maybe lead?

1. Readers groups and book clubs
2. Physical fitness and outdoor activities
3. Friendly driver and rider program
4. Year-round food drive
5. The Holy Trinity Walkers
6. Game nights … in people’s homes
7. Senior care team (explore the issues and resources).

Ask how you can get involved in sharing the Gospel, overcoming barriers and connecting one to many in God’s love.
Remember, God sends people … not ideas! God is sending you!

Thanks for your generosity

Thank you for your partnership in God’s mission through Holy Trinity this year. God is doing so much through the people assembled here. Here is just some of what your gifts have helped to make happen in the first half of this year: A new start to our Sunday School program that connected the children and adults of this congregation in a powerful way. Weekly and occasional Bible studies, where the Holy Spirit is changing lives and empowering our discipleship. An outreach and invitation to more than 300 new residents of Nutley, Clifton and Belleville. Lively and inspiring worship where Jesus is present, transforming our hearts and minds. A canoe trip where God built community and showed us new ways to trust God’s promises. And more …
Thank you for your generous gifts that truly do help make a difference in the lives of people in this community and beyond.

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