Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Stewardship Strengthens....

Stewardship strengthens our relationship with Jesus


Living Abundantly in a Time of Scarcity

30 percent of New Jersey Synod Congregations are Meeting or Exceeding Mission Support Goals

The news report tells the story of a crisis in the financial system, and some of us in New Jersey are feeling the pinch. Yet, in the face of it all, 30 percent of New Jersey synod congregations are keeping pace with their bold investments in the work we share strengthening our witness in 182 neighborhoods throughout the state. An even larger portion of our congregation’s witness to a trust in the God of abundance, the God who raised Jesus from the dead, by sharing a generous portion of resources in common ministries.

Holy Trinity is one of these congregations. At of the end of September, the people of Holy Trinity are on pace to meet and even exceed the goals for giving that we had set for 2008. Because we invest a proportionate amount of our regular gifts (11 percent) in our common work as a synod, the more we give, the more we share as partners in the mission of God in New Jersey, the nation and the world.

Thank you! What a strong sign of hopefulness and faithfulness. Our generosity as individuals and as the community of Holy Trinity is making a difference around the world. In these last two months of 2008, and as we make or recast our commitments for 2009, let’s encourage each other to BOLD generosity as we make disciples and strengthen our missionary behaviors.

Give thanks for this community at your Thanksgiving table.
This November, as we gather as families to give thanks to God and to enjoy a feast together – thank God for the generous people of Holy Trinity and for the grace of God that will keep us in this mission field for another 85 years. Thank you, LORD God, for your generous people. Grant that our talents may bring an abundant return when measured in lives changed, lived saved.

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