Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Stewardship strengthens our relationship with Jesus

Our hands and hearts in action. What an impact.
About a year ago, the stewardship team asked us to list some of the ways in which we give of ourselves in Jesus’ name for the sake of the world. This included organizations and charities we support with financial gifts or as a volunteer. Nancy Maguire has skillfully arranged those responses into a wall-hanging that represents the big impact God’s people from Holy Trinity have in the world. With our hands and our hearts we follow Jesus into the world, and by the grace of God we make a difference. Thank you Nancy for your great work. And remember, this is a work in progress. If you have something you want to add, call the church office.

Putting our assets to work
Throughout Lent and Easter, we asked everyone to write down some of their gifts, ones they are willing to share, and place them on the wall in the back of the sanctuary. What a tremendously gifted group of people God has gathered here and commissioned as ambassadors of Jesus Christ! The church council started grouping those assets and imagining some ministries that God may be calling us to do in the coming year. Get ready to put your gifts into action as we share the good news of Jesus, overcome barriers and connect one to many by doing the things we love to do.

Thanks for your generosity
Thanks to your generosity and a one-to-one match from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans we were able to give $470 to support the work of Community Schools in Nutley, Inc. Thank you. Let’s continue to look for ways to share our gifts for the sake of the people in God’s world.

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