Thursday, April 24, 2008

All Together in One Place

“When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in on place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting” Acts 2:1-2

I am making it my prayer, that when the day of Pentecost arrives – May 11, 2008 – that we will all be together in one place, gathered at 10:30 a.m. in our house of worship and prayer on the corner of Hillside and Vreeland. I am making this my prayer not just because I like to see our house full on Sunday morning, but because I am also praying God may pour out the Holy Spirit on all of us, filling each and every on of us … and filling the whole house too.

On that first Pentecost, God empowered God’s church for God’s mission, the mission to love, save and bless the world enacted by Jesus. Now, in Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit, we too are called, gathered, gifted and sent to be part of what God is doing the world.

When the Spirit was poured out on those first disciples, Peter stood up and said that God was doing then and there what God had promised long ago, God was giving the Holy Spirit so that young and old could dream dreams and vision and visions – the dreams and vision God has for the world.

That same Holy Spirit was poured out on each of us at our baptism, and we too were given to see and share God’s dream and vision for the world, and so I am praying that God stir up those gifts in all of us, as we all gather together in one place this Pentecost. I pray not so much for our sake, but for the sake of the people and the world God loves so much and desires to touch through the ministry we all share.
See you May 11 … and wear red!

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