Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Our choir will sing through June 15, after which it gets a well-deserved break for the summer. As part of our worship on June 15, we will recognize and give thanks for all of our musicians—singers and instrumentalists—who enhance our worship.

As Minister of Music, I would like to personally thank everyone who has given of their time for the music in our community. Holy Trinity has a long tradition of excellence which precedes me and I am thankful to be able to build on that tradition. People frequently remark about our music at worship. I think our worship is spiritual, varied and meaningful. Thanks to all of you for supporting our music ministry, and for adding your voice to our song when we gather.

I give thanks for Pastor Jim and his many gifts. As a musician, he is very supportive and appreciative of our music. I enjoy our worship planning time, I think we compliment each other and the congregation benefits from this team. Excellent preaching and our varied music all support the Word, which is at the center, and I think this makes our worship special. I am truly blessed!

Scott Jones, Minister of Music

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