Thursday, May 31, 2012

Worship & Music

A Summer of Unlikely People

This winter, we merged onto the Narrative Lectionary (lectionary = schedule of readings). We read through the Gospel of Mark, the Acts of the Apostles, and letters written to the early Christian communities (Corinthians, Thessalonians). But, the Narrative Lectionary only suggests Bible readings through Memorial Day, and then begins again on Labor Day.

So, for the summer, we’ve created a schedule of readings based on the people of the New Testament called: Unlikely People, Extraordinary Stories. We’ll hear the story of Mary & Martha: the bickering sisters; Pontius Pilate: the troubled politician; Simon Peter: the earnest blockhead, and more.
Since there is no children’s Faith Formation time during the summer, we’ll also be hearing the biblical stories in a different way. Instead of Pastor Kristin reading the Gospel text, we’ll be watching an animated dramatization of the text in worship.

Grab a friend, neighbor, or enemy and come participate in God’s extraordinary story this summer at Holy Trinity!

Congratulations Graduates!

During the month of June, we’ll be celebrating those who are graduating from High School, College, or other post-high school education.
In the bulletin, we’ll also list all those graduating from any educational milestone (Middle School, preschool, licensing certificate, etc.). If you have achieved an educational milestone in the past year, please let the office know.

All Sorts of Fathers’ Day, Sunday, June 17th

To be a father to someone, like being a mother, is a vocation- a divine calling. God has given dads, both biological and spiritual, a special role in our faith and life development. We are thankful for all the men in our lives who are fathers and like fathers. It’s good to celebrate Father's Day (June 17) in worship together, as we celebrate all the men in our lives.

Ministry Appreciation Day, Sunday June 24th

Holy Trinity is not a place, it is you, the people of this congregation! The sharing of your gifts and time and resources enable all of us to engage in the ministry to which God has called this congregation. In worship on Sunday, June 24th, we’ll be celebrating, recognizing, and giving thanks for all the ways in which you, the people of Holy Trinity, lead and engage in ministry.

Summer. Time for Lemonade.

As we move into summer this month, we will re-start after-worship lemonade fellowship time. Beginning on June 17th, plan to linger a bit after worship to visit with sisters and brothers, sharing in faith and fellowship.

Lemonade hosts are needed throughout the summer. A lemonade host signup sheet is in the narthex; you can also sign up to host by calling the church office. Lemonade hosts make lemonade and coffee and provide a small treat or snack to accompany the lemonade. Summer Lemonade begins on Sunday, June 17 and end on Sunday, September 2.

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