Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Big Table

The Big Table
Living and Learning in Communion Together

Did you know that Jesus was a foodie? One of those people who live to create interesting meals. Who are always hosting dinner parties with a motley mix of people. Who go straight to the farmer to get the freshest ingredients to make the best food. Yep, that was Jesus.

Eating good food with interesting people is not the latest thing in entertaining. It’s as old as Jesus – probably even older. He told his disciples to remember him by eating together. So, whenever we eat together – in worship, at home, in a diner, even in the car – we remember that it is God who gives us life.

This summer, YOU ARE INVITED! to participate in The Big Table: living and learning in communion together. An intergenerational, hands-on, ministry experience for everyone in your household. Young and old and in between. Christian or not. Big eater or picky eater. You can even invite your neighbors, friends, and enemies! We’ll gather on Monday evenings in July and in worship on the first Sunday in August.

Each gathering will be centered around a particular theme:
Monday, July 9: Communion in Creation – spend time in the new Big Table garden at Holy Trinity getting our hands dirty learning what it’s like to grow food. We’ll also find out why we use bread and wine instead of oreos and soda for communion and start a take-home-garden.

Monday, July 16: From our hands to the Table – venture into the kitchen of a local restaurant to find out what it’s like to make food for people to eat. Then, you’ll get to make bread to eat on your table, and at God’s Big Table.

Monday, July 23: Hungry at the Table – there’s room for everyone at God’s Table, but there are still hungry people, even in Nutley. We’ll be doing something about it.

Monday, July 30: The Big Banquet – Communion is God’s banquet. Working together, we’ll use food from the Big Table garden to prepare a feast to share, complete with communion.

*Sunday, August 5th: Eating at God’s Big Table – celebrate what we experienced during The Big Table in worship at 10:00am. While this will not be the traditional “First Communion” rite, we will celebrate and mark the milestone of learning about communion.

Date: Mondays in July (except July 2) at 6:30pm – about 9:00pm.
We’ll eat a simple meal together each time, so don’t worry about eating before you come.

Place: Gather at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 158 Vreeland Ave.
You’ll be informed of specific travel plans or location changes closer to the meeting dates.

Cost: $15 / person or a max of $50 / household (includes a meal at each gathering).

How to Participate:
You are encouraged to participate in all The Big Table gatherings. You are welcome to invite friends, family, neighbors, and even enemies.

Fill out the egistration form (contact Holy Trinity for a copy at (973) 667-0256 OR and return it with your payment to the Holy Trinity office by Tuesday, June 26th. Only submit one registration form per household. Because this is an inter-generational, hands-on event, at least one adult from your household is required to participate if you are registering children / youth under the age of 15. If you are bringing friends, please make sure that there is at least one adult for every 3 children / youth registered for The Big Table.

Questions: contact Pastor Kristin Engstrom of Holy Trinity at 973-667-0256.

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