Thursday, May 31, 2012

Faith Formation being shaped by God

Questions, not answers
Does reading the Bible provoke more questions than it answers? Do you find the Bible to be intimidating?
You aren’t alone!

Bible study can be a helpful way to share questions and doubts. If reading the Bible evokes more questions than answers, than you are reading it correctly! When the Word of God goes to work in our lives, it causes us to look at things, including God, differently. And that will certainly create lots of questions!

Starting Tuesday, June 5th the Monday evening Bible Study will meet on Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm (except on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, then we’ll meet on Monday – see the calendar).

As promised this winter after the church council affirmed same-gender weddings at Holy Trinity, the Tuesday evening Bible Study will dig into the ELCA sexuality study Journeying Together Faithfully: Lutherans talk about Sexuality. All are welcome. For more on the ELCA social statement on sexuality visit
Thursday afternoon Bible Study at 2:00pm: conversation centers on the upcoming gospel text for Sunday worship, and how it intersects with our life. Led by Jan Strachan.

Welcome to God’s great big family!

On Sunday, May 20th, Anthony and Benjamin Palamara were baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Through the water and word, God claimed them forever and adopted them into God’s great big family. As a congregation, we promised to help nurture and support Anthony and Ben in their Christian Faith Formation. Welcome to the family Anthony and Ben!

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