Thursday, May 31, 2012

Practicing Faith Ways for you to practice your Christian faith in everyday life.

A Blessing of your Summer Garden
Head outside with a bowl of water. Everyone speaks the words in bold.

Psalm 147:7-9
Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving: God covers the sky with clouds.
He supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills.
She provides food for the cattle and for young birds when they call.
Praise the Lord.

Blessing of the seed: Scoop up seeds in your hands.
God you have given us these seeds
They are the fruit of the past. Now, they are to be planted in your soil so they can grow up and feed the world. May the miracle of life within these seeds burst forth to yield an amazing harvest.
Bless these seeds and those who plant them.

Blessing of the soil: Scoop up soil in your hands.
God you have created and given us this soil.
The soil feeds and supports the seeds as they grow. It cleans water and regulates temperature so the roots don’t get too hot or too cold.
Bless this soil that gives life.

Blessing of the water: Scoop water into your hands.
God, this water is your source of life.
Water quenches thirst and gives nourishment to the soil and the seed.
Bless the waters of the earth. Cause the rains and weather to come as needed so that plants may thrive and the harvest will be bountiful.

A beasty bugs prayer: pray with eyes open to see creation.
Thank you God for spotted ladybirds, dangling spiders, bees in trees, and for creepy crawlies that live under rocks. Remind us to water the growing green plants and help us to enjoy the red tomatoes and even the strange squash. Fill our bodies with food and with you. Amen.
You can write your own “beasty bugs” prayer too.

Rural Church Support Network for Yorkshire and The Humber – May 2006.

Remember We Who are Hungry
Donations of non-perishable food items help stock the Nutley Food Pantry, as well as provide emergency food aid to our neighbors. Place donations in the basket in the narthex to help we who are hungry!

A Food Pantry Shopping List:

canned fruit, tomato paste, bar soap, canned vegetables, canned beans, toilet paper, 1-can meals, cans of soup, shampoo, canned tuna fish, box of pasta, tampons, pasta sauce, diapers

The mosquitos are coming!
We might think mosquitos are annoying – really annoying. But for some, the buzz of a mosquito can mean death, because mosquitos carry malaria.
The summer, we’ll celebrate the buzz of the Holy Spirit who empowers us to spread the gospel of God’s love for all people, by preventing the spread of malaria. Only $10 provides a Mosquito Net through the ELCA Malaria Initiative. The Malaria Initiative provides nets, education, and healthcare to those affected by malaria.

Pssstt…Summer time is also camp time. So, this summer, as well as giving Mosquito Nets, you’ll also have the opportunity to support sending our kids, youth, and families to camp at CrossRoads Camp. A Campership Fund has been created to offset the cost of children, youth, and families who want to spend time with God, one another, and the mosquitos of CrossRoads Camp in New Jersey.
Giving forms and envelopes will be in the bulletin and in the pews for you to give throughout the summer.

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