Thursday, May 3, 2012

Worship & Music

Motherhood: A Holy Vocation

God calls us to various walks of life, and to live out the gospel in all our relationships. The role of “mother” is not just biology; it is a vocation – a holy calling.

What better way to honor your mother and all those who care for us as mother-figures than in worship? On Sunday, May 13th, all women will receive a blessing and the children will create special gifts for all who “mother.”
Worship + Music

Bring your Baptism Candles – May 20th & 27th
On Sunday, May 20th and May 27th we will be celebrating the gift of baptism. On both of these Sundays, all children and youth are invited to bring to worship the baptism candle and candle holder Pastor Kristin gave you this winter. If you didn’t get one, we’ll make sure you receive one on the 20th or 27th. If you have your original baptismal candle, bring that too!

Pentecost, Sunday, May 27th.

On Pentecost Sunday, we remember how God poured out the Holy Spirit on Jesus’ disciples and empowered the church for God’s mission. The Holy Spirit created such a stir that onlookers thought the disciples were drunk!
Invite your friends and neighbors to celebrate the “birthday” of the church and the work of the Holy Spirit with a festive worship on Sunday, May 27th. Remember to wear red!

Hey Kids and youth! – bring to worship the baptismal candle and candle holder you received in worship this winter too! If you didn’t get a baptismal candle, we’ll have one for you.

Graduating in May or June?
As part of worship on Sunday, June 10th, we’ll celebrate those who are graduating from High School, College, or other post-high school education. If you are graduating this spring, please let the office know the date and from where you are graduating so that we can celebrate your educational milestone! Feel free to share your future plans, as well.

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