Thursday, May 3, 2012

Practicing Faith

Blessing for the Changing of the Seasons
If this blessing is done with others, all speak the words in bold print.

First, find symbols of the current season and the coming season (bare branches, seeds, flowers, etc.) Arrange current season symbols on a table / the ground. Set symbols for the coming season aside.

Welcome Prayer
Holy One, Mother of Creation, Father of Life, bless our gathering, that we may honor the rhythms of the earth as witnesses to your extravagant love and faithfulness. Amen.

Bible Reading and Reflection
As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease. –Genesis 8:22

Share or write in a journal: How have I seen the presence of God revealed this past season in my life? In nature?

Prayer and Ritual Action
Thank you God, for cycles and rhythms, for making yourself known to us in the seasons of the earth and the seasons of our lives. Amen.

Remove the old symbols you collected and replace them with the new.

Reflection and Prayer
Share or write in a journal: What do I hope for as I enter this new season? Name one thing from nature that will be your special reminder of God’s presence in the coming season.

God of rhythms and cycles, open our hearts and all our senses to your presence in nature during the coming season. Amen.

Go take a walk in your neighborhood, a park, or natural area. What does nature teach and show us about God?

Blessing: May we trust that this season, like all others, will bear witness to God’s extravagant love and faithfulness. Amen.

Umbrella's for Peace

Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
The Nutley Clergy Fellowship is inviting the community to walk with them in the Nutley Memorial Day Parade this year, under the theme Umbrella’s for Peace.

Everyone is invited to create an Umbrella for Peace (with which to march) on Sunday, May 20th from 4:00 – 6:00pm upstairs in the Nutley Parks and Rec Building (44 Park Ave, Nutley). The Nutley clergy will provide art materials for you to decorate your umbrella with a vision of peace or a place that is in need of peace. Please bring an umbrella to decorate (a light colored umbrella is recommended).

On Monday, May 28th, bring your Umbrella for Peace and gather at the Oval in front of the Nutley Town Hall at 10:45am to walk in the Memorial Day Parade. You are still invited to walk in the parade even if you didn’t create an Umbrella for Peace (we will have some to share).

Umbrella's for Peace is a project started by artist Matt Lamb at the request of the Secretary of the Veteran's of Foreign Affairs to help Washington DC area residents deal with the pain and grief of the September 11th attack on the Pentagon.

Remember We Who are Hungry

Donations of non-perishable food items help stock the Nutley Food Pantry, as well as provide emergency food aid to our neighbors. Place donations in the basket in the narthex to help we who are hungry!

A Food Pantry Shopping List:

canned fruit, canned vegetables, tuna fish, box of pasta, pasta sauce, 1-can meals, tomato paste, canned beans, canned soup, bar soap, toilet paper, shampoo

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