Thursday, May 31, 2012

From Pastor Kristin

On Sunday, June 3rd, we’ll gather with St. Paul’s Congregational Church and Franklin Reformed Church to celebrate as our teenagers affirm their Christian faith through the rite of confirmation.

Since January, teenagers from all three congregations - including Catherine Rubens and her mentor Chad Esparolini from Holy Trinity - have been participating in confirmation ministry. Together we’ve explored who God is in the world and in our lives. We’ve depicted Jesus’ life and death through artwork that was hung in the Holy Trinity sanctuary on Good Friday. And, we engaged the Holy Spirit by walking a labyrinth and meditating.

Each time we met, we also practiced putting our beliefs into action – by caring for creation in the church building, supporting clean water ministries in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and interrupting bullying by caring for one another at school and home.

Our final and most-dramatic project was working with the Nutley Clergy Association on the Umbrellas for Peace Memorial Day Parade float. On May 20th, we gathered with others in the community to paint an Umbrella for Peace. Let me tell you, our youth are amazingly creative artists! Check out the pictures of their umbrellas on our facebook page! ( - you don’t have to be on facebook to see the pics)

Then last Monday, we all walked with our Umbrellas for Peace in the Nutley Memorial Day parade. Not once did the confirmands complain or become bashful that they were proclaiming their faith with a bunch of clergy people or that they were advocating for peace in a world run by violence.

I am so proud of our teenagers. They are courageous, curious, and caring. They give me hope and remind me that they are not the church of tomorrow – they are already being the church today. Amen to that.

The Big Table

The Big Table
Living and Learning in Communion Together

Did you know that Jesus was a foodie? One of those people who live to create interesting meals. Who are always hosting dinner parties with a motley mix of people. Who go straight to the farmer to get the freshest ingredients to make the best food. Yep, that was Jesus.

Eating good food with interesting people is not the latest thing in entertaining. It’s as old as Jesus – probably even older. He told his disciples to remember him by eating together. So, whenever we eat together – in worship, at home, in a diner, even in the car – we remember that it is God who gives us life.

This summer, YOU ARE INVITED! to participate in The Big Table: living and learning in communion together. An intergenerational, hands-on, ministry experience for everyone in your household. Young and old and in between. Christian or not. Big eater or picky eater. You can even invite your neighbors, friends, and enemies! We’ll gather on Monday evenings in July and in worship on the first Sunday in August.

Each gathering will be centered around a particular theme:
Monday, July 9: Communion in Creation – spend time in the new Big Table garden at Holy Trinity getting our hands dirty learning what it’s like to grow food. We’ll also find out why we use bread and wine instead of oreos and soda for communion and start a take-home-garden.

Monday, July 16: From our hands to the Table – venture into the kitchen of a local restaurant to find out what it’s like to make food for people to eat. Then, you’ll get to make bread to eat on your table, and at God’s Big Table.

Monday, July 23: Hungry at the Table – there’s room for everyone at God’s Table, but there are still hungry people, even in Nutley. We’ll be doing something about it.

Monday, July 30: The Big Banquet – Communion is God’s banquet. Working together, we’ll use food from the Big Table garden to prepare a feast to share, complete with communion.

*Sunday, August 5th: Eating at God’s Big Table – celebrate what we experienced during The Big Table in worship at 10:00am. While this will not be the traditional “First Communion” rite, we will celebrate and mark the milestone of learning about communion.

Date: Mondays in July (except July 2) at 6:30pm – about 9:00pm.
We’ll eat a simple meal together each time, so don’t worry about eating before you come.

Place: Gather at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 158 Vreeland Ave.
You’ll be informed of specific travel plans or location changes closer to the meeting dates.

Cost: $15 / person or a max of $50 / household (includes a meal at each gathering).

How to Participate:
You are encouraged to participate in all The Big Table gatherings. You are welcome to invite friends, family, neighbors, and even enemies.

Fill out the egistration form (contact Holy Trinity for a copy at (973) 667-0256 OR and return it with your payment to the Holy Trinity office by Tuesday, June 26th. Only submit one registration form per household. Because this is an inter-generational, hands-on event, at least one adult from your household is required to participate if you are registering children / youth under the age of 15. If you are bringing friends, please make sure that there is at least one adult for every 3 children / youth registered for The Big Table.

Questions: contact Pastor Kristin Engstrom of Holy Trinity at 973-667-0256.

Worship & Music

A Summer of Unlikely People

This winter, we merged onto the Narrative Lectionary (lectionary = schedule of readings). We read through the Gospel of Mark, the Acts of the Apostles, and letters written to the early Christian communities (Corinthians, Thessalonians). But, the Narrative Lectionary only suggests Bible readings through Memorial Day, and then begins again on Labor Day.

So, for the summer, we’ve created a schedule of readings based on the people of the New Testament called: Unlikely People, Extraordinary Stories. We’ll hear the story of Mary & Martha: the bickering sisters; Pontius Pilate: the troubled politician; Simon Peter: the earnest blockhead, and more.
Since there is no children’s Faith Formation time during the summer, we’ll also be hearing the biblical stories in a different way. Instead of Pastor Kristin reading the Gospel text, we’ll be watching an animated dramatization of the text in worship.

Grab a friend, neighbor, or enemy and come participate in God’s extraordinary story this summer at Holy Trinity!

Congratulations Graduates!

During the month of June, we’ll be celebrating those who are graduating from High School, College, or other post-high school education.
In the bulletin, we’ll also list all those graduating from any educational milestone (Middle School, preschool, licensing certificate, etc.). If you have achieved an educational milestone in the past year, please let the office know.

All Sorts of Fathers’ Day, Sunday, June 17th

To be a father to someone, like being a mother, is a vocation- a divine calling. God has given dads, both biological and spiritual, a special role in our faith and life development. We are thankful for all the men in our lives who are fathers and like fathers. It’s good to celebrate Father's Day (June 17) in worship together, as we celebrate all the men in our lives.

Ministry Appreciation Day, Sunday June 24th

Holy Trinity is not a place, it is you, the people of this congregation! The sharing of your gifts and time and resources enable all of us to engage in the ministry to which God has called this congregation. In worship on Sunday, June 24th, we’ll be celebrating, recognizing, and giving thanks for all the ways in which you, the people of Holy Trinity, lead and engage in ministry.

Summer. Time for Lemonade.

As we move into summer this month, we will re-start after-worship lemonade fellowship time. Beginning on June 17th, plan to linger a bit after worship to visit with sisters and brothers, sharing in faith and fellowship.

Lemonade hosts are needed throughout the summer. A lemonade host signup sheet is in the narthex; you can also sign up to host by calling the church office. Lemonade hosts make lemonade and coffee and provide a small treat or snack to accompany the lemonade. Summer Lemonade begins on Sunday, June 17 and end on Sunday, September 2.

Faith Formation being shaped by God

Questions, not answers
Does reading the Bible provoke more questions than it answers? Do you find the Bible to be intimidating?
You aren’t alone!

Bible study can be a helpful way to share questions and doubts. If reading the Bible evokes more questions than answers, than you are reading it correctly! When the Word of God goes to work in our lives, it causes us to look at things, including God, differently. And that will certainly create lots of questions!

Starting Tuesday, June 5th the Monday evening Bible Study will meet on Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm (except on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, then we’ll meet on Monday – see the calendar).

As promised this winter after the church council affirmed same-gender weddings at Holy Trinity, the Tuesday evening Bible Study will dig into the ELCA sexuality study Journeying Together Faithfully: Lutherans talk about Sexuality. All are welcome. For more on the ELCA social statement on sexuality visit
Thursday afternoon Bible Study at 2:00pm: conversation centers on the upcoming gospel text for Sunday worship, and how it intersects with our life. Led by Jan Strachan.

Welcome to God’s great big family!

On Sunday, May 20th, Anthony and Benjamin Palamara were baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Through the water and word, God claimed them forever and adopted them into God’s great big family. As a congregation, we promised to help nurture and support Anthony and Ben in their Christian Faith Formation. Welcome to the family Anthony and Ben!

Practicing Faith Ways for you to practice your Christian faith in everyday life.

A Blessing of your Summer Garden
Head outside with a bowl of water. Everyone speaks the words in bold.

Psalm 147:7-9
Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving: God covers the sky with clouds.
He supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills.
She provides food for the cattle and for young birds when they call.
Praise the Lord.

Blessing of the seed: Scoop up seeds in your hands.
God you have given us these seeds
They are the fruit of the past. Now, they are to be planted in your soil so they can grow up and feed the world. May the miracle of life within these seeds burst forth to yield an amazing harvest.
Bless these seeds and those who plant them.

Blessing of the soil: Scoop up soil in your hands.
God you have created and given us this soil.
The soil feeds and supports the seeds as they grow. It cleans water and regulates temperature so the roots don’t get too hot or too cold.
Bless this soil that gives life.

Blessing of the water: Scoop water into your hands.
God, this water is your source of life.
Water quenches thirst and gives nourishment to the soil and the seed.
Bless the waters of the earth. Cause the rains and weather to come as needed so that plants may thrive and the harvest will be bountiful.

A beasty bugs prayer: pray with eyes open to see creation.
Thank you God for spotted ladybirds, dangling spiders, bees in trees, and for creepy crawlies that live under rocks. Remind us to water the growing green plants and help us to enjoy the red tomatoes and even the strange squash. Fill our bodies with food and with you. Amen.
You can write your own “beasty bugs” prayer too.

Rural Church Support Network for Yorkshire and The Humber – May 2006.

Remember We Who are Hungry
Donations of non-perishable food items help stock the Nutley Food Pantry, as well as provide emergency food aid to our neighbors. Place donations in the basket in the narthex to help we who are hungry!

A Food Pantry Shopping List:

canned fruit, tomato paste, bar soap, canned vegetables, canned beans, toilet paper, 1-can meals, cans of soup, shampoo, canned tuna fish, box of pasta, tampons, pasta sauce, diapers

The mosquitos are coming!
We might think mosquitos are annoying – really annoying. But for some, the buzz of a mosquito can mean death, because mosquitos carry malaria.
The summer, we’ll celebrate the buzz of the Holy Spirit who empowers us to spread the gospel of God’s love for all people, by preventing the spread of malaria. Only $10 provides a Mosquito Net through the ELCA Malaria Initiative. The Malaria Initiative provides nets, education, and healthcare to those affected by malaria.

Pssstt…Summer time is also camp time. So, this summer, as well as giving Mosquito Nets, you’ll also have the opportunity to support sending our kids, youth, and families to camp at CrossRoads Camp. A Campership Fund has been created to offset the cost of children, youth, and families who want to spend time with God, one another, and the mosquitos of CrossRoads Camp in New Jersey.
Giving forms and envelopes will be in the bulletin and in the pews for you to give throughout the summer.

Caring Community

Emily Jones will again be participating in Mt. Olive’s Relay for Life this year on June 9th and 10th. Relay For Life is the signature fundraiser for the American Cancer Society at which teams of people camp out at a local high school, park, or fairground and take turns walking or running around a track or path. Each team is asked to have a representative on the track at all times during the event. Relays are an overnight event based on the idea that cancer never sleeps.

Relay For Life encourages people to:
• Celebrate the lives of those who have battled cancer.
• Remember loved ones lost to the disease.
• Fight back to put an end to the disease.

If you are interested making a donation , talk to Emily Jones or go to:

An Olympian among us.
Congratulations to Susan Wilson, who participated in the May 5th Regional New Jersey Special Olympics. Susan won in the following categories: Second place in the 400m walk, first place in the softball throw and first place in the 400m relay race.
Congratulations again, Susan on a job well done! Susan will also be participating in the All New Jersey Special Olympics on Saturday, June 9th in Trenton.

June Birthdays and Anniversaries

1: Scott Jones, Joyce Lin
5: Pastor Kristin
6: Chelsea Wright
8: Ken Geiselmann
8: Sean Ulley
9: Ava Bacik
10: Ellen Oberndorf
18: Ann Erwin
23: Connor Logan Murphy
26: Samantha Hess

4: Richard & Erika Bacik
14: Alex & Aida Rubens
22: James & Dot Greengrove
23: Ed & Evelyn Cordes
28: Chris & Nancy Duhm

Thursday, May 3, 2012

From Pastor Kristin

This past week, I had lunch with a bunch of pastors at a buffet-style restaurant. As we returned to our table with plates full of steaming, scrumptious smelling food, some of us bowed our heads, prayed quitely to ourselves, and then started eating. While others came back to the table, and then put their hands in their lap to politely wait for everyone to return to the table so that we could all say grace together before we ate.

It didn’t take long for us to realize this difference of expectations, and we froze. We looked around at each other. At our plates. Held forks midway to our open mouths. And sat with our hands frozen in our laps, waiting to pray. Uh-ohh. What do we do now, we all wondered aloud?

Thankfully, a wise pastor among us found a creative way to bring us together. “Because grace is always a surprise,” he said, “in our family, we just start eating when we sit down to eat. But at some point during the meal, someone will say a prayer for our food. Cause you never know when grace is coming. It’s always a surprise.”

During the month of May, we will have many opportunities to celebrate God’s grace active, and even unexpected in our lives. While these celebrations are planned, and not really a surprise, I am hopeful that they will still bring unexpected and surprising grace into your life.

On Sunday, May 13th, we’ll celebrate all the women who are like mother’s to us. Then on May 20th, Anthony and Ben Palamara will be washed in God’s living waters of baptism. A physical sign of God’s grace splashing over them – that will forever change their lives. Finally, the ultimate celebration of the unexpected ways of God will take place on Pentecost Sunday, May 27th. This is the day when the Holy Spirit rushed in, unexpectedly filling the disciples with the Holy Spirit. And everyone thought they were drunk. Yes, indeed, God’s ways are always a surprise!

In addition to these planned celebrations, we will contine to share in worship how we have seen and experienced God – and our lives have been changed because of it.

So, be on the lookout this month. Beware! Because God is on the loose – with grace that is always unexpected.

.....Pastor Kristin

New Jersey Synod Assembly

New Jersey Synod Assembly
Friday, June 1 – Saturday, June 2nd

Holy Trinity is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). In the ELCA, decisions are made by the people. So, every year, the people of the New Jersey Synod gather to celelbrate God’s mission in the territory of New Jersey, as well as to discuss and vote on issues relating to the ministry of the church in New Jersey.

As a congregation, we get to send 2 voting members plus a pastor to the New Jersey Synod Assembly. If you feel called to represent Holy Trinity at the Synod Assembly on June 1-2, please talk with Pastor Kristin or Elaine Miller (council president). All relevant expenses will be paid by Holy Trinity.

Worship & Music

Motherhood: A Holy Vocation

God calls us to various walks of life, and to live out the gospel in all our relationships. The role of “mother” is not just biology; it is a vocation – a holy calling.

What better way to honor your mother and all those who care for us as mother-figures than in worship? On Sunday, May 13th, all women will receive a blessing and the children will create special gifts for all who “mother.”
Worship + Music

Bring your Baptism Candles – May 20th & 27th
On Sunday, May 20th and May 27th we will be celebrating the gift of baptism. On both of these Sundays, all children and youth are invited to bring to worship the baptism candle and candle holder Pastor Kristin gave you this winter. If you didn’t get one, we’ll make sure you receive one on the 20th or 27th. If you have your original baptismal candle, bring that too!

Pentecost, Sunday, May 27th.

On Pentecost Sunday, we remember how God poured out the Holy Spirit on Jesus’ disciples and empowered the church for God’s mission. The Holy Spirit created such a stir that onlookers thought the disciples were drunk!
Invite your friends and neighbors to celebrate the “birthday” of the church and the work of the Holy Spirit with a festive worship on Sunday, May 27th. Remember to wear red!

Hey Kids and youth! – bring to worship the baptismal candle and candle holder you received in worship this winter too! If you didn’t get a baptismal candle, we’ll have one for you.

Graduating in May or June?
As part of worship on Sunday, June 10th, we’ll celebrate those who are graduating from High School, College, or other post-high school education. If you are graduating this spring, please let the office know the date and from where you are graduating so that we can celebrate your educational milestone! Feel free to share your future plans, as well.

Faith Formation

Bible Study – full of questions
Ever had questions about the Bible you were afraid to ask? Ever listen to the readings on Sunday and feel confused?

You aren’t alone!

For many people, Bible study is a helpful way to share questions and doubts with others. It may also help you hear the readings in worship without feeling so lost! Currently, there are 2 Bible Studies at Holy Trinity (we can always start more!):

Monday evening at 7:30pm: digging into what it means to live as a disciple, especially in the Gospel of Luke and Acts.

Thursday afternoon at 2:00pm: conversation centers on the upcoming gospel text for Sunday worship, and how it intersects with our life.

The Big Table
An experiment in living and learning about communion together.
At Holy Trinity, everyone is welcome to eat at God’s Table in Holy Communion. Yet, as part of our faith formation, it is good to learn and remember why we eat at God’s Table and what God’s meal means in our lives of faith.

This summer, everyone is invited (invite your friends, neighbors, and enemies!) to participate in The Big Table: living and learning in communion. Mondays in July at 6:30pm.

Monday, July 9: Communion through Creation
Monday, July 16: Food on the Table
Monday, July 23: The Big Banquet of Communion
Monday, July 30: Hungry at the Table

Registration info available soon. Talk with Pastor Kristin, Sally Mueller, Mike Palamara, or Steve Oberndorf to help organize an evening of The Big Table.

Practicing Faith

Blessing for the Changing of the Seasons
If this blessing is done with others, all speak the words in bold print.

First, find symbols of the current season and the coming season (bare branches, seeds, flowers, etc.) Arrange current season symbols on a table / the ground. Set symbols for the coming season aside.

Welcome Prayer
Holy One, Mother of Creation, Father of Life, bless our gathering, that we may honor the rhythms of the earth as witnesses to your extravagant love and faithfulness. Amen.

Bible Reading and Reflection
As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease. –Genesis 8:22

Share or write in a journal: How have I seen the presence of God revealed this past season in my life? In nature?

Prayer and Ritual Action
Thank you God, for cycles and rhythms, for making yourself known to us in the seasons of the earth and the seasons of our lives. Amen.

Remove the old symbols you collected and replace them with the new.

Reflection and Prayer
Share or write in a journal: What do I hope for as I enter this new season? Name one thing from nature that will be your special reminder of God’s presence in the coming season.

God of rhythms and cycles, open our hearts and all our senses to your presence in nature during the coming season. Amen.

Go take a walk in your neighborhood, a park, or natural area. What does nature teach and show us about God?

Blessing: May we trust that this season, like all others, will bear witness to God’s extravagant love and faithfulness. Amen.

Umbrella's for Peace

Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
The Nutley Clergy Fellowship is inviting the community to walk with them in the Nutley Memorial Day Parade this year, under the theme Umbrella’s for Peace.

Everyone is invited to create an Umbrella for Peace (with which to march) on Sunday, May 20th from 4:00 – 6:00pm upstairs in the Nutley Parks and Rec Building (44 Park Ave, Nutley). The Nutley clergy will provide art materials for you to decorate your umbrella with a vision of peace or a place that is in need of peace. Please bring an umbrella to decorate (a light colored umbrella is recommended).

On Monday, May 28th, bring your Umbrella for Peace and gather at the Oval in front of the Nutley Town Hall at 10:45am to walk in the Memorial Day Parade. You are still invited to walk in the parade even if you didn’t create an Umbrella for Peace (we will have some to share).

Umbrella's for Peace is a project started by artist Matt Lamb at the request of the Secretary of the Veteran's of Foreign Affairs to help Washington DC area residents deal with the pain and grief of the September 11th attack on the Pentagon.

Remember We Who are Hungry

Donations of non-perishable food items help stock the Nutley Food Pantry, as well as provide emergency food aid to our neighbors. Place donations in the basket in the narthex to help we who are hungry!

A Food Pantry Shopping List:

canned fruit, canned vegetables, tuna fish, box of pasta, pasta sauce, 1-can meals, tomato paste, canned beans, canned soup, bar soap, toilet paper, shampoo

Caring Community

In Our Community

We celebrate with Elaine Miller and Terri Scalcione who were married on Saturday, April 14th at Holy Trinity.

We share our sympathy with Otto, Hedy, and Gerald Mayr on the death of their son and brother, Bernd Mayr. Bernd died on Saturday, March 31st. His funeral was at Holy Trinity on Wednesday, April 4th.

Caring Community

Did you hear the buzzzzz….?

The temperature is warmer. Rain is falling into puddles. School is almost out. All signs that MOSQUITOS ARE COMING! We might think mosquitos are annoying – really annoying. But for those in other parts of the world, the buzz of a mosquito can mean death, because mosquitos carry malaria. Beginning on Pentecost Sunday (May 27th), we’ll celebrate the buzz of the Holy Spirit empowering us to spread the gospel, by preventing the spread of malaria.

Only $10 provides a Mosquito Net through the ELCA Malaria Initiative. The ELCA Malaria Initiative provides nets, education, and healthcare to those affected by malaria. Pssstt…As well as giving Mosquito Nets, you’ll also have the opportunity to support sending our kids, youth, and families to summer camp at CrossRoads Camp. A Campership Fund will be created that will better enable our children, youth, and families to spend time this summer with God, and mosquitos too! Giving forms will be in the bulletin and the June Newsletter. The mosquitos are coming – and we can do something about it!

May Birthdays, Anniversaries and Disciples

May Birthdays

2:Al Weber
3:Audrey Stevens
4:Erika Murphy
11:Don Walch
12:Jean Esparolini
14:Ethan Munoz
15:Gail Ceravolo
19:Dorothy Greengrove
Debbie Jones
Terry D’Agnolo
21:Jan Strachan
Brianna Riccio
26:Gerald Mayr

May Anniversaries
29:Joeseph & Liz Cicci

Disciples Please pray for the person listed on each date:
1:Erika Murphy 2:Alex Murphy 3:Olivia Murphy 4:Sara Murphy 5:William Murphy 7:Conner Murphy 8:Dennis Murphy 9:Daniel Murphy 10:Verna Norton 11:Ellen Oberndorf 12:Chris Stanberry 14:Steve Oberndorf 15:Evelyn Oberndorf 16:Cathy Palamara 17:Michael Palamara 18:Ben Palamara 19:Anthony Palamara 21:Ross Pennise 22:Hope Pennise 23:Jillian Pennise 24:Diane Petschel 25:Paige Petschel 26:Anthony Pisciotta 28:Kathy Pisciotta 29:Dave Reed 30:Sharon Reed 31:Chuch Rhodes