Thursday, December 1, 2011

From Pastor Kristin

When I was growing up, my brother and I would always fight over who got to light and blow out the candles on our family advent wreath.

It was an advent tradition in our household to have an advent areath on the dinner table, which would get lit every time my family gathered for a meal. Some years my mom would get fancy and put evergreen branches with the four candles. Other years, it was enough that the candles didn’t tip over while lit and light the whole table on fire.

I still don’t know what it is about an advent wreath – about the 1,2,3, and then 4 small lights on the table – that speaks to me. Even what it is about the season of advent that I so enjoy. Perhaps it is the light shining on these dark nights. Perhaps it is the season’s contrariness that stands stubbornly in resistance to an invading Christmas. Perhaps it’s just a reason I can use not to join the mobs at the mall. Or perhaps, it is the ritual of meeting God in a simple tradition and season that still seems so mysterious.

When we enter into the mysterious, otherworldly, unexpectedness of advent, we are in good company – even if we don’t completely understand what is going on or what God is up to in this advent season. For we join our voices with a weird, bellowing man named John who made his home in the dried-up desert. We become perplexed with a teenage girl who wonders what God is doing with her life. And we believe in the midst of our doubts with a dangerously pregnant Elizabeth. People whose lives have been turned upside down by God

I hope that in the mystery of this advent season, God will enter into your life, and turn you a bit upside down as well, as we wait for the coming of Jesus the Christ.

Pastor Kristin

Worship + Music

Sunday, December 18th, After Worship
Hanging of the Greens and Luncheon
Everyone, young and old, is needed to join in the fun of helping prepare the church for Christmas! After the greens are hung, we’ll gather around the table to share a simple meal. Just bring sandwiches, salad, or dessert to share. (Please call the office if you would like to attend and what you will be sharing.)

Gather some Greens for the Windows at Christmas
This year, when you cut or purchase your Christmas tree, please ask for any spare evergreen branches or hanging greens. Keep the evergreen branches in a cool place, and then bring them for the Hanging of the Greens on Sunday, December 18th.

Christmas Services at Holy Trinity
Now’s the time to invite a friend. Go ahead, share the good news, overcome the barriers and make the connection.

December 24th at 7:30pm
Candlelight service with carols, for all ages.

December 25th at 10:00am
Christmas Day Worship with St. Paul’s UCC
and Franklin Reformed, at Holy Trinity.

Sunday, January 1, 2012 at 11:00am
Worship with St. Paul’s UCC and Franklin Reformed, at Franklin Reformed (45 Hillside Crescent) .

Holiday Concert by Civic Band & Bloomfield Chorale
The Bloomfield Civic Band and Chorale will present their holiday program Sunday, Dec. 4 at 3:00 PM at Bloomfield Middle School (60 Huck Rd.) Emily Jones plays flute in the band and Ruth Hsu directs the Chorale in which Debbie and Scott Jones sing. Tickets are $15 or $10 with a discount coupon at

Walker Middle School Concerts
Catherine Rubens will be sharing her talents in two concerts this month at John Walker Middle School: a choral concert on Tuesday, Dec. 6 at 7:30 PM and an instrumental concert on Wed., Dec 7 at 7:30 PM.

Nutley High School Concert
Jared Lin will be playing in the orchestra and band at the Nutley High School “Yuletide” concert on Thursday, Dec. 8 at 7:30 PM.

Bloomfield High School Winter Concert
On Wed., Dec. 14 at 7:30 PM, Bloomfield High School will present its annual Winter Concert. (160 Broad St., Bloomfield) The concert features the symphonic orchestra, brass ensemble and three choirs totaling over 200 singers. Scott Jones serves as the choir rehearsal and concert accompanist. Free.

BHS Madrigals and Bloomfield Chorale at Holy Trinity
It’s become a tradition to bring the Bloomfield High Madrigal Singers together with the Bloomfield Chorale for a concert. This year’s concert will be on Tuesday, Dec. 20 at 8:00 PM. Free. Invite your friends and neighbors—get in the holiday spirit! Refreshments will be served.
Worship + Music

New Voice in the Choir
We have welcomed Catherine Rubens into our choir and we are very glad to have her! Catherine participates in the music program at John Walker Middle School, where she made the top choir. If we have other singers out there, please consider singing with the choir. Speak to Scott Jones, Minister of Music.

We would like to use re-usable mugs during Coffee & Tea Time so that we are better stewards of God’s creation. If you have any mugs at home that aren’t being used or aren’t needed – please bring them to the church office.

2012 Flower Chart
The new flower chart is posted outside the office. Please sign up or call the office to donate altar flowers in recognition of a special day. The cost is $30.00.

Is it a Snow Day?
We try never to have to cancel worship, but in case of inclement weather, please check the phone message at the office: (973) 667-0256. Should we need to cancel, the message will be updated by 8:00 AM.

Caring Community

Baby Shower for Cathy and Michael Palamara
Sunday, December 11 after worship in the Fellowship Hall.
Everyone is invited—not just women—and this is not a surprise!
Twin boys are due in February. Those planning to attend, please RSVP to Agee Lin at (973) 284-1835. Agee is also looking for additional help with planning and set-up.
Cathy and Mike are registered at Babies R Us (Search “Palamara” and then Cedar Grove).

"Your Grandmother’s Cupboard"
On Saturday, December 10 from 10am – 2pm,
the WELCA group of Holy Trinity will be collecting items for Your Grandmother’s Cupboard, which provides food, clothing and other necessities for the homeless, hungry and the other “invisible” children and adults in our community.

Items of dire need are:

Combs and brushes, Bars of Soap, Deodorant
Disposable Razors, Feminine Hygiene products,Shampoo
Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Toilet paper

Clothing: for men, women, and children
Especially need: Shoes and socks; Coats, hats, and gloves, and boots
Men’s work clothes (folded and sorted, if possible)

Other: Sheets (all sizes), blankets, comforters, sleeping bags

There is also a trailer that accepts donations at St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church, Wayne, N.J. (973) 694-8316 or

Remember the Hungry
Donations of non-perishable food items help stock the Nutley Food Pantry, as well as provide emergency food aid to our neighbors. Please place donations in the basket in the narthex to help those of us who are hungry!

A Food Pantry Shopping List:

canned fruit, canned vegetables, tuna fish
box of pasta, pasta sauce, 1-can meals
tomato paste, bar soap, toilet paper

Christmas Card Tradition
This year we would like to continue our tradition of having a congregational Christmas card. Instead of mailing individual cards to everyone, please bring in or mail one card to the entire congregation. The cards will be displayed in the narthex so that the congregation can read them.

The amount that would have been used towards cards and postage can then be put in the offering plate or mailed to the church office in an envelope marked "Christmas Card." The money will be donated to ELCA Good Gifts.

A Note from Chris and Nancy Duhm:
To our Dear Friends at HTLC,
We are so blessed to have you in our lives and consider you more family than friend!

We know that Hurricane Irene prevented the first ‘Sending’ and the ice storm almost prevented it a 2nd time. We also know that many of you could not make that service and we are truly sorry to have missed you. Please know that we think of you all often. We want to thank everyone who contributed to the gathering ‘feast’ afterwards. A special thank you to Sally who organized the narthex and all the goodies.

If you were at the service, you heard the kind words spoken about and to us. We were humbled. To look back at the work GOD guided us to do while in your care seems like a lifetime ago, but yet again only like yesterday.

The donation gift to Community Schools in our name was perfect! This school has been a mission of Holy Trinity’s ever since joining under Pastor Rickel’s reign, and Nancy has served on their Board of Directors for over 20 years. We also appreciate the cards we received with all your well-wishes.

Please accept our heartfelt thanks for making this donation, but most of all thank you for loving us and our children.

Delaware is about only two hours away, and while you will not see us weekly, we will attend church service when we can. Until then, wishing you all Health and Happiness

Your Brother and Sister in Christ,

Christopher and Nancy Duhm

Good to Know

Annual Reports
Please have your Annual Report information submitted to the church office no later than Friday, January 6th. If possible please e-mail the information to the office at or put on disk. Thank you.
Mark your calendar! The Annual Meeting will be on Sunday, January 29th after worship.

From the Financial Secretary
Please note that to be counted in 2011, all church offerings and contributions must be received by Sunday, December 25th. Thank you!

Like Us?
Then Like Holy Trinity’s Facebook page. You’ll get updates on the goings on at Holy Trinity; see pictures from events, read previous sermons, and more!

Save Money. Save Trees.
We would prefer to send the newsletter and ministry updates electronically. If you haven't shared your e-mail address with the church office, please consider doing so. Send an e-mail with ADD ME TO THE MAILING LIST in the subject line to We can send this newsletter to anyone with Microsoft Wordtm version 1993 or later.

December Birthdays and Anniversaries
December Birthdays
1: Nancy Maguire 19: Louis D’Agnolo
3: Michael Catelli 22: Irene Geiselmann
5: Madison Bernhard 23: Richard Bacik
11: Bradford Wilson 26: Julie Franchino
14: Bernd Mayr 29: Evelyn Denkinger
15: Alex Rubens 31: Elizabeth Futyma

December Anniversaries 27: Chao-Ren & Agee Lin

Plants & Animals for Christmas
Beautify the Sanctuary with a Poinsettia Plant Each poinsettia plant costs $8.00 and is in a foil wrapped 6 ½” pot. To order a poinsettia, use the order form below and place it in the offering plate or return it to the church office by Sunday, December 4, 2011 with your donation. Plants may be taken home after Christmas Eve Worship.

Animals that Make a Difference
This Christmas, give a gift that will change a life. Each gift of an animal listed below will be utilized by ELCA ministers to connect people with the resources they need to sustainably lift themselves from hunger and poverty. For every animal given, that animal will be added to the crèche on Christmas Eve. Gift cards are available in the narthex to tell loved ones you have given a gift in their honor. More info at Could we give a whole barnyard this Christmas?

Plants and Animals for Christmas Order Form (or call the office to place your order).
Name:______________________________ Phone:_________________
I wish to give the gift of:
_____ Poinsettia(s) at $8.00 each (order due TODAY. Dec 4th)
_____ Peep of chicks at $10each _____ Sheep at $125 each
_____ Duck(s) for $20 each _____ Fish Farm at $250 each
_____ Pig(s) at $30 each _____ Cow at $500 each
_____ Goat(s) at $50 each _____ Family Farm at $715 each

Total $:________ Paid via (circle one): check / cash Envelope#:_____

In Memory / Honor Of: _______________________________________

Thursday, November 3, 2011

From Pastor Kristin

Jesus took a loaf of bread and gave it to the disciples and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.” –Matthew 26:26

It’s time to get out the stretchy pants again! You know the ones – the pants we wear on Thanksgiving Day. Or more likely, the ones we put on after we’ve indulged in stuffing and potatoes and turkey and pumpkin pie and cranberries and more dessert. When our stomachs are so full that we have to open our belt buckles, or put on our stretchy pants.

I have to admit that I am unusually excited about Thanksgiving this year, because I am looking forward to actually being thankful. To intentionally rejoice with others over all that God has entrusted into our care. I need to rejoice this year. I need to give thanks and appreciate all that we do have, because everyone else – from news anchors to politicians – keep telling me to be depressed and anxious during these lean economic times. And it’s starting to work.

Which is why I am actually excited about Thanksgiving. Which is why this year, for once, I might actually appreciate Thanksgiving. Because I’m hoping that Thanksgiving just might pull me out of focusing on what I don’t have and remind me of all that God has already given to me, and to the world. To remember that God has given us enough, when we share with one another and use only what we need.

Maybe we don’t have all that we want, but we do have enough to gather around a table on Thanksgiving and share and eat with one another. God has given us enough to gather every week around the Lord’s Table to share and eat a bit of bread and bit of wine. Little bits that hold a whole lot: abundant and eternal life. The body of Christ, in your hands, in your body, and in your life, each and every day. And for that, I give God thanks.

Pastor Kristin

Worship + Music

November 20th. – Prepare for Advent
Please join us after worship on November 20th as we get together to prepare the building for Advent.

Lighting the Advent Wreath
As part of our advent preparations, we light the candles of the advent wreath in worship and in our homes. Each week, we need a couple people to say a prayer and light the advent wreath at the beginning of worship. This is a great way for people of all ages to become involved in worship leadership! So, sign up and grab a friend, a godchild, a neighbor, or an enemy to help you light the advent candles in worship.

I/We (name/s) ______________________________________________
_____ would like to light the advent wreath in worship.
_____ would be interested in leading other parts of worship
___ Prayers of the Church ___ Serving communion
___ Benediction
I/We are available to serve on the following Sundays of advent:
___ Nov. 27 ____ Dec. 4 ____ Dec. 11 ____ Dec. 18

Return this form to the office (via mail, e-mail, fax, feet, or the offering plate).

Nutley Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service
Monday, November 21st at 7:30pm
Vincent United Methodist Church

Worship with people of all faiths, thanking God for all of the blessings we enjoy as a community, and to remember in prayer those who are in need. The offering will go towards the Caring Kitchen Meal Ministry hosted by Vincent United Methodist Church.

Gather some Greens for the Windows at Christmas
This year, when you cut or purchase your Christmas tree, please ask for any spare evergreen branches or hanging greens. Keep the evergreen branches in a cool place, and then bring them to Holy Trinity on Sunday, December 18th, when we “Hang the Greens” and ready the sanctuary for Christmas.

Christmas Services at Holy Trinity
Now’s the time to invite a friend. Go ahead, share the good news, overcome the barriers and make the connection.

December 24th at 7:30pm
Candlelight service with carols, for all ages.

December 25th at 10:00am
Christmas Day Worship with St. Paul’s UCC and Franklin Reformed, hosted by Holy Trinity.

To assist at these services, please sign up in the narthex or call the
church office.

Caring Community

Stick Around After Worship
We’ve started something new…COFFEE AND TEA TIME after worship. Stay and talk with your sisters and brothers as you share your lives together over a cup of tea or coffee every first, third, and fifth Sunday of the month. November Coffee & Tea Times on the 6th and 20th. Sign-up sheet to host Coffee & Tea in the Narthex.

Do you have any coffee mugs that are not being used or not needed? Please bring them in (or donate them) to church for use during “Coffee and Tea Time.” Thank you!

Baby Shower for Cathy and Michael Palamara
Sunday, December 11 after worship, Holy Trinity Fellowship Hall.
Everyone is invited—not just women—and this is not a surprise!

Twin boys are due in February. Those planning to attend, please RSVP to Agee Lin at (973) 284-1835. Agee is also looking for additional help with planning and set-up.

Cathy and Mike are registered at Babies R Us (Search “Palamara” and then Cedar Grove).

"Your Grandmother’s Cupboard"
On Saturday, December 10 from 10am – 2pm,
the WELCA group of Holy Trinity will be collecting items for Your Grandmother’s Cupboard, an organization that provides food, clothing and other necessities for the homeless, hungry and the other “invisible” children and adults in our community.

As you make the change to fall and winter clothing, why not put aside the items you no longer need or want?

Items of dire need are:

Combs and brushes Bars of Soap Deodorant
Disposable Razors Feminine Hygiene products Shampoo
Toothbrushes Toothpaste Toilet paper

Clothing: for men, women, and children
Especially need: Shoes and socks; Coats, hats, and gloves, and boots
Men’s work clothes (folded and sorted, if possible)
Other: Sheets (all sizes), blankets, comforters, sleeping bags

There is also a trailer that accepts donations at St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church, Wayne, N.J. (973) 694-8316 or

Remember the Hungry
Donations of non-perishable food items help stock the Nutley Food Pantry, as well as provide emergency food aid to our neighbors. Please place donations in the basket in the narthex to help those of us who are hungry!

A Food Pantry Shopping List:

canned fruit, canned vegetables, tuna fish, box of pasta, pasta sauce
1-can meals, tomato paste, bar soap, toilet paper,

U.S. – Alabama
On April 27, 2011, severe storms and tornadoes ravaged the small town of Phil Campbell, Alabama. The home of Nickey, Kathy, and their three grandchildren was obliterated; reduced to a heap of splinters and rubble. They received the maximum $30,000 in aid from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, but it wasn’t enough to purchase a new home. The family of five temporarily moved into a friend’s RV. They were homeless.

Gifts to ELCA Disaster Response, directed through Lutheran Disaster Response, helped coordinate and support the rebuilding effort. With the help of volunteers, their house was rebuilt in three weeks. And just two months after the tornado leveled their home, they received the keys to their new three-bedroom home. The family was the first family in Phil Campbell to move into a new home after the disaster.

During the blessing of their home on June 30, 2010, members of the community gathered to pray for the family and the recovery of all other affected by the destructive storms. Nickey and Kathy were speechless; Kathy silently wiped away tears. In addition, local ELCA congregations provided two homemade quilts and a $500 gift card to help them furnish their new home. "I'm very grateful," Nickey said. "You can’t put it into words."

Your gifts to ELCA Disaster Response ensure that this church is ready to bring help and hope to disaster survivors.

Faith Formation

Open the Scripture.
Join the Conversation.

Everyone is welcome to join the conversation at either weekly Bible Study. Looking at the scriptures to discern what in the world God is up to in the Word, in the world, and in us? Come! You are always welcome!

Monday Evenings at 7:30pm.
Fall study: Making Sense of Scripture

Thursday afternoons at 2:00pm.
Focus on the gospel text for next Sunday.

(A brief background)
Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America is the national women’s organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America; all women of the local congregations are members. There are national and state conventions.

WELCA’s purpose is: as a community of women in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action and promote healing and wholeness in the church, society and the world.

In the congregation, women gather in circle meetings to carry out this purpose. At Holy Trinity, we have a circle which meets 6 to 8 times a year on the third Wednesday of the month for Bible Study, fellowship and occasionally go out to dinner. The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 16th, 7:30pm, at Marcia Hayes' home (142 Conover Avenue, Nutley). Over the years we have donated and helped with our own church projects, ministries in the community and church wide missions. All women are always invited to come to the circle meetings.

Good to Know (birthdays, notices, misc.)

Church Ticket Offer New Jersey Devils at the Prudential Center, Newark, N.J.
New Jersey Devils vs. New York Islanders
Saturday, November 26, 2011 – 1:00PM.
Special Ticket Price of $40.00.

Please let our office know if you would like to be the Group Leader for this event and we will provide you with all of the pertinent information. All orders must be received by 11/20/11.

Church Directory
Please check one of the draft copies of the directory to make sure your information is up-to-date and complete. Please make sure to provide an email address if you have not done so. It is very important that you ALL take the time to review and update the information that we have listed for you. Once you have reviewed your information, please make a check mark next to your name (please only mark 1 copy). Updates are need by November 24th so that new directories can be distributed in in December.

If you cannot get to church to make corrections to your information, please call or email the office at (973) 667-0256 or Thank you!

We’ve Moved!

Chris and Nancy Duhm
3 Dumphries Court
Townsend, DE 19734-2866
H: (302) 376-5643
C: (201) 965-4660

Emily Jones
2350 Route 10, Unit E2
Morris Plains, NJ 07950-1233

Elaine Miller and Terry Scalcione
4305 Harcourt Rd.
Clifton, NJ 07013

Congratulations and best wishes to all!

The Lutheran
In your offering envelope box, you should find an envelope in the fall section for a special offering to help defray the cost of our The Lutheran subscription. At a group rate, Holy Trinity pays about $8.00 per subscription. Gifts toward this expense are greatly appreciated. If you are not receiving The Lutheran and would like to, or if you do not wish to receive it, please contact the church office by phone or email. Thank you.

Like Us?
Then Like Holy Trinity’s Facebook page. You’ll get updates on the goings on at Holy Trinity, see pictures from events, read previous sermons, and even participate in sermon feedback.

Save Money. Save Trees.
We would prefer to send the newsletter and ministry updates electronically. If you haven't shared your e-mail address with the church office, please consider doing so. Send an e-mail with ADD ME TO THE MAILING LIST in the subject line to We can send this newsletter to anyone with Microsoft Wordtm version 1993 or later.

November Birthdays and Anniversaries

November Birthdays
4: Erika Bacik
8: Sara Murphy
10: Jennifer Murphy
11: Chris Amlung
12: John Fenton
13: Irene Falk
18: Cathy Palamara
21: Erik Hess
27: Judi Lovas
28: Joelle Bernhard, Aida Rubens
29: Grace Viola, Bonnie Munoz
30: Nancy Duhm, Nicole Duhm, William Murphy

November Anniversaries
1: Ken & Irene Geiselmann
2: Richard & Susan Ulley
24: Louis & Terry D’Agnolo

Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Lutheran Peace Activist
Leymah Roberta Gbowee, a Lutheran Liberian peace activist, has been awarded the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize. Gbowee, a member of the Lutheran Church in Liberia, is responsible for organizing a non-violent women's movement that brought an end to a 14-year civil war in Liberia.

The Liberian women's movement led to the ousting of ex-President Charles Taylor and to the election of Ellen Johnson Sirleaf as president of Liberia -- the first African nation with a female president. President Sirleaf also has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

The war in Liberia began in 1989, but "the women's movement, our protest, didn't begin until 2003," said Gbowee. As a mother of six children, she grew tired of watching children die from hunger and "waking up every morning and not knowing whether a tomorrow was possible."

She decided it was time to stop the war and called together women of all faiths -- Christian, Muslim, indigenous and others -- from across Liberia to "step out," recognizing that Liberian women can play a critical role in peace building.

"You always see your savior in someone else other than yourself," Gbowee said. "So for us women, having never been socialized to believe that we have powers to interfere in the politics of our country, we were waiting for the bold men. (But) every time the bold men rose up, they rose up with guns and other things," she said, realizing that women needed to bring the much-desired peace "for ourselves."

Using the experiences of the women before them, Gbowee used prayer, picketing and silence to further their mission. Despite insults and other behaviors that came their way, Gbowee said, "We kept quiet because we had a sense of purpose and sense of direction." The women also put together statements of peace for African governments, engaged the media and initiated personal, one-to-one conversations with power brokers "to see how we could get the peace that Liberia was searching for," she said.

Gbowee's story is chronicled in the documentary "Pray the Devil Back to Hell," which is currently playing on PBS television channels and at She has just completed her memoir, "Mighty Be Our Powers: How Sisterhood, Prayer, and Sex Changed a Nation at War" -- a book that examines "the power of women and the power of faith in getting you (out) from the darkest place in your life," she said.

"Leymah Gbowee embodies a Christian faith that will not keep silent in the face of poverty and oppression," said ELCA Presiding Bishop, Mark Hanson. "She sees the strength that comes when both women and men of different faiths join together in building a more just and peaceful world. When others may say there is no hope in the face of forces that divide and exploit, Leymah Gbowee gives a resounding 'yes' to the way of nonviolence and justice for all,"

Gbowee was awarded a scholarship from the International Leadership Development Program of the ELCA in 2006-2007 to support her study in peace building at Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, Va.

Plants & Animals For Christmas

Beautify the Sanctuary with a Poinsettia Plant
Each poinsettia plant costs $8.00 and is in a foil wrapped 6 ½” pot. To order a poinsettia, use the order form below and place it in the offering plate or return it to the church office by Sunday, December 4, 2011 with your donation. Plants may be taken home after Christmas Eve Worship.

Animals that Make a Difference
This Christmas, give a gift that will change a life. Each gift of an animal listed below will be utilized by ELCA ministers to connect people with the resources they need to sustainably lift themselves from hunger and poverty. For every animal given, that animal will be added to the crèche in the sanctuary. For more info as well as gift cards to tell loved ones you have given a gift in their honor are available at Could we give a whole barnyard this Christmas?
Plants and Animals for Christmas Order Form

Name:______________________________ Phone:_________________
I wish to give the gift of:
_____ Poinsettia(s) at $8.00 each (order due Sunday. Dec 4th)
_____ Peep of chicks at $10each _____ Sheep at $125 each
_____ Duck(s) for $20 each _____ Fish Farm at $250 each
_____ Pig(s) at $30 each _____ Cow at $500 each
_____ Goat(s) at $50 each _____ Family Farm at $715 each

Total $:________ Paid via (circle one): check / cash Envelope#:_____

In Memory / Honor Of: _______________________________________

Thursday, September 29, 2011

From Pastor Kristin...

When I was born, the doctor took one look at my hands and told my mom that since I had such long fingers, I would be a great piano player. I often hear and wonder about those words when I look at my hands, because even though my fingers are still long, I am not all that great of a piano player. I am fascinated that at my birth, the doctor thought he saw the unfolding of my life just by looking at my hands.

Our hands identify us as unique individuals through our uniquely formed fingerprints. Our hands comfort children. Write words. Seal a business deal. Say hello. Bestow love. And create pain. They are our most basic connection to the world, yet no two pairs of hands are the same. And each set has its own experience in the world, since no to lives are the same either.

On September 18th, those gathered for worship participated in an Affirmation of Christian Vocation, in which we remembered and affirmed God’s particular call in each of our lives. On that day, we also kicked off our fall theme of “God’s work. Our hands.” No matter your vocation, no matter how you spend your days, God’s call in our lives is most often revealed through the work of our hands – in conjunction with our brains and mouths and other body parts, of course. But, our hands are nearly always involved in anything we do or say.

In October, we will continue to explore the theme “God’s work. Our hands.” in our congregational life at Holy Trinity. Monday evening Bible Study is beginning a study titled “Making Sense of Scripture,” in which we will study and discuss the work of God and God’s people throughout history, as it has been told in the Bible. The new Faith Formation team will continue to discuss how the people of Holy Trinity can seek to grow in our faith and in passing on the Christian faith through faith practices like worship, hospitality, creativity, caring for creation, and others. Children’s Sunday School will be exploring God’s creative handiwork in creation. And on October 30th, Reformation Sunday, we will celebrate God’s word alive, in our hands, in the form of scripture. It is my hope that on Sunday, October 30th, everyone will gather in worship with a Bible in your hands. We will even be giving Bibles to anyone who needs one in their hands.

God is revealed in our world through flesh and bone. Through Jesus’ crucified flesh and bone hands. Through your flesh and bone hands enlivened by the Spirit of God. The God’s work, done in your hands. Our hands really can tell the story of our lives, but each story is different. This month, pay attention to your hands. Take care of your hands. Thank God for your hands. And listen to the unique story God is telling to the world, through the work of your hands. From Luke 24:36-40: While the disciples were talking amongst each other, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” They were startled and terrified, and thought that they were seeing a ghost.

Jesus said to them, “Look at my hands and my feet; see that it is I myself. Touch me and see; for a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.” And when he said this, he showed them his hands and his feet.
~Pastor Kristin

Bring Your Bible to Church!

Bring your Bible to Church on Reformation Sunday, October 30th!One of the central ideas of the Protestant Reformation of the Christian Church 500 years ago was “allowing” everyone (not just priests) to read the Bible, and read it in our own language. To celebrate our ability to read, bring your Bible to church on Sunday, October 30th. If you don’t have a Bible you can read easily, let the office know, and we’ll present you with one on Reformation Sunday.

On the Calendar

Open the Scripture. Join the Conversation.
Everyone is welcome to join the conversation at either weekly Bible Study. Looking at the scriptures to discern what in the world God is up to in the Word, in the world, and in us? Come! You are always welcome!

Monday Evenings at 7:30pm.
New study: Making Sense of Scripture

Thursday afternoons at 2:00pm.
Focus on the gospel text for next Sunday.

Choir Rehearsals began again on Thursday, September 15th, at 8pm. If you would like to join the choir or would like more information, please call, email or speak to Scott Jones.

Sunday School Has Started
Sunday School is in full swing. Everyone, young and old gather for worship at 10 a.m. Then, children and teachers move to their classroom after a children’s message and prayer. The whole assembly reunites during the Sharing of the Peace so that we can celebrate the Lord’s Supper together.

Our children NEED You!
Adults are still needed to help to plan, assist, and/or teach our children the Christian faith. If you would like to be involved in the Sunday School ministry, please call the church office at (973) 667-0256 or talk with Pastor Kristin.

Remember to “fall back” on November 6th!
Please note that daylight savings time ends on November 6, 2011 – make sure to set your clocks back one hour.

Congregational Cottage Meetings
Get ready! Stay by your phone! During the next 6 months, the church council will be inviting everyone in the congregation to participate in a local cottage meeting. The intention of these gatherings is to provide Pastor Kristin with an opportunity to get to know you (yes, you!) in a more informal setting.

But you don’t have to wait for your cottage meeting to get to know Pastor Kristin; you can always invite her for lunch, dinner, coffee, or ice cream (she loves ice cream!).

Let’s Meet The Neighbors!
As part of getting to know our neighbors and the Nutley community, Pastor Kristin will soon begin intentionally meeting our neighbors, simply by ringing their doorbell and introducing herself as the new pastor at Holy Trinity. BUT, so that our neighbors can meet the people of the congregation and because Jesus sent out the disciples 2x2, she needs your help! Pastor Kristin asks that everyone sign up for at least one time slot to partner with her in meeting our neighbors. Depending on your mobility, we will either walk or drive to our neighbors’ homes. Sign-up sheets are in the office and will be passed around during worship.

Worship Leader Training
Sunday, October 2nd & 9th, after worship.

Are you currently serving as lector, assisting minister, communion assistant, or usher? Would you like to begin serving in one of these roles in worship? If you answered yes (or maybe) to either of these questions, please plan on participating in worship leader training on either Sunday October 2nd or 9th following worship.
We’ll be discussing the responsibilities of each role and train you as to how to best carry out your responsibilities as a worship leader. P.S. Even if you have served in worship for 20+ years, please participate in these trainings, as Pastor Kristin may have some new instructions for you!

Let’s Stick Around After Worship
Starting October 2nd, we’re going to try something new after worship…COFFEE AND TEA TIME after worship, in the narthex. Stay and talk with your sisters and brothers, sharing your lives together over a cup of tea or coffee each week.


Like Us?
Then Like Holy Trinity’s Facebook page. You’ll get updates on the goings on at Holy Trinity, see pictures from events, read previous sermons, and even participate in sermon feedback.

In Our Community

Let’s Take a Walk! The 2011 CROP Walk is SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16th AT 2PM. and will begin and end at First Congregational Church, 40 South Fullerton Ave, Montclair. We will walk 3 miles together.

Join neighbors from different faiths, cultures, and ages, to walk together to take a stand against hunger in our world. Together we raise awareness and funds for international relief and development, as well as local hunger-fighting agencies. Some 2,000 communities across the country take part each year. CROP = Communities – Responding to – Overcome-Poverty!

This year’s CROP Walk theme is “we walk because they walk.” T-shirts and baseball-style caps will be available at a cost of $10.00 for adults.

WALKS help fight hunger and poverty around the world including the U.S. Up to 25% of what a CROP Walk raises can assist food banks, pantries, community gardens, and other local hunger-fighting initiatives. The total raised for the 2010 Essex Walk in Montclair was over $18,500 with $4,600.00 being returned for our 11 local food pantries in Montclair, Bloomfield, Kearny and Nutley.

Call (973) 744-6043 with any questions.

It is with great joy that we announce the arrival of John Corbett Brady, son of Matthew and Erica (Geiselmann) Brady, and the grandson of Ken and Irene Geiselmann. John arrived on August 24, 2011 and was 9 lbs. 5 oz. Erica and Matt have relocated to Madison, N.J. from Michigan.

A “Thank You” from the Futyma Family
"To everyone at Holy Trinity: Thank yo so much for all of your cards, prayers for the past six years-plus and telephone calls. We were truly blessed by God to have her with us as long as we did. She worked with her father for 21 years almost every day! We all know she is in a better place now. Thanks again for everything."
Marty & Betty Futyma and Familes

A “Thank You” from the Siclari Family
“To say thank you is just not adequate enough for all of the love and support you have all shown me and my family during this most difficult time. Our church family may be small in number, but we are vast in our love for one another. We feel truly blessed to be a part of this church.

It was a great comfort to us knowing all of you were praying for us.”
Thanks again. Love, Chris, Michele & Jennifer

Altar Flowers
Please note that if you would like to honor or memorialize someone with altar flowers, we have the following dates available:

November 13, November 20 & December 11
Cost is $30 per date. The sign-up sheet is outside of the church office. If you cannot make it to church but would like to sign up for a date, please call the church office, and then please mail your check to Holy Trinity with a notation of “Altar Flowers”. Thank you!

Remember the Hungry
Donations of non-perishable food items help stock the Nutley Food Pantry, as well as provide emergency food aid to our neighbors. Place non-perishable food in the basket in the narthex. All donations go to help those of us who are hungry!
An easy shopping list of food pantry needs:

box of pasta, canned fruit, canned vegetables, tomato paste, pasta sauce, 1-can meals
tuna fish, bar soap, toilet paper

We Need Your Help
We need a volunteer to deliver food pantry donations to the Nutley Red Cross (Chestnut Street). Donations are accepted Monday – Friday, from 9am – 5pm. If you can help, please call the office at (973) 667-0256 or email Tina at Thank you!

October Birthdays, Anniversaries and Disciples

October Birthdays
1: Agee Lin
12: Tony Maguire
14: Evelyn Cordes
16: Angela Murphy
17: Ruth Sekula
18: Joseph Cicci
22: Martin Futyma
23: Jennifer Riccio
26: Lynn Johnson
29: Matthew Duhm
30: Kevin Johnson, Monica Rubens

October Anniversaries
3: Brenda & Dan Munoz
16: Nancy & Tony Maguire

October Disciples (please pray for the person listed on the following dates - on Sunday we pray for all of the people listed in the coming week)

1:Diane Petschel
3:Paige Petschel
4:Anthony Pisciotta
5:Kathy Pisciotta
6:David Pisciotta
7:Kristen Pisciotta
8:Dave Reed
10:Sharod Reed
11:Chuck Rhodes
12:George Ritacco
13:Diane Ritacco
14:Davia Ritaqcco
15:Alex Rubens
17:Aida Rubens
18:Catherine Rubens
19:Alexandra Rubens
20:Monica Rubens
21:Gloria Ryden
22:Teresa Scalcione
24:Doris Schulz
25:Greg Sekula
26:Ruth Sekula
27:Chris Siclari
28:Audrey Stevens
29:Larry Stevens
31:Tom Stevens


Lutheran World Relief

Help pave the path to recovery for East African farmers affected by drought by joining Lutheran World Relief in raising $3 million this year for a long-term response. Your support will provide tools, seeds, training and criticial improvements to things like irrigation systems that will help farmers recover their livelihoods and become more resilient to future droughts.

Friday, September 2, 2011

From Pastor Kristin

From Pastor Kristin…
God’s Work. Our Hands.
A couple weeks ago, I was told some amazing news about the ministry of Holy Trinity that I had not discovered during the conversations that were part of my pastoral call process. I was told that Holy Trinity will soon be 90 years old! Wow! The people of Holy Trinity have been doing God’s work here in this place for almost 90 years! That’s quite a testimony to God’s commitment to this ministry.

Some of you may have experienced many of these almost 90 years of ministry. You may remember what ministry was like 80, 45, 15, or 5 years ago. While others of you may have only experienced one or two years of God’s ministry through Holy Trinity. Yet, I’m sure you can all tell great stories of God’s faithfulness to this congregation, both in the past and in the present.

The ministry of HTLC may not look or even be the same as it was 90 years ago, or even two years ago. But, one think I know is true: God is still at work in this place, through you – the people of Holy Trinity. For, “I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6)

When Scott Jones and I sat down to look at the scripture readings to be read in worship this fall, we decided that a good theme for ministry this fall would be God’s work. Our hands. It is my hope that this theme will flow throughout all we are and do as the people of Holy Trinity. I will be asking many of you to share with the congregation your faith story of how God has worked in your life. (If you would like to share your faith story, please let me know!) We will be celebrating the work of the various ministries of Holy Trinity. Above all, I hope that we will work towards intentionally claiming who we, as people of God called to do God’s work, are ToDaY, after almost 90 years of ministry. “For it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for God’s good pleasure.” (Philippians 2:13)

We will begin our celebration of God’s work. Our hands. on Sunday, September 18th with a Fall Ministry Extravaganza. In worship, we will bless students, teachers, and those who care for students as a new school year begins. In addition, we are asking everyone to bring to worship a symbol of your vocation for an Affirmation of Christian Vocation. This might be a textbook or calculator if you’re a student or a teacher. It might be a smartphone or a computer. It might be a hammer or a set of keys. Whatever symbolizes the work God has called you to do with your life – bring it to worship. After worship, we will continue our celebration with abundant food and fun.

Come and bring your friends to worship on the 18th for a morning of Food! Faith! and Fun! as we begin to celebrate God’s work through Our hands.

Pastor Kristin

From the Church Council

Notes from Council
Church Council welcomed Pastor Kristin to our meeting on August 16. She reported that she’s had a busy first few weeks, what with the continuing issues with our neighbors and our AA ministry, and 2 deaths in the families of Holy Trinity members that week.

We are excited to announce the Installation Service for Pastor Kristin Engstrom will be held on Sunday, September 25, 2011 at 3:00 PM at Holy Trinity. After the service we will treat Pastor Kristin, her clergy colleagues and the congregation to one of our famous pot-luck dinners. We would like to have an idea of attendance at this dinner, so we are asking you to sign up on the sheet passed around during the August 28, September 4, and September 11 services, or to call the church office. The signup sheet will ask you if you’d bring a salad, main dish, or dessert. We will need this information by Monday, September 12 so that Council can finish the planning at the September 13 meeting.

During the next few months, Council Members will be contacting members of the congregation to arrange get-to-know-Pastor-Kristin events. We hope that you will join the event to which you are invited so that you can chat with Pastor and she can get to know the congregation better. ~Holy Trinity Church Council

On The Calendar

Open the Scripture.Join the Conversation.
Everyone is welcome to join the conversation at either weekly Bible Study. Looking at the scriptures to discern what in the world God is up to in the Word, in the world, and in us? Come! You are always welcome!

Monday Evenings at 7:30pm, beginning September 12th.
Thursday afternoons at 2:00pm, beginning September 8th.

Church Work Day
Saturday, Sept 10th at 10am
Now that fellowship hall and the kitchen have been painted, it's time to tame the kitchen cupboards. Thanks to Janet and Phyllis who have begun this process. Additional hands are needed on Saturday, September 10 at 10 am to organize the remaining cupboards and countertops. We should be done by noon, if not sooner. Thank you!

Choir Rehearsals
will begin again on Thursday, September 15th , at 8pm and the choir will sing on Sunday, September 11th. If you would like to join the choir or would like more information, please call, email or speak to Scott Jones.

Sunday School is Starting
Children’s Sunday School will begin on Sunday, September 25. Like last year, children will gather with the whole congregation for worship at 10:00am, and then participate in Children’s Sunday School during worship, returning in time for Holy Communion.

BUT: We need your help to plan, assist, and/or teach our children the Christian faith. If you would like to be involved in the Sunday School ministry, please call the church office at (973) 667-0256 or talk with Pastor Kristin.

Thank You! and Congratulations!

Thank you!
Thank you to all that hosted our summer lemonade. It was such a success that we are hoping to continue after-worship fellowship, beginning in October!

Thank you!
Thanks to all of you who donated food for our summer food drive! If you stocked up on food in preparation for Hurricane Irene, continue to bring your non-perishable goods to donate to the Nutley Red Cross.

Off To College!
Matthew Duhm will be attending Montclair State University and Rebecca Lovas will be attending Northeastern University in Boston. They are both attending as college freshmen. We wish them luck with all of their future endeavors!

Let us know if we missed anyone. Students—have a great year! Please keep them in your prayers. If you are attending college and have not given us your email address yet, please give us this information so that we may keep you up to date with Holy Trinity activities. Also, Holy Trinity is on Facebook – make sure to “friend us”!

Congregational Cottage Meetings

Congregational Cottage Meetings
Get ready! Stay by your phone!
During the next 6 months, the church council will be inviting everyone in the congregation to participate in a local cottage meeting. The intention of these gatherings to provide Pastor Kristin with an opportunity to get to know you (yes, you!) in a more informal setting. But, you don’t have to wait for your cottage meeting to get to know Pastor Kristin, you can always invite her for lunch, dinner, coffee, or ice cream (she loves ice cream!).

In Our Community

Community 9/11 Service of Hope
The Nutley community is invited to gather on September 11th for a Service of Hope at 4:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church (17 Monsignor Owens Place). A program of music and prayer and readings will offer an opportunity to honor those whose lives were lost, support their families, reflect on lessons learned, renew our hope, and seek peace in our world. All are welcome.

Let’s Take a Walk!
The 2011 CROP Walk is SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16th AT 2PM. and will begin and end at First Congregational Church, 40 South Fullerton Ave, Montclair. We will walk 3 miles together.

Join neighbors from different faiths, cultures, and ages, to walk together to take a stand against hunger in our world. Together we raise awareness and funds for international relief and development, as well as local hunger-fighting agencies. Some 2,000 communities across the country take part each year. CROP = Communities – Responding to – Overcome-Poverty!

This year’s CROP Walk theme is “we walk because they walk.” T-shirts and baseball-style caps will be available at a cost of $10.00 for adults.

WALKS help fight hunger and poverty around the world including the U.S. Up to 25% of what a CROP Walk raises can assist food banks, pantries, community gardens, and other local hunger-fighting initiatives. The total raised for the 2010 Essex Walk in Montclair was over $18,500 with $4,600.00 being returned for our 11 local food pantries in Montclair, Bloomfield, Kearny and Nutley.

The one and only meeting for the 2011 WALK will be Wednesday September 7th at 7:30pm at First Evangelical Lutheran Church, 153 Park Street, Montclair. WALK envelopes, poster, flyers, t-shirts, etc. will be available for distribution. Call (973) 744-6043 with any questions.

In Memoriam…
Frank Siclari
Frank Siclari passed away on Monday morning, August 15th at home.
Frank lived in Nutley, New Jersey all of his life. He was married to Christine Siclari for almost thirty-two years. Together, they raised two daughters, Michele Ouellette and Jennifer Riccio. Frank also greatly enjoyed spending time with his grandchildren Jacqueline, Madeline, and Charles Ouellette, and Brianna and Daniel Riccio.

Frank was sales supervisor with Victoria Packaging Company in Brooklyn, NY. In addition, he was active in the Nutley community as a member of the Nutley Elks BPOE 1290. He was also a veteran of the Navy, having served in the Vietnam War. As an active member of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Frank loved serving Easter Breakfast where he was “chief cook and bottle washer”. He also served on the church council for several years and refurbished the baptismal font, which continues to be used in worship. Frank will be greatly missed.

In lieu of flowers, the family requested that donations be made to the Holy Trinity Endowment Fund.

Catherine Futyma-Brown
Catherine L. Futyma-Brown, 45, died on Aug. 19, 2011. Catherine lived in Oxford, N.J., for 21 years, coming from Glen Ridge, N.J., and was born in Glen Ridge, N.J., on Oct. 16, 1965. She was vice president of Fertl-Soil, Turf Supply, Inc., Scotch Plains, N.J., for 21 years. Catherine is survived by her husband, Michael Brown at home; one daughter, Madeleine Rose of Oxford, N.J.; parents, Martin J. and Elizabeth R. Futyma of Glen Ridge, N.J.; one sister, Stacy and her husband, Peter Christopulos, of Branchburg, N.J.; several aunts, uncles and cousins, and many nieces and nephews.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Madeleine Rose Education Fund, c/o The Cochran Funeral Home, 905 High St., Hackettstown, N.J. 07840.

Tori Franchino
On Sunday morning, August 14th, Tori Franchino passed away after a strong battle with cancer. She was the wife of David Franchino, daughter-in-law of Julie Franchino, and sister-in-law of John and Peter Franchino.

The family decided that it would be most fitting to say goodbye to Tori on Long Island, where she spent most of her life. In lieu of flowers, the family requested that you make a donation to the Sloan-Kettering Hospital Memorial Fund.

Altar Flowers
Please note that if you would like to honor or memorialize someone with altar flowers, we have the following dates available:

September 18,November 6, November 13, November 20, December 11

Cost is $30 per date. The sign-up sheet is outside of the church office. If you cannot make it to church but would like to sign up for a date, please call the church office, and then please mail your check to Holy Trinity with a notation of “Altar Flowers”. Thank you!

Remember the Hungry
We will continue to collect food as part of our offering during worship. Bring your non-perishable food items to worship with you, and leave them in the designated area in the Narthex.

We Need Your Help
We need a volunteer to deliver food pantry donations to the Nutley Red Cross (Chestnut Street). Donations are accepted Monday – Friday, from 9am – 5pm. If you can help, please call the office at (973) 667-0256 or email Tina at Thank you!

Save Money. Save Trees.
We would prefer to send the newsletter and ministry updates electronically. If you haven't shared your e-mail address with the church office, please consider doing so. Send an e-mail with ADD ME TO THE MAILING LIST in the subject line to We can send this newsletter to anyone with Microsoft Wordtm version 1993 or later.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

From Pastor Kristin

It’s Good to Finally Be with You.
It’s hard to believe that it was almost two months ago that I joined you for a morning of worship, conversation, and a congregational meeting. It feels like just yesterday that we rejoiced as you called me to be your new pastor! But now, I am so glad to have actually arrived at Holy Trinity to begin serving as your pastor and entering into ministry with you.

Since many of you only met me for a short time that Sunday morning in June, I thought it might be helpful to share a bit more about myself with you as we begin our ministry adventures together. I come to you after serving for two years in downtown Jersey City in a diverse, urban congregation that is currently celebrating 150 years of ministry. I spent much of my time in Jersey City walking the streets, forming relationships, and lifting up congregational gifts to be public witnesses of the gospel. After having spent just one week in Nutley, I am already looking forward to walking down Franklin Avenue, meeting our neighbors, and discerning with you what ministry might look like here in this place.

As you may have guessed, I am not a native East Coaster, but am originally from the Midwest. I grew up in both Minnesota and Iowa, and if you listen closely you might still hear a Minnesota accent. I may even utter an occasional “Uff-Da,” if you’re lucky. I am a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (Go Badgers!), where, amongst other more serious things, I learned to dance the polka. Finally, my seminary education took place on the south-side of Chicago at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. Though I spent much of my time in seminary in front of books and computers, it was also a time where I came to know and experience a God who is dynamic, creative, and in love with this world – including you and me!

I also come to you as someone who has served and lived in many different settings, not just with books and in classrooms. Prior to entering seminary, I served as Director of Youth Ministry at a large church in Madison, Wisconsin for about three years. And then during seminary, I spent one year on internship at the American Lutheran Congregation in Oslo, Norway. My heart still aches for the wonderful, stoic people of Oslo, as they recover from the atrocities that occurred there last weekend. Both of these experiences – serving in a diverse, foreign environment and working with sometimes strange and always interesting teenagers – have taught me the value and the challenge of honestly living out our faith even amidst the struggles and realities of daily life.

On a more personal note, I’m an avid knitter, gardener, and traveler. I also like to get out of doors, whether it’s in the city or out in nature, where I can explore new sights, sounds, and adventures. I play the viola and guitar, and have always wanted to learn to bang on the drums. I love all things chocolate, and will try just about any food you put in front of me (I will though politely decline to eat meat, since I am a vegetarian. But, I did eat fried termites on my recent trip to Ghana in West Africa!)

As I settle into life at Holy Trinity, I’m looking forward to meeting all of you and hearing your stories of faith and life. I know that our ministry together will be full of adventures, challenges, and growth as a lively community of faith united in God’s love. Please don’t hesitate to call (973-667-0256) or e-mail ( me or just stop by the office if you want to talk or grab a cup of coffee or tea. It’s so good to finally be with you here at Holy Trinity!

Grace and peace,

Pastor Kristin

On the Calendar

Open the Scripture. Join the Conversation.

Join us every Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m. (changed from Monday night for the summer) as we gather to open the scripture and join in conversation with God and each other.

Please join us as we ask: What is God doing in the the world? What is God doing in our lives? What is God saying to us as individuals, a community of faith, the world? What is the good news of God's kingdom? How is God sending us into the world? These are just some of the questions we ask as God engages us through His word and the witness of the Holy Scripture.

Don’t Take a Vacation From Church!

Summer is here and it’s vacation time – hopefully this doesn’t mean you will “take a vacation” from church - instead, why not invite someone to church? Most people come to a certain church as a result of an invitation from a friend. As you talk with friends, neighbors and co-workers, keep in mind your commission to be an ambassador of Jesus. God has called each of us – from the youngest to the oldest – to share the good news of Jesus, to overcome barriers and to connect one to many in love of God.

In Our Community

Talent Time to Present Seussical

Seussical, a musical based on the beloved stories of Dr. Seuss, will be presented at Bloomfield High School August 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, and 13 at 8 pm. Tickets will be available at the door, and will cost $15 for general admission, $12 for both K-12 students and senior citizens. The high school is at 160 Broad St. in Bloomfield and is air-conditioned! Sarah Jones is performing in the cast and Emily Jones is playing in the pit orchestra.

It’s the 62nd show for the Charles Seller Foundation. Each summer the members, who are ages 14 to 30, produce and perform a musical in which all the profits go to help a local person with a severe medical need. This year all proceeds will benefit Alyssa Andolino, who has mitochondrial disease, in which her mitochondria cannot produce the energy her body needs to function.

Please visit, or call (973) 953-5378 for more information.

Save The Date!
Jared Lin will be performing the Grieg Piano Concerto in A Minor as soloist with the Bergen Philharmonic on Saturday, March 31, 2012. Bravo, Jared! We will share location and ticket details at a later date, but please put it in your calendars now! (Jared also just visited Stanford and plans to apply early decision to study Bio-Chemistry!)

Preview Concert
On Sunday, August 14 Jared plans to present a special preview piano concert after worship. The Lin family has graciously offered to provide a light luncheon during the lemonade time, and then Jared will present a short, 30-40 minute piano recital in the sanctuary at noon. Please plan to join us and invite friends!

Summer Lemonade

Please plan to linger a bit after worship to visit with friends both new and longstanding for our after-worship summer lemonade.

We started on Sunday, June 26 and will end on Sunday, September 4.

Here is our current schedule:
June 26: Diane & Paige Petschel
July 3: OPEN
July 10: Elaine Miller & Terry Scalcione
July 17: Greg & Ruth Sekula
July 24: Audrey Stevens
July 31: Marcia Hayes
August 7: Debbie & Scott Jones
August 14: Lin Family
August 21: Lin Family
August 28: Leona Candura, Grace Viola & Julie Franchino
September 4: Paige Petschel

When you sign up, please note that this includes setting up (make the lemonade that the church provides), provide cookies, brownies, fruit, etc., and help cleaning up. Thank you!

Narcotics Anonymous

We received a thank you note from N/A as follows:

"On behalf of the group, we would like to thank the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church for allowing us to stay here for so long. Many lives were saved here. We would also like to thank you for such a positive referral, it has helped us get into our new location."

Church World Services/Blankets + Program

We received a note from Church World Services thanking us for our contribution. With our support they can continue to serve community efforts to develop sustainable agriculture, reliable safe water supplies and other means to break the grip of grinding poverty.

Host Families Needed

AIFS Foundation is looking for host families to house international exchange students who must be placed by August 15th. If anyone is interested, we do have more information; please contact the church office

Altar Flowers

Please note that if you would like to honor or memorialize someone with altar flowers, we have the following dates available:

September 18 November 6 November 13
November 20 December 11

The cost is $30 per date. The sign-up sheet is outside of the church office; if you cannot make it to church but would like to sign up for a date, please give us a call and we can do it for you – then please mail your check to Holy Trinity with a notation of “Altar Flowers”.

Thank you to all that have already signed up.

August Birthdays, Anniversaries and Disciples

August Birthdays
3: Daniel Munoz
6: Aubrey D’Agnolo
10: Steve Oberndorf
16: Kay Ludwig
18: Ryan Cabral
21: Greg Sekula
23: Connor Murphy
24: James Greengrove
25: Chao Lin
27: Dot Duke
29: Martin Mueller
30: Jared Lin
31: Robert Catelli

August Anniversaries
18: Frank & Chris Siclari
22: Gail & George Ceravolo
23: Evelyn & Steve Oberndorf
24: Dave & Sharon Reed
26: Martin & Sally Mueller

August Disciples (please pray for these people on the date listed).
1:Judi Lovas
2:Rebecca Lovas
3:Kay Ludwig
4:Janette Lutz
5:Betty Mack
6:Tony Maguire
8:Nancy Maguire
9:Miriam Mascola
10:Gerald Mayr
11:Otto Mayr
12:Hedy Mary
13:Bernd Mayr
15:Carlos Medina
16:Grace Medina
17:Elaine Miller
18:Nicole Mozeliak
19:Lizzy Wiede
20:Holly Wiede
23:Martin Mueller
23:Sally Mueller
24:Max Mueller
25:Miles Mueller
26:Daniel Munoz
27:Brenda Munoz
29:Justin Munoz
30:Ethan Munoz
31:Bonnie Munoz

Thursday, June 30, 2011

On the Calendar

Open the Scripture. Join the Conversation.
Join us every Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m. (changed from Monday night for the summer) as we gather to open the scripture and join in conversation with God and each other.

Please join us as we ask: What is God doing in the the world? What is God doing in our lives? What is God saying to us as individuals, a community of faith, the world? What is the good news of God's kingdom? How is God sending us into the world? These are just some of the questions we ask as God engages us through His word and the witness of the Holy Scripture.

Don’t Take a Vacation From Church!
Summer is here and it’s vacation time – hopefully this doesn’t mean you will “take a vacation” from church - instead, why not invite someone to church? Most people come to a certain church as a result of an invitation from a friend. As you talk with friends, neighbors and co-workers, keep in mind your commission to be an ambassador of Jesus. God has called each of us – from the youngest to the oldest – to share the good news of Jesus, to overcome barriers and to connect one to many in love of God.

A.G.O. 2011
The Metropolitan NJ Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, of which Scott Jones is Sub-Dean, is hosting the Region One and Two Convention in Morristown, July 3-6. Scott is the convention registrar, and serves on the Steering Committee as well as the Program Committee. The convention has been in the planning stage for three years!

There is a poster in the church narthex announcing events which are open to the public. Some are free and some have nominal ticket prices. This convention will feature nationally and internationally known and respected artists, including the Shanghai Quartet, which is in residence at Montclair State University.

See Scott if you have questions. Join us!

From the President

Church Council Update
Thanks to everyone who came out on June 5 to meet our pastoral candidate and attend the service she lead. We are pleased to announce that The Rev. Kristin Engstrom has been called to be the next pastor of Holy Trinity Church. She will start on July 25 and her first Sunday with us will be July 31.

A special thanks goes to Greg Sekula and the Call Committee. They worked hard for a year, in conjunction with Church Council, to find the right pastor for us. During this time Pastor Will Moser from Montclair served as our vice pastor. We thank him, also, for his time and guidance for the duration. He is still “on the job” until Pastor Kristin’s arrival if you need pastoral services this month.

Regrettably we will say goodbye to our NA group meetings as of July 1. We were unable to work out a satisfactory agreement with our neighbors and ultimately had to ask the group to relocate. Please continue to pray for all of those who attend these meetings, and the friends and family of those who are afflicted with this illness. AA will continue to meet once a week at Holy Trinity.

Thanks also go to Robert Kyle who undertook the painting of our downstairs rooms as an Eagle Scout project. The rooms look great, and the color is very warm and cheerful. Thanks also to Nancy and Chris Duhm for their help with this project, with both their scouting and church hats on.

We are looking forward to a quiet summer at Holy Trinity. Come to church on Sundays and stay for some lemonade and fellowship after. We hope to see you soon!

In Our Community

In Our Community…

On June 26, Alex Murphy affirmed his baptism through the Rite of Confirmation. He is the son of Damian and Sharon Murphy. As a congregation, we commit ourselves to pray for and encourage Alex in his life as a disciple of Jesus Christ

Congratulations to Susan Wilson, who participated in the NJ Special Olympics Track and Field event held at The College of NJ in Ewing over the weekend of June 10-12. Susan placed second in the Baton Relay, third in the Softball Throw and fifth in the run/walk. Bravo, Susan!

Thank You!

To Chris and Nancy Duhm and to the Boy Scouts that helped paint the church.

In order to go Eagle (the highest honor in Boy Scouts) a scout must complete 21 mandatory merit badges and then do an Eagle Project. One of our scouts, Robert Kyle needed an Eagle Project and called Chris Duhm; Chris and Nancy showed him what needed to be done in the church and Robert took on the entire lower lever (minus the choir room and music room). Before he painted he spent an entire day (over 10 hours) with many volunteers washing down the walls, pipes and radiators - his team them spackled areas that needed to be repaired. He has in over 200 hours so far! His goal is to be done by the end of June - just in time for us to welcome our new Pastor!

Thank You!
Thanks to everyone who donated the many geraniums which decorated our sanctuary for Pentecost. Special thanks to Nancy Duhm for planting them beneath the sign out front, where they can be enjoyed all summer!

In Memoriam….
Lois A. (Rusignuolo) Milner, 62, a lifelong resident of Nutley, N.J., died Friday, May 27, 2011, at Hospice of New Jersey at St. Joseph's Wayne Hospital. The funeral was held here at Holy Trinity and was officiated by Pastor Will Moser.

Lois worked in computer security at Hoffmann-La Roche, Nutley, for over 20 years. She is survived by her loving son, Scott Milner, and her brother, Frank Rusignuolo.

We Need Your Help
We need your help delivering our items to the Nutley Red Cross (Chestnut Street), as they no longer provide pick-up service for the donations. They only accept donations Monday – Friday, from 9am – 5pm.

If you can help, please notify the office by calling (973) 667-0256 or emailing Tina at
Thank you!

Remember the Hungry
During these difficult times, organizations that provide food often run short of needed supplies. We will continue to collect food as part of our offering during worship. Bring your non-perishable food items to worship with you, and leave them in the designated area in the Narthex.

Altar Flowers
Please note that if you would like to honor or memorialize someone with altar flowers, we have the following dates available:

July 10
July 24
August 7
September 4
September 18
October 2
November 6
November 13
November 20
December 11, 18

The cost is $30 per date. The sign-up sheet is outside of the church office; if you cannot make it to church but would like to sign up for a date, please give us a call and we can do it for you – then please mail your check to Holy Trinity with a notation of “Altar Flowers”.

Thank you to all that have already signed up.

July Birthdays, Anniversaries and Disciples

July Birthdays
1:Sydney Hess
3:Alex Murphy
4:Rory D'Agnolo
9:Meredith D'Agnolo
14:Verna Norton
18:David Reed
30:George Ceravolo

July Anniversaries
2:Al & Phyllis Weber
19:Scott & Debbie Joes

July Disciples
Please pray for these people on the date listed:

1:Dayna Hess
2:Samantha Hess
4:Sydney Hess
5:Ruth Hsu
12:Lynn Johnson
13:Kevin Johnson
14:Brian Johnson
15:Scott Jones
16:Debbie Jones
18:Emily Jones
19:Sarah Jones
20:Robert Kozak
21:Marilyn Kozak
22:Robbie Kozak
23:Chao Lin
25:Agee Lin
26:Joyce Lin
27:Jeffrey Lin
28:Jared Lin
29:Edith Lodge
30:John Lovas

Friday, May 27, 2011

On the Calendar

Open the Scripture. Join the Conversation.

Every Monday night at 7:30 p.m. and every Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. (the last Thursday study will be June 16th, and will resume in the fall) as we gather to open the scripture and join in conversation with God and each other.

Please join us as we ask: What is God doing in the the world? What is God doing in our lives? What is God saying to us as individuals, a community of faith, the world? What is the good news of God's kingdom? How is God sending us into the world? These are just some of the questions we ask as God engages us through His word and the witness of the Holy Scripture.

Sunday, June 5th, Congregational Meeting Immediately Following Worship at 10a.m.
A special congregational meeting will be conducted to elect a pastor. The pastor being proposed by the congregation council will conduct the service, and will preach. Following the service the congregation meeting will be held during which a congregational vote will be taken by secret ballot. You will have an opportunity to meet the proposed pastor at an informal breakfast prior to the service, from 8:30a.m ~ 9:45a.m.

Pentecost, Sunday, June 12th.
Pentecost Sunday, the day we remember how God poured out the Holy Spirit on Jesus’ disciples and empowered the church for God’s mission. On the first Pentecost, the Bible tells us that all the disciples were gathered in one place when the Holy Spirit blew through. Mark your calendar and invite your friends to join you for this festive worship. Let’s see what happens this year. Remember to wear red!

Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19th.
Fatherhood, like motherhood is a holy job, a divine calling. God has given dads a special role in our faith and life development. We are thankful for fathers, and according to many fathers, becoming a dad gave a new understanding to God's word and work in their lives. It’s fitting to begin our Father's Day celebration (June 19) in worship together with our fathers.

Confirmation/Affirmation of Baptism
Alex Murphy, son of Damian and Sharon Murphy, will affirm his faith and be confirmed on Sunday, June 26 during worship.
Pastor Will Moser, our Vice Pastor, will lead our worship and preach that day.

Our graduates will also be recognized during worship that morning. Please keep Alex and our graduates in your prayers.

Summer. Time for Lemonade.
As we move into summer this month, we will re-start our after-worship lemonade fellowship time. So, plan to linger a bit after worship to visit with friends both new and longstanding.

You can also volunteer to host on one or more Sundays. A signup sheet will be out during worship; you can also sign up to host by calling the church office. We will be starting on Sunday, June 26 and end on Sunday, September 4. Thank you.

N.J. Synod Assembly Mission Fair

June 4th, 9am-1pm
The College of New Jersey, Ewing, N.J.

The Saturday session of the 2011 Assembly will be dedicated to a Mission Fair. All Voting Members are exptected to participate in this new and exciting event.

In addition congregational members, families with childre, youth and young adults are encouraged to join the assembly voting members for a time of learning, inspiration and fun around the themes of mission in New Jersey.

For questions, please contact Pastor Judith Spindt at

In Our Community

Thank You!
Once again this years’ AIDS Walk New York (AWNY) was a big success. Over 40,000 people participated and even in the midst of a tough economy raised more than $6 million dollars. Donations can still be made for this cause. Checks should be payable to AWNY and can be given to Nancy or Tony anytime. You can also mail your check to 26 Parsons Ct., Mahwah, NJ 07430. If you would like more information please call them at (201) 934-9366. You can also visit ~ Nancy Maguire

Emily Jones will again be participating in Mt. Olive’s Relay for Life this year on June 11th and 12th. Relay For Life is the signature fundraiser for the American Cancer Society at which teams of people camp out at a local high school, park, or fairground and take turns walking or running around a track or path. Each team is asked to have a representative on the track at all times during the event. Relays are an overnight event based on the idea that cancer never sleeps.

Relay For Life encourages people to:

• Celebrate the lives of those who have battled cancer.
• Remember loved ones lost to the disease.
• Fight back to put an end to the disease.

If you are interested in donating to this cause, you can make a donation online: ( or you can see Emily in person for a donation form."


Congratulations and our very best wishes to our graduates!
Joyce Lin graduated May 6, with honors, from Northeastern University with a degree in Graphic Design and a minor in art.

Rebecca Lovas will graduate, with honors, from Kearny High School and will attend Northeastern University to major in Linguistics.

Matthew Duhm is graduating from Nutley High School and will be attending Montclair State in September.

It is with great joy that we announce the arrival of Piper Ellis Oberndorf, daughter of Eric and Whitney Oberndorf, and the granddaughter of Steve and Evelyn Oberndorf. Piper arrived on April 29, 2011 and was 7 lbs.2.2oz and 20 1/4”.

We Need Your Help!

Remember the Hungry

During these difficult times, organizations that provide food often run short of needed supplies. We will continue to collect food as part of our offering during worship. Bring your non-perishable food items to worship with you, and leave them in the designated area in the Narthex.

We need your help delivering our items to the Nutley Red Cross, as they no longer provide pick-up service for the donations. If you can help, please notify the office by calling (973) 667-0256 or emailing Tina at Thank you!


Holy Trinity is now on Facebook. You can become a fan of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and stay up-to-date with what's going on in the congregation and among our members. Not sure if you’re scheduled to assist at worship this week? No problem, as the schedule is posted every week on our page. As a fan you can also post your news, your questions, thoughts and experiences of God's love in action to share with others. It’s just another way to share the good news, overcome barriers and connect one to many in Christ. You can access our page directly from our website, at

Vice Pastor and Supply Pastors

Vice Pastor
Please be assured that during our time without a permanent pastor, we at Holy Trinity will have a Vice Pastor for our pastoral care. Will Moser of the First Lutheran Church in Montclair will serve as our Vice Pastor.

Pastor Will Moser of First Lutheran Church, Montclair
153 Park Street
Montclair, N.J. 07042-3901
(973) 744-6043
Cathy Oswald, Manager, Tuesday – Friday, 2 – 7pm

Per Pastor Moser, please follow the criteria below for when his services are needed (they are numbered in order of his preference):

1)Please call the church at (973) 744-6043 (you may call him directly or have Scott or Tina contact him).

2)Please call Pastor Moser at home, (973) 778-1497 (you may call him directly or have Scott or Tina contact him).

Vice Pastor care includes: visiting shut-ins, visiting the sick and those in the hospital, death, council meetings and confirmation.

Supply Pastors
Supply pastors for our Sunday Service will be given to Holy Trinity via the Synod Office.

Please note that Scott and Tina will be checking voice mails from home, even during non-office hours, 7 days a week. Please make sure to LEAVE A VOICE MAIL MESSAGE at the office so we can be sure to keep updated.

ELCA Hunger

Nicaragua - Meet Nubia.

Nubia owns a herd of 60 dairy cows on her ranch on the outskirts of Chinandega, Nicaragua. There she employs nine people, and her cows produce 1,000 liters of milk per day. Each morning, a long line of neighbors forms to buy fresh cheese and dairy products.

But three years ago, when her husband died, Nubia didn’t think she could keep her land, much less run a successful dairy. She had just a few cows. They grazed on nothing but dry underbrush, and they were producing less and less milk every day. Worried about the future, Nubia’s children left the country to find jobs in the United States and Spain. Nubia’s future seemed bleak.

Good agricultural techniques changed everything for Nubia. Now enjoying a nutritious diet and grazing in fields of tall alfalfa, her cows are healthier and producing more milk than ever.

Nubia learned to grow alfalfa for her cows from the Millennium Challenge Corporation, a new U.S. development assistance program. Bread for the World helped establish this program through the 2003 Offering of Letters and financial support from ELCA World Hunger.

Nubia is proud of her work. Because of her success, she is no longer worried about her future. She only hopes that her children can return. She says, “I named (the farm) Deysi, which is also my daughter’s name. Maybe it’s meant to be hers.”

June Birthdays and Anniversaries

1:Scott Jones, Joyce Lin
6:Chelsea Wright
8:Ken Geiselmann, Sean Ulley
9:Ava Bacik
10:Ellen Oberndorf
18:Ann Erwin
23:Connor Logan Murphy
26:Samantha Hess

4:Richard & Erika Bacik
14:Alex & Aida Rubens
22:James & Dorothy Greengrove
23:Ed & Evelyn Cordes
28:Chris & Nancy Duhm

Thursday, April 28, 2011

On the Calendar

Open the Scripture. Join the Conversation.
Every Monday night at 7:30 p.m. and every Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. as we gather to open the scripture and join in conversation with God and each other.

What is God doing in the the world? What is God doing in our lives? What is God saying to us as individuals, a community of faith, the world? What is the good news of God's kingdom? How is God sending us into the world? These are just some of the questions we ask as God engages us through God's word and the witness of the Holy Scripture.

Motherhood: A Holy Calling
Sunday, May 8, is Mother's Day.

God has called us to various walks of life and to live out the Gospel through a variety of roles we play in relationship with others. To be "mother" is not only a biological event, it is a divine calling. What better way to honor Mom and all the other mother-figures that God has brought into our life than in our worship at 10 a.m. We will include a special blessing for all mothers that Sunday.

Blankets+ Sunday, May 8th.
What is the CWS Blankets+ Program?
Blankets+ is a special mission opportunity for all ages. Some 8,000 congregations and groups across the U.S. hold CWS Blankets+ events, providing funds to help people in need around the world, including the U.S.

For over 60 years, Church World Service has worked in partnership with local communities to identify their needs and access the resources they need to build the foundation for a more viable future, including:

•Blankets, tents, food and other emergency supplies in the wake of a disaster
•Tools and seeds for refugees returning home to replant their fields
•Wells for families living in drought prone areas to provide clean, safe water to drink and to irrigate crops and gardens
•Literacy training and microcredit for women struggling to realize their potential.

Any dollar amount can help: $5 can wrap a refugee child in a warm blanket, $15 can provide a hoe, shovel, and a rake for a rural family, $25 can provide five warm blankets for a family left homeless by an earthquake or other disaster.

Please come to church on Sunday, May 8th to make your donation, or you can make donations yourself either online at or by mailing your check payable to "Church World Service Blankets+" to:
CWS Blankets+, PO Box 968 Elkhart, IN 46515 / 1.800.297.1516

“Your Grandmother’s Cupboard”
On Saturday, May 21st from 10am – 2pm,
please join us as we gather to collect items for this cause. Through contributions, the volunteers who assist with “Your Grandmother’s Cupboard” are able to provide food, clothing, and the other necessities of life for the homeless, hungry and the other “invisible” children and adults in our midst.

Items needed are: Men’s clothing (a great need), women’s clothing, shoes, toiletry items, household items, sheets, comforters, quilts, blankets, baby items (clothing, diapers (a great need), blankets, powder shampoo.) Cash donations are needed as well for gasoline for the trucks and vans transporting these items. If you have any questions, please call Janet Strachan at 973.661.3556.

Pentecost, Sunday, June 12th. Pentecost Sunday, the day we remember how God poured out the Holy Spirit on Jesus’ disciples and empowered the church for God’s mission. On the first Pentecost, the Bible tells us that all the disciples were gathered in one place when the Holy Spirit blew through. Mark your calendar and invite your friends to join you for this festive worship. Let’s see what happens this year. We will once again be ordering red geraniums for this day – please see ordering instructions at the end of this newsletter. Remember to wear red!

Food Donations

During these difficult times, organizations that provide food often run short of needed supplies. We will continue to collect food as part of our offering during worship. Bring your non-perishable food items to worship with you, and leave them in the designated area in the Narthex. Thank you!

From the President

Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia! Alleluia!! What a joyful Easter celebration we had! It was wonderful to see old friends, extended families, and new faces. We welcomed in the Easter season with great fanfare. May the message of the crucified and resurrected Christ bring hope and peace to your lives.

No festival service happens without a lot of behind-the-scenes effort. Special thanks go to Scott Jones and the choir for their beautiful music. We are grateful to them for their talent, and their dedication. The church does not magically transform between Good Friday and Easter morning. Thanks go to Chris, Chad and Jean Esparolini, Greg Sekula, Ruth Hsu, Nancy Guenther, Paige and Diane Petschel, and Emily, Debbie, and Scott Jones. Many hands make quick work of the transformation of the chancel.

My personal thanks go to the members of the Church Council as we pulled together the Palm Sunday Breakfast on quick notice. I also thank the Council for their insight and wisdom as we work on the opportunities for ministry which are in front of us. The first thing people see when they approach the church is our building. I’m pleased to say that at the last meeting, we approved the painting of the front of the church. I look forward to the refreshed and welcoming face we will present to our guests, members and neighbors.

The Call Committee recently interviewed a candidate to be our next pastor. The Committee felt this candidate could be a good fit. The next step is to attend a worship service which the candidate leads and to hear how the candidate shares God’s Word in the sermon. We are hoping this will happen in early May.

Please continue to keep the Church Council and the Call Committee in your prayers. We draw strength from you as we work to hear God’s direction for our congregation.


Elaine Miller
Church Council President

Graduating in May or June?

Please let us know the date and from where you are graduating and we will share that good news. Feel free to share your future plans, as well.

Special Group Ticket Offer

Theater League of Clifton, in cooperation with ATC Studios is pleased to present NARNIA, a musical based on C.S Lewis’ much loved allegory, THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE. NARNIA is a story that promises fun for everyone, young and old. Over forty actors, singers and dancers will bring this enchanting tale to life.

Performance dates: May 20, 21, 22 and May 27, 28, 29 at Public School 3, 365 Washington Ave, Clifton. Show times are Fridays at 7:30 p.m. and Saturdays at 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2:00 p.m. For groups of 20 or more, tickets are $14.00 each. Group tickets must be for the same performance and prepaid. Purchase before May 5th and receive one complimentary ticket.
Call 973-928-7668 for more information or to reserve space for your group.

Other ticket pricing: General Admission: $20.00, Students/Seniors: $15.00 and $10.00 for children under 12.

Please contact Theater League of Clifton as soon as possible to reserve your tickets. 973-928-7668, email:
Additional information is on their website:

In Our Community

Members in May Concerts
The Bloomfield Mandolin Orchestra presents “Mandolin Music Through the Centuries.” Sunday, May 1 at 3:00 PM, Bloomfield Middle School, 60 Huck Rd. Elfrieda Fenton performs in this group. Violin soloist.

On Saturday, May 7 the Bloomfield Civic Band will also perform at Bloomfield Middle School at 7:30 PM. This concert celebrating “Women in the Arts” will feature two soprano soloists, and Emily Jones plays flute in the band. Music by Mendelssohn, Bach, Gounod, Puccini and Verdi.

Finally, on May 21 at 7:30 PM the Bloomfield Chorale under the direction of Ruth Hsu will present its spring concert at Park Methodist Church, 12 Park St., Bloomfield. The concert theme is “All’s Fair in Love…” Scott and Debbie Jones sing with the Chorale.

*All Bloomfield Federation of Music concerts are $15, or $10 with a discount coupon found at the website:

Sunday, May 15, 2011
Aids Walk New York (AWNY) is the world’s largest AIDS fundraising event. In 2010, more than 45,000 people participated and raised a record breaking sum of over $5.7 million. Funds raised from the walkathon go to numerous programs and educational services to support people living with HIV/AIDS, and to over 60 other tri-state area AIDS organizations. The 10 kilometer (6.2 mile) walkathon begins and ends in Central Park.

Nancy and Tony Maguire are again raising funds and on Sunday, May 15, 2011 they will participate in AIDS Walk New York. If you would like to walk with them, or sponsor them by donating money, please let them know. Checks should be payable to AWNY and can be given to Nancy or Tony anytime. You can also mail your check to their address at 26 Parsons Ct., Mahwah, NJ 07430.

If you would like to raise money at your school or place of business they can provide you with sponsor forms. If you would like more information please call them at (201) 934-9366.

You can also visit

Emily Jones will again be participating in Mt. Olive’s Relay for Life this year on June 11th and 12th. Relay For Life is the signature fundraiser for the American Cancer Society at which teams of people camp out at a local high school, park, or fairground and take turns walking or running around a track or path. Each team is asked to have a representative on the track at all times during the event. Relays are an overnight event based on the idea that cancer never sleeps.

Relay For Life encourages people to:

• Celebrate the lives of those who have battled cancer.
• Remember loved ones lost to the disease.
• Fight back to put an end to the disease.

If you are interested in donating to this cause, you can make a donation online: ( or you can see Emily in person for a donation form."