Friday, September 2, 2011

From the Church Council

Notes from Council
Church Council welcomed Pastor Kristin to our meeting on August 16. She reported that she’s had a busy first few weeks, what with the continuing issues with our neighbors and our AA ministry, and 2 deaths in the families of Holy Trinity members that week.

We are excited to announce the Installation Service for Pastor Kristin Engstrom will be held on Sunday, September 25, 2011 at 3:00 PM at Holy Trinity. After the service we will treat Pastor Kristin, her clergy colleagues and the congregation to one of our famous pot-luck dinners. We would like to have an idea of attendance at this dinner, so we are asking you to sign up on the sheet passed around during the August 28, September 4, and September 11 services, or to call the church office. The signup sheet will ask you if you’d bring a salad, main dish, or dessert. We will need this information by Monday, September 12 so that Council can finish the planning at the September 13 meeting.

During the next few months, Council Members will be contacting members of the congregation to arrange get-to-know-Pastor-Kristin events. We hope that you will join the event to which you are invited so that you can chat with Pastor and she can get to know the congregation better. ~Holy Trinity Church Council

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