Thursday, April 28, 2011

From the President

Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia! Alleluia!! What a joyful Easter celebration we had! It was wonderful to see old friends, extended families, and new faces. We welcomed in the Easter season with great fanfare. May the message of the crucified and resurrected Christ bring hope and peace to your lives.

No festival service happens without a lot of behind-the-scenes effort. Special thanks go to Scott Jones and the choir for their beautiful music. We are grateful to them for their talent, and their dedication. The church does not magically transform between Good Friday and Easter morning. Thanks go to Chris, Chad and Jean Esparolini, Greg Sekula, Ruth Hsu, Nancy Guenther, Paige and Diane Petschel, and Emily, Debbie, and Scott Jones. Many hands make quick work of the transformation of the chancel.

My personal thanks go to the members of the Church Council as we pulled together the Palm Sunday Breakfast on quick notice. I also thank the Council for their insight and wisdom as we work on the opportunities for ministry which are in front of us. The first thing people see when they approach the church is our building. I’m pleased to say that at the last meeting, we approved the painting of the front of the church. I look forward to the refreshed and welcoming face we will present to our guests, members and neighbors.

The Call Committee recently interviewed a candidate to be our next pastor. The Committee felt this candidate could be a good fit. The next step is to attend a worship service which the candidate leads and to hear how the candidate shares God’s Word in the sermon. We are hoping this will happen in early May.

Please continue to keep the Church Council and the Call Committee in your prayers. We draw strength from you as we work to hear God’s direction for our congregation.


Elaine Miller
Church Council President

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