Friday, September 2, 2011

On The Calendar

Open the Scripture.Join the Conversation.
Everyone is welcome to join the conversation at either weekly Bible Study. Looking at the scriptures to discern what in the world God is up to in the Word, in the world, and in us? Come! You are always welcome!

Monday Evenings at 7:30pm, beginning September 12th.
Thursday afternoons at 2:00pm, beginning September 8th.

Church Work Day
Saturday, Sept 10th at 10am
Now that fellowship hall and the kitchen have been painted, it's time to tame the kitchen cupboards. Thanks to Janet and Phyllis who have begun this process. Additional hands are needed on Saturday, September 10 at 10 am to organize the remaining cupboards and countertops. We should be done by noon, if not sooner. Thank you!

Choir Rehearsals
will begin again on Thursday, September 15th , at 8pm and the choir will sing on Sunday, September 11th. If you would like to join the choir or would like more information, please call, email or speak to Scott Jones.

Sunday School is Starting
Children’s Sunday School will begin on Sunday, September 25. Like last year, children will gather with the whole congregation for worship at 10:00am, and then participate in Children’s Sunday School during worship, returning in time for Holy Communion.

BUT: We need your help to plan, assist, and/or teach our children the Christian faith. If you would like to be involved in the Sunday School ministry, please call the church office at (973) 667-0256 or talk with Pastor Kristin.

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