Thursday, November 3, 2011

Plants & Animals For Christmas

Beautify the Sanctuary with a Poinsettia Plant
Each poinsettia plant costs $8.00 and is in a foil wrapped 6 ½” pot. To order a poinsettia, use the order form below and place it in the offering plate or return it to the church office by Sunday, December 4, 2011 with your donation. Plants may be taken home after Christmas Eve Worship.

Animals that Make a Difference
This Christmas, give a gift that will change a life. Each gift of an animal listed below will be utilized by ELCA ministers to connect people with the resources they need to sustainably lift themselves from hunger and poverty. For every animal given, that animal will be added to the crèche in the sanctuary. For more info as well as gift cards to tell loved ones you have given a gift in their honor are available at Could we give a whole barnyard this Christmas?
Plants and Animals for Christmas Order Form

Name:______________________________ Phone:_________________
I wish to give the gift of:
_____ Poinsettia(s) at $8.00 each (order due Sunday. Dec 4th)
_____ Peep of chicks at $10each _____ Sheep at $125 each
_____ Duck(s) for $20 each _____ Fish Farm at $250 each
_____ Pig(s) at $30 each _____ Cow at $500 each
_____ Goat(s) at $50 each _____ Family Farm at $715 each

Total $:________ Paid via (circle one): check / cash Envelope#:_____

In Memory / Honor Of: _______________________________________

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