Thursday, November 3, 2011

From Pastor Kristin

Jesus took a loaf of bread and gave it to the disciples and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.” –Matthew 26:26

It’s time to get out the stretchy pants again! You know the ones – the pants we wear on Thanksgiving Day. Or more likely, the ones we put on after we’ve indulged in stuffing and potatoes and turkey and pumpkin pie and cranberries and more dessert. When our stomachs are so full that we have to open our belt buckles, or put on our stretchy pants.

I have to admit that I am unusually excited about Thanksgiving this year, because I am looking forward to actually being thankful. To intentionally rejoice with others over all that God has entrusted into our care. I need to rejoice this year. I need to give thanks and appreciate all that we do have, because everyone else – from news anchors to politicians – keep telling me to be depressed and anxious during these lean economic times. And it’s starting to work.

Which is why I am actually excited about Thanksgiving. Which is why this year, for once, I might actually appreciate Thanksgiving. Because I’m hoping that Thanksgiving just might pull me out of focusing on what I don’t have and remind me of all that God has already given to me, and to the world. To remember that God has given us enough, when we share with one another and use only what we need.

Maybe we don’t have all that we want, but we do have enough to gather around a table on Thanksgiving and share and eat with one another. God has given us enough to gather every week around the Lord’s Table to share and eat a bit of bread and bit of wine. Little bits that hold a whole lot: abundant and eternal life. The body of Christ, in your hands, in your body, and in your life, each and every day. And for that, I give God thanks.

Pastor Kristin

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