Thursday, January 28, 2010

Stewardship Strengthens...

Stewardship strengthens our relationship with Jesus

Nutley Mayor Cocchiola Announces Participation in Random Acts of Kindness Week:
February 15th through 21st

Nutley, NJ – Mayor Joanne Cocchiola, has announced plans to once again participate in National Random Acts of Kindness Week. Through performing acts of kindness, people have the power to “inspire by example”. Random Acts of Kindness Week will be held February 15 – 21, 2010. During this week all residents of Nutley, young and old, are asked to participate by displaying generous gestures towards others and logging their actions onto the Township Website.

“We want the message this year to be, “Kindness is contagious,” with a record number of residents demonstrating kindness for others and community pride. It is our hope to try to accomplish 10,000 Random Acts of Kindness in one week,” commented Mayor Joanne Cocchiola.

All residents are encouraged to participate in programs being sponsored by the schools, churches and by simply initiating acts on their own. “The spirit of volunteerism in our community is huge,” mentioned the Mayor. “This town has a big heart, and my goal is to show just how big it really is.” To initiate acts of kindness; download a submission form by logging on to All random acts will be tallied for a township total, with some being featured on the official Township website.

These acts can include, but are not limited to: completing a task or project for local charity or place of worship, visiting someone who is sick or elderly, saying please and thank you, holding the door for someone, helping someone cross the street, and helping a lost pet find its way home.

Mayor Cocchiola and the Board of Commissioners would like to encourage every family to participate in this special initiative. Nutley’s goal is to exceed last year’s total of 10,000 acts – remember to be creative and thoughtful!

If you have any questions about this program, please contact Kathy Rempusheski of the Department of Public Affairs at 973-284-4900, Ext. 2426, or visit the official Township website at

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