Thursday, January 28, 2010

Stewardship Strengthens...

Stewardship strengthens our relationship with Jesus
Living Simply. Living Generously.

The new year gives us chance to turn our financial lives around, to reprioritize and to simplify our lives for the sake of living out the Gospel.

Money and time are two of our most highly valued assets. Nobody seems to have enough, everybody wants more and somebody seems always to be asking us to give us theirs. While the amount of time and money we have may be limited, how we use it is a matter of choice for most of us.

Here is a simple process to help us discover what money we have and how we spend it. Once we know how we spend our money, we can begin to make conscious, faith-based, good news responsive decisions about whether or not we want to continue to spend it that way.

Step 1 – Keep a cash diary. For two or three weeks carry a small notebook with you everywhere you go. Write down every cent of cash that you spend. Be sure to include everything, even money you put in vending machines, give to children and so on.

Step 2 – Analyze your spending. Review checkbook, credit card slips and the cash diary. Break down your spending into these categories. Fixed: mortgages, taxes, insurance, tuition and so on. Variable, but repeating – utilities, car expenses, food, telephones, internet, and other expenses that have costs you can control by the choices you make. Discretionary – Hobbies, snacks, entertainment, meals out, etc.

Step 3 – Prayer. With your worksheet in front of you, lift your budget and the way you spend your money to God in prayer. Ask God to show you the places where you can make changes in how you spend your money and your life so that God might be more glorified and the mission of God in the world might be better served by your actions.

Step 4 – Discover. Look at your budget and expenses again. What is God saying to you? Where are places where you can free up or change your habits?

Step 5 – Make the decision and act. Share what God is doing in your life with friends and family. Ask God for strength, faith and even courage to do what you believe God is leading you to do. Step out in faith, knowing that God is the one who gives us our “daily bread.”

Please, share your experience with your friends in Christ at Holy Trinity. Together, we can change our lives, our church and the world for the sake of Jesus Christ.

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