Thursday, January 28, 2010

Pastor's Message

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.” Colossians 3:16

The dawning of a New Year and a new decade points us to the joy and hope of new beginnings and can serve as a call to a renew our life together in Christ. I pray that each and every one of us can make daily Bible reading an integral part of our life in this year. By adding this simple spiritual practice to our daily routine, we open our hearts, minds and our everyday lives to the transforming power of God’s Word, and we begin to see ourselves within the larger story of God at work in this world.

God is not calling all of us to become Bible professors, but God is inviting each of us into a loving relationship where we find ourselves listening to and speaking with God, where we find ourselves walking in God’s promises, right along with Abraham and Sarah; witnessing God’s liberation with Moses and Miriam; experiencing the power of Jesus’ resurrection with Peter and Mary; sharing the story of God’s new creation with Paul and Lydia. Through our daily encounter with God in the Bible, we become part of the unfolding story of God and God’s creation. Here are some tips to help make Bible reading part of your routine.

Start small. Set aside 15 minutes a day to start. You can read first thing in the morning or before you go to bed at night. You can read the Bible while you wait for the doctor or for the children. Plan your day, plan your reading time, too.

Use one of the daily reading schedules to guide you. You can find readings for each day of the week by using the Taking Faith Home sheets that are in our Sunday bulletin. You can also log on to our Website to find an online link to that daily reading. If you are interested in reading through the entire Bible this year, you can follow the schedule that we are printing in the newsletter this year (see page 4).

Read with a friend or as part of a group. As with any new endeavor and new behavior, we do better when we do it together. Having someone to be accountable to, helps us change our behavior, and God speaks to us using the voice of our sisters and brothers in Christ. At Holy Trinity, we have regularly meeting Bible study groups that are open and encouraging. You can also join the conversation online.

Share your new discoveries. Keep a journal. Tell a friend. Share with the people of Holy Trinity what you are learning and hearing in God’s word.

As always, I am here to help you grow in your discipleship and eager to listen with you as together we discover the riches of God’s Word. May God’s word dwell in you richly in 2010.

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