Thursday, January 28, 2010

On The Calendar

We are on a mission to fight hunger!

Twenty years ago on Super Bowl Sunday, a single youth group was inspired by a simple prayer. They started the Souper Bowl of Caring, a youth-led movement that is now an international event.

Since then, the Souper Bowl of Caring has raised more than $60 million for individual charities across the country. It is also turning our nation’s biggest weekend of football into the largest weekend of giving.
Each year, tens of thousands of our nation’s youth, including ours at Holy Trinity, put God’s love into action through the Souper Bowl of Caring. Please bring your contribution to church on Sunday,February 7, to drop into the soup pot that we will pass during worship. (or mail a donation to church clearly marked “Souper Bowl”.) Your donation will go to fight hunger right here in the community through the work of the Nutley Red Cross.

With your help, more dollars will be raised, more lives will be changed and more young people will experience the joy of serving Christ by serving others. With your help, let’s try to collect $180 this year. Please visit for more information.

Save the Date!
The NJ Synod’s Annual Conference on Congregational Ministries will be held on Saturday, March 20, 2010. We will submit more information as it is available. Put the date on your calendar and plan to attend with a group from Holy Trinity.

Schedule for Lent 2010

Ash Wednesday worship—February 17--with imposition of ashes:
11:30 a.m. (with brown bag lunch) and 7:30 p.m.

Thursday Soup and Study (February 25 – March 25)

2:00 p.m.: Book Study: The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives by Dallas Willard

6:15 p.m.: Soup Supper
7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.: Book Study (same as above)
8:00 p.m. – Choir

Thursdays in Lent (February 25 and on):
Our book study with the people of Franklin Reformed this year is designed to help us all learn and grow in the life of the Spirit, following the way of Jesus. Once again we will meet at 6:15 p.m. to share a meal and conversation. Please plan to make and share a pot of soup. Look for a sign-up sheet in worship over the next few weeks. Around 7 p.m. we start our book conversation. We end with prayer around 8 p.m. This year, we will be using the book The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives by Dallas Willard. You can order this book yourself online, use the form below or call the office at (973) 667-0256, and we can order the book for you. We need your order in the office by Feb. 11.

Name(s): _________________________________________________

Will attend (please circle one):

Afternoon: (2:00p.m.) Evening: (7:00pm)

Please order ______ copies of the book at $12.00 each.

(Soup sign-up will be circulated at worship, or call the office to volunteer.)

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