Thursday, January 28, 2010

Read the Bible in One Year

Week of Jan 3 – Su: Genesis 1-3; M: Genesis 4-7; T: Genesis 8-11; W: Genesis 12-16; Th: Genesis 17-19;F: Genesis 20-23; Sa: Genesis 24-25

Week of Jan 10 – Su: Genesis 26-28; M: Genesis 29-30; T: Genesis 31-33;
W: Genesis 34-36; Th: Genesis 37-39; F: Genesis 40-42;Sa: Genesis 43-45

Week of Jan 17 -- Su; Genesis 46-47; M: Genesis 48-50; T: Exodus 1-4;
W: Exodus 5-7; Th: Exodus 8-10; Fri: Exodus 11-13; Sa: Exodus 14-16

Week of Jan 24 -- Su: Exodus 17-20; M: Exodus 21-23; T: Exodus 24-27;
W; Exodus 28-30; Th: Exodus 31-34; F: Exodus 35-37;Sa: Exodus 38-40

Week of Jan 31 -- Su: Leviticus 1-4; M: Leviticus: 5-7; T: Leviticus 8-11; W: Leviticus 12-14; Th: Leviticus 15-17; F: Leviticus 18-20;Sa: Leviticus 21-23.

Come and worship in January.

This January we will explore the theme New Year; New Life in worship. Invite a friend to worship with you in the new year. Here is a sample of what we will share and live together.
January 3: A fresh start for God’s people. Jer. 31:7-14
January 10: Baptism: A new beginning. Luke 3:21-22
January 17: Sign of God’s kingdom. John 2:1-11
January 24: Inauguration of a new age. Luke 4:14-21
January 31: God’s new people. Luke 4:21-30

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