Thursday, January 28, 2010

On The Calendar

We are on a mission to fight hunger!

Twenty years ago on Super Bowl Sunday, a single youth group was inspired by a simple prayer. They started the Souper Bowl of Caring, a youth-led movement that is now an international event.

Since then, the Souper Bowl of Caring has raised more than $60 million for individual charities across the country. It is also turning our nation’s biggest weekend of football into the largest weekend of giving.
Each year, tens of thousands of our nation’s youth, including ours at Holy Trinity, put God’s love into action through the Souper Bowl of Caring. Please bring your contribution to church on Sunday,February 7, to drop into the soup pot that we will pass during worship. (or mail a donation to church clearly marked “Souper Bowl”.) Your donation will go to fight hunger right here in the community through the work of the Nutley Red Cross.

With your help, more dollars will be raised, more lives will be changed and more young people will experience the joy of serving Christ by serving others. With your help, let’s try to collect $180 this year. Please visit for more information.

Save the Date!
The NJ Synod’s Annual Conference on Congregational Ministries will be held on Saturday, March 20, 2010. We will submit more information as it is available. Put the date on your calendar and plan to attend with a group from Holy Trinity.

Schedule for Lent 2010

Ash Wednesday worship—February 17--with imposition of ashes:
11:30 a.m. (with brown bag lunch) and 7:30 p.m.

Thursday Soup and Study (February 25 – March 25)

2:00 p.m.: Book Study: The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives by Dallas Willard

6:15 p.m.: Soup Supper
7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.: Book Study (same as above)
8:00 p.m. – Choir

Thursdays in Lent (February 25 and on):
Our book study with the people of Franklin Reformed this year is designed to help us all learn and grow in the life of the Spirit, following the way of Jesus. Once again we will meet at 6:15 p.m. to share a meal and conversation. Please plan to make and share a pot of soup. Look for a sign-up sheet in worship over the next few weeks. Around 7 p.m. we start our book conversation. We end with prayer around 8 p.m. This year, we will be using the book The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives by Dallas Willard. You can order this book yourself online, use the form below or call the office at (973) 667-0256, and we can order the book for you. We need your order in the office by Feb. 11.

Name(s): _________________________________________________

Will attend (please circle one):

Afternoon: (2:00p.m.) Evening: (7:00pm)

Please order ______ copies of the book at $12.00 each.

(Soup sign-up will be circulated at worship, or call the office to volunteer.)

Pastor's Message

“Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained.”
Phil. 3:13-16

On February 17, we will gather for Ash Wednesday worship, and as a community we will turn around, confess our sins and brokenness, our limits and our ends. We confess all this in hope of receiving the good things that God is giving through Jesus Christ – forgiveness and healing and love without limit or end.

From our Ash Wednesday worship, we walk together into the disciplines of Lent. We leave the old things behind and strive to the goal to win the prize, the prize God is calling us to in Jesus Christ. Lent is first about receiving the grace of God that invites us to be the human beings God has created us to be -- instead of the gods we constantly strive to be. But we do not stop there. Lent is mostly a time of learning to live as the graciously redeemed human beings God is making us to become through Jesus Christ. Lent is about striving – not become godlike, but striving to learn and walk in the way of Jesus, participating in suffering and death in hopes of rising with him in his resurrection. So, united to Christ and each other in baptism, we press on together toward the goal.

When we learn new things – a new song, a new language, whatever – it helps to start slowly. That’s what Lent is for. Lent means going slowly. Together as God’s people we slow down to learn the way of Jesus and to let it sink in, change and transform our lives. For centuries, Christians have gone slowly together by practicing certain disciplines: prayer, Bible reading, worship, sacrificial giving, fasting, acts of service that promote justice, peace and the reconciliation of all people. We do this together, as a community made up of individuals striving to live together as Jesus lived in the world.

As we enter Lent together, know that Jesus loves you. By his death and resurrection he has reconciled you to God and joined you to a community. By faith in Jesus we enter into God’s kingdom together, as a gift of God’s grace and love.
I encourage you take advantage of this time to learn to walk and live in God’s love made known in Jesus, who is your salvation.

So, clear the calendar and come out on Thursday nights to join our discussion of the Christian life. Practice hospitality by making and sharing a pot of soup. Practice life in the Spirit by participating in the fellowship we share with the people of Franklin Reformed. Let God’s word grow in you, generating a life of faith, hope and love. Together we will strive and learn to live up to what we have already attained in Jesus Christ. God bless your Lenten journey.

In Our Community

In Memoriam…
Victor Smith of Clifton, passed away on January 14, 2010. A memorial service was held at Holy Trinity on January 30, 2010. Our prayers are
with the family.

To Cathy and Michael Palamara who were married on January 16, 2010 here at Holy Trinity. Cathy is the daughter of Ken and Irene Geiselmann and Michael is the son of Maryann Palamara and the late Anthony Palamara. Their new address is: 138 Franklin Street, Apt. 4, Bloomfield, N.J. 07003. We pray that God bless Cathy and Michael in their life together.

Chelsea Cicci-Wright has received three Rising Star Awards from Paper Mill Playhouse for her work on the Bloomfield High School productions of Cats and How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.

Chelsea is again working as choreographer for the 2010 Bloomfield High School production of Oliver! Oliver! is based on Dickens’ Oliver Twist, with book, music and lyrics by Lionel Bart. Opening night is Thursday, February 25 at 7:30 PM. Other performances are Friday and Saturday, Feb. 26 & 27 at 7:30 PM and a 2:00 PM matinee on Sunday, February 28. Bloomfield High School is at 160 Broad St., Bloomfield. Tickets are $10.00 in advance or $12.00 at the door. Please speak to Scott Jones or call the high school at (973) 680-8600 for ticket information.

Helen Blair has a new address and phone number:
Box d10, 739 Daniel Shays Highway,
Athol, MA. 01331
Phone is (978) 780-4284.

Please reach out – she would love to hear from you!

Help Wanted
The Executive Director of the Community School in Nutley, Betty Gambaro, will be retiring this spring. CSN is an early childhood center sponsored by five Nutley churches in three locations. The Board of Directors has set up a Search Committee and is now seeking candidates to fill that position. The following is the ad that is running....

Executive Director for Church sponsored suburban early childhood center. Candidates with a minimum BA/BS and experience in Early Childhood Education, with supervisory and administrative background, should apply by sending resume with cover letter to: CSN Search Committee, 100 Vincent Place, Nutley, NJ 07110

Seniors That Need Help With Winter Shoveling...

The Nutley Department of Public Safety offers a “Shovel Out Seniors” program to help senior citizens in the winter months. Nutley students will shovel for either a nominal fee or community service hours. Please call (973) 284-4929 to register and then call after each storm to request service.

Is it a Church Snow Day?

We try never to have to cancel worship, but in case of inclement weather, please check the phone message at the office: (973) 667-0256. Should we need to cancel, the message will be updated by
8:00 AM.

Stewardship Strengthens...

Stewardship strengthens our relationship with Jesus

Nutley Mayor Cocchiola Announces Participation in Random Acts of Kindness Week:
February 15th through 21st

Nutley, NJ – Mayor Joanne Cocchiola, has announced plans to once again participate in National Random Acts of Kindness Week. Through performing acts of kindness, people have the power to “inspire by example”. Random Acts of Kindness Week will be held February 15 – 21, 2010. During this week all residents of Nutley, young and old, are asked to participate by displaying generous gestures towards others and logging their actions onto the Township Website.

“We want the message this year to be, “Kindness is contagious,” with a record number of residents demonstrating kindness for others and community pride. It is our hope to try to accomplish 10,000 Random Acts of Kindness in one week,” commented Mayor Joanne Cocchiola.

All residents are encouraged to participate in programs being sponsored by the schools, churches and by simply initiating acts on their own. “The spirit of volunteerism in our community is huge,” mentioned the Mayor. “This town has a big heart, and my goal is to show just how big it really is.” To initiate acts of kindness; download a submission form by logging on to All random acts will be tallied for a township total, with some being featured on the official Township website.

These acts can include, but are not limited to: completing a task or project for local charity or place of worship, visiting someone who is sick or elderly, saying please and thank you, holding the door for someone, helping someone cross the street, and helping a lost pet find its way home.

Mayor Cocchiola and the Board of Commissioners would like to encourage every family to participate in this special initiative. Nutley’s goal is to exceed last year’s total of 10,000 acts – remember to be creative and thoughtful!

If you have any questions about this program, please contact Kathy Rempusheski of the Department of Public Affairs at 973-284-4900, Ext. 2426, or visit the official Township website at

From Our Office

The Little Lutheran

This colorful and sturdy magazine helps to nurture the faith of children 6 years old and younger. Through Bible stories, prayers, songs and ritual, this newest ELCA publication shows young children how much God loves them and tells them that Jesus is their savior and friend. Individual subscriptions are $24.95 per year. A group rate qualifies congregations or individuals who join together—to order six or more for the low price of $12.95 per subscription.

We Need Your Help…
Please let us know if you would be available to periodically help change the signage on our church lawn sign. Submit this form or call the office at
(973) 667-0256.Thank you.

Yes, I can periodically help with our lawn sign:

Name: ______________________________________

Phone: ______________________________________

From the Office of The Bishop

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

"If one member suffers, all suffer together with it;
if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it."
–1 Corinthians 12:26

Almost two weeks have passed since the devastating earthquake in Haiti. The outpouring of gifts from members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) to ELCA Disaster Response has enabled a swift response on behalf of this church.

Thank you for your generous financial support which now totals more than $1.6 million. Thousands of other gifts are still being counted. Our community-based partners are already providing:

• Two water purification systems to bring clean water to 25,000 people.
• Emergency food and medical supplies to thousands.
• Blankets and tents to shelter 10,000 people who are homeless.

Funding, distributed through three partners, will increase as giving continues.

• $300,000 has been sent to The Lutheran World Federation (LWF), a key responder and member of Action by Churches Together (ACT). The funds support LWF efforts to provide shelter to people left homeless by the quake.
• $150,000 has been sent to Lutheran World Relief (LWR), Baltimore, for material aid.
• $150,000 has been sent to Church World Service (CWS) for construction of temporary water systems and distribution of water purification materials.

In addition, $25,000 has been sent to Lutheran Services of Florida for initial support to refugees and Haitian Americans entering or returning to the United States.

We are pleased that Louis Dorvillier, director for International Development and Disaster Response in the ELCA Global Mission program unit, is part of a delegation to his country of origin with LWF and ACT.

Your generosity makes this life-saving work possible. As we celebrate this outpouring of gifts and prayers, we also know that we have a long road to travel together. There is so much more to be done. This church is committed to walking with our brothers and sisters in Haiti for years to come; your continued support is needed to provide ongoing care.

I encourage you to visit the ELCA Disaster Response ( Web site for updated information, worship resources, bulletin inserts and details on how to offer financial support. General mission-support dollars and gifts to ELCA Vision for Mission make it possible for 100 percent of your gifts designated for Haiti Earthquake Relief to be used entirely for this response effort.

To give today, go online ( or call 800-638-3522.

In God's grace,

The Rev. Mark S. Hanson
Presiding Bishop
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

February Birthdays, Anniversaries and Disciples

February Birthdays

1:John Franchino
4:Brenda Munoz
15:Olivia Murphy
16:Rebecca Lovas
17:Amanda Davey, Otto Mayr
21:Eric Oberndorf, Christina Hudnett
24:Susan Ulley
24:Teresa Scalcione
26: Emily Jones
28: Sally Mueller

18: John & Judi Lovas
22: Richard & Barbara Hudnett

Each day of the week (except Sunday) has the name of a person in this community. Please, remember that person in your prayers that day. On Sunday, we will pray for all of the people listed in the coming week.

1:Jeff DeBellis
2:Susan DeBellis
3:Chris DeBellis
4:Renee DeBellis
5:John Denkinger
6:Evelyn Denkinger
8:Chris Duhm
9:Nancy Duhm
10:Nicole Duhm
11:Matthew Duhm
12:Ken Duke
13:Dot Dutke
15:Richard Ebeling
16:Barbara Ebeling
17:Stacie Ebeling
18:Elizabeth Ebeling
19:Chelsea Ebeling
20:Jean Esparolini
22:Christine Esparolini
23:Irene Falk
24:John Fenton
25:Elfrieda Fenton
26:Julie Franchino
27:Peter Franchino

Annual Meeting and Potluck

Annual Congregational Meeting and Potluck, January 31

Take part in our potluck lunch and take your place in the assembly, as we look back on God’s mission through Holy Trinity in 2009 and then look forward to what God is calling us to be and do as we share the Gospel, overcome barriers and connect in the love of Christ in 2010.

Share your story of God in action

We need to hear from each other what God is doing in our lives and in our neighborhood. Please share your story with the people of Holy Trinity – in writing, in person or video or audio recording. If you need assistance, please call Pastor Jim.

We are especially looking for people who are willing to share a story of God’s work at this year’s Congregational Meeting on January 31. If you have a story to tell, contact Chris Duhm or Pastor Jim.

Pastor's Message

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.” Colossians 3:16

The dawning of a New Year and a new decade points us to the joy and hope of new beginnings and can serve as a call to a renew our life together in Christ. I pray that each and every one of us can make daily Bible reading an integral part of our life in this year. By adding this simple spiritual practice to our daily routine, we open our hearts, minds and our everyday lives to the transforming power of God’s Word, and we begin to see ourselves within the larger story of God at work in this world.

God is not calling all of us to become Bible professors, but God is inviting each of us into a loving relationship where we find ourselves listening to and speaking with God, where we find ourselves walking in God’s promises, right along with Abraham and Sarah; witnessing God’s liberation with Moses and Miriam; experiencing the power of Jesus’ resurrection with Peter and Mary; sharing the story of God’s new creation with Paul and Lydia. Through our daily encounter with God in the Bible, we become part of the unfolding story of God and God’s creation. Here are some tips to help make Bible reading part of your routine.

Start small. Set aside 15 minutes a day to start. You can read first thing in the morning or before you go to bed at night. You can read the Bible while you wait for the doctor or for the children. Plan your day, plan your reading time, too.

Use one of the daily reading schedules to guide you. You can find readings for each day of the week by using the Taking Faith Home sheets that are in our Sunday bulletin. You can also log on to our Website to find an online link to that daily reading. If you are interested in reading through the entire Bible this year, you can follow the schedule that we are printing in the newsletter this year (see page 4).

Read with a friend or as part of a group. As with any new endeavor and new behavior, we do better when we do it together. Having someone to be accountable to, helps us change our behavior, and God speaks to us using the voice of our sisters and brothers in Christ. At Holy Trinity, we have regularly meeting Bible study groups that are open and encouraging. You can also join the conversation online.

Share your new discoveries. Keep a journal. Tell a friend. Share with the people of Holy Trinity what you are learning and hearing in God’s word.

As always, I am here to help you grow in your discipleship and eager to listen with you as together we discover the riches of God’s Word. May God’s word dwell in you richly in 2010.

Read the Bible in One Year

Week of Jan 3 – Su: Genesis 1-3; M: Genesis 4-7; T: Genesis 8-11; W: Genesis 12-16; Th: Genesis 17-19;F: Genesis 20-23; Sa: Genesis 24-25

Week of Jan 10 – Su: Genesis 26-28; M: Genesis 29-30; T: Genesis 31-33;
W: Genesis 34-36; Th: Genesis 37-39; F: Genesis 40-42;Sa: Genesis 43-45

Week of Jan 17 -- Su; Genesis 46-47; M: Genesis 48-50; T: Exodus 1-4;
W: Exodus 5-7; Th: Exodus 8-10; Fri: Exodus 11-13; Sa: Exodus 14-16

Week of Jan 24 -- Su: Exodus 17-20; M: Exodus 21-23; T: Exodus 24-27;
W; Exodus 28-30; Th: Exodus 31-34; F: Exodus 35-37;Sa: Exodus 38-40

Week of Jan 31 -- Su: Leviticus 1-4; M: Leviticus: 5-7; T: Leviticus 8-11; W: Leviticus 12-14; Th: Leviticus 15-17; F: Leviticus 18-20;Sa: Leviticus 21-23.

Come and worship in January.

This January we will explore the theme New Year; New Life in worship. Invite a friend to worship with you in the new year. Here is a sample of what we will share and live together.
January 3: A fresh start for God’s people. Jer. 31:7-14
January 10: Baptism: A new beginning. Luke 3:21-22
January 17: Sign of God’s kingdom. John 2:1-11
January 24: Inauguration of a new age. Luke 4:14-21
January 31: God’s new people. Luke 4:21-30

Read the

In Our Community

We are on a mission to fight hunger!
More than 15 years ago on Super Bowl Sunday, a single youth group was inspired by a simple prayer. They started the Souper Bowl of Caring, a youth-led movement that is now an international event.

Since 1990, the Souper Bowl of Caring has raised more than $50 million for individual charities across the country. It is also turning our nation’s biggest weekend of football into the largest weekend of giving.

Each year, tens of thousands of our nation’s youth, including ours at Holy Trinity, put God’s love into action through the Souper Bowl of Caring. Bring your contribution to church on Sunday, February 7, to drop into the soup pot that we will pass during worship. (or mail a donation to church clearly marked “Souper Bowl”.) Your donation will go to fight hunger right here in the community.

With your help, more dollars will be raised, more lives will be changed and more young people will experience the joy of serving Christ by serving others. With your help, let’s try to collect $175 this year. Please visit for more information.

Thank You!

Thank you to all who gave in 2009.
Thank you to all who pledged for 2010.
Come to the annual meeting on Jan. 31 to hear some stories of what God is doing in this community and through us to change lives as we continue to share the gospel, overcome barriers and connect in the love of Christ. Thank you.

New Offering Envelopes

The 2010 Offering Envelopes are in. Please pick yours up in the back of the sanctuary. If you haven’t received envelopes in the past and would like to start using them or if you will not be able to pick them up in the next couple of weeks, please call the church office at (973) 667-0256.

Pray For...

Pray for our wedding couples

Cathy Geiselmann and Michael Palamara will marry in a service at Holy Trinity on January 16 at 3:00 p.m. Cathy and Michael ask for your prayers.

Congratulations to Chelsea Cicci and Christopher Wright on their marriage New Year’s Eve. We pray that God bless Chelsea and Christopher in their life together.

Pray for new parents

Christine and Brendon Hoch received an early Christmas gift -- a son whom they have named Nathan. Nathan was born December 8. “Mom, Dad and baby are all doing well.”Congratulations to the Hoch family.

Stewardship Strengthens...

Stewardship strengthens our relationship with Jesus
Living Simply. Living Generously.

The new year gives us chance to turn our financial lives around, to reprioritize and to simplify our lives for the sake of living out the Gospel.

Money and time are two of our most highly valued assets. Nobody seems to have enough, everybody wants more and somebody seems always to be asking us to give us theirs. While the amount of time and money we have may be limited, how we use it is a matter of choice for most of us.

Here is a simple process to help us discover what money we have and how we spend it. Once we know how we spend our money, we can begin to make conscious, faith-based, good news responsive decisions about whether or not we want to continue to spend it that way.

Step 1 – Keep a cash diary. For two or three weeks carry a small notebook with you everywhere you go. Write down every cent of cash that you spend. Be sure to include everything, even money you put in vending machines, give to children and so on.

Step 2 – Analyze your spending. Review checkbook, credit card slips and the cash diary. Break down your spending into these categories. Fixed: mortgages, taxes, insurance, tuition and so on. Variable, but repeating – utilities, car expenses, food, telephones, internet, and other expenses that have costs you can control by the choices you make. Discretionary – Hobbies, snacks, entertainment, meals out, etc.

Step 3 – Prayer. With your worksheet in front of you, lift your budget and the way you spend your money to God in prayer. Ask God to show you the places where you can make changes in how you spend your money and your life so that God might be more glorified and the mission of God in the world might be better served by your actions.

Step 4 – Discover. Look at your budget and expenses again. What is God saying to you? Where are places where you can free up or change your habits?

Step 5 – Make the decision and act. Share what God is doing in your life with friends and family. Ask God for strength, faith and even courage to do what you believe God is leading you to do. Step out in faith, knowing that God is the one who gives us our “daily bread.”

Please, share your experience with your friends in Christ at Holy Trinity. Together, we can change our lives, our church and the world for the sake of Jesus Christ.

January Birthdays and Anniversaries

2:Miles Mueller
7:Phyllis Weber
8:Peter Franchino, Ken Blair, Evelyn Oberndorf
14: Chris Siclari
15: Max Mueller
20: Nancy Catelli
28: Liz Cicci


Joelle & Matthew Bernhard