Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer. Time for Lemonade

As we move into summer this month, we will re-start our after worship lemonade fellowship time. So, plan to linger a bit after worship to visit with friends both new and longstanding. We have two dates still available if you would like to host – they are August 9 and August 23rd. To follow is our schedule:

June 28: Lizzie & Holly Wiede (w/mom)
July 5: Kara Suttora & Diane Petchel
July 12: The Rubens Family
July 19: Gail & George Ceravolo
July 26: Audrey Stevens
August 2: Jayne Osborne
August 9: OPEN
August 16: The Jones Family
August 23: OPEN
August 30: Sally & Martin Mueller
September 6: Lizzie & Holly Wiede (w/mom)

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