Tuesday, June 30, 2009

God's Gift For All Creation - Don't Bottle It Up!

The Youth Of The New Jersey Synod Challenge You To Take The Pledge!

In the fall of 2007, young people in the New Jersey Synod, ELCA began studying issues of water scarcity, plastics, pollution and water rights relating to bottled water. Out of this came an education and advocacy effort aimed at helping reduce the use of bottled water and strengthening safe public water systems both locally and globally - the Don’t Bottle It Up campaign!

We invite you to study, pray for, teach about, and advocate for
God’s precious gift of water for all creation, and, for earth’s sake,
Don’t Bottle It Up!


“…living creatures, and the air, soil and water that support them, face unprecedented threats. Many threats are global; most stem directly from human activity. Our current practices may so alter the living world that it will be unable to sustain life in the manner we know.”

"[A]s people of biblical faith, who live together in trust and hope, our primary motivation is the call to be God's caregivers and to do
justice...As members of this church, we commit ourselves to personal
lifestyles that contribute to the health of the environment."

Don’t Bottle it Up! Pledge (
Submit your pledge to the church office or at Worship – thank you)

I pledge to reduce my use of disposable bottled water, which means:

Opting for public tap water over bottled water; and

Advocating for healthy, strong public water systems both locally and globally.

Signed by: _________________________________

Here Are 10 Interesting Facts About Bottled Water

1. “An estimated 25 percent or more of bottled water is really just tap water in a bottle—sometimes further treated, sometimes not treated at all.” – Allaboutwater.org

2. Drinking bottled water is 1000 (one thousand!) times more expensive than drinking tap water.

3. “In an interesting study conducted by Showtime television, the hosts found that 75% of tested New York City residents actually preferred tap water over bottled water in a blind taste test.” – Allaboutwater.org

4. “Bottling and shipping water is the least efficient method of water delivery ever invented. The energy we waste using bottled water would be enough to power 190,000 homes. But refilling your water bottle from the tap requires no expenditure of energy, and zero waste of resources.” – PBS.org

5. “The Earth Policy Institute estimated that to make the plastic for the [water] bottles [consumed annually] burns up something like 1.5 million barrels of oil, enough to power 100,000 cars for a year.” – SeattlePI.com

6. “Nearly 90 percent of [water] bottles are not recycled.”

7. “Bottled water is actually much less regulated than tap water. There are a number of studies in which we find arsenic, disinfection byproducts and bacteria in bottled water.” – SeattlePI.com, quoting Gina Solomon

8. 30 million water bottles are thrown away every day, and each one of them takes 1000 years to biodegrade. – emagazine.com.

9. “In one case, bottled water labeled as “Alaska Premium Glacier Drinking Water: Pure Glacier Water from the Last Unpolluted Frontier” was actually drawn from Public Water System #111241 in Juneau.” – emagazine.com.

10. Buying one gallon’s worth of bottled water is three times more expensive than buying one gallon of gasoline. –

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