Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pastor's Message

I am writing in the week between two wonderful celebrations of our life together in Christ Jesus: Last week (June 21) we witnessed Allison and Samantha’s baptism, and this week (June 28) we celebrate with Lizzie as she experiences Holy Communion in a deeper way. These two events coming in consecutive weeks remind us how our entire life flows from God’s grace in Word and Sacrament. Through Word and Sacrament God enlightens us, enlivens us and sustains us in a life of faith and love that comes from our connection to God and to each other.

In our baptism liturgy, the parents, sponsors and congregation promise to faithfully live out our faith and love for God together. We do this by gathering weekly in worship to hear the scriptures, God’s Word, and to participate in the holy supper. We do this by learning, teaching and putting into practice the Ten Commandments, the Apostle’s Creed and the Lord’s Prayer. We do this by nurturing the life of faith and prayer in ourselves and in others. We do this by proclaiming God’s reconciling love for the world in Christ Jesus in what we say and by what we do. We do this by joining together to care for others, to care for the world God made and to work for justice and peace.

Allison and Samantha and all the newly baptized are just beginning down this path of discipleship. Lizzie and others, like our college and high school graduates, are passing significant milestones along the way. Let’s cheer them on in the faith enthusiastically.

At the same time, these slower days of summer give us time to reflect on our own journey. Where are we spending our time and our energy? How might we be strengthened in our faith and love for God to more effectively live in witness to God’s grace and love for us? How might we encourage each other to grow in faith, hope and love.

In the letter to the Ephesians, the author prays that the church in Ephesus might receive from God “a spirit of wisdom and revelation” as they come to know Jesus more deeply. He prays this so that “with the eyes of your heart enlightened, you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance among the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of God’s power for us who believe” (Ephesians 1:17-19).

That is my prayer for all of us this summer. Please join me.

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