Tuesday, June 30, 2009

On The Calendar

Dive into the Book of Faith

Open the scripture. Join the conversation. Come, hear and learn once again the story of God and God’s people in a deep, meaningful and transformative way this summer. As part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s (ELCA) initiative that calls “the whole church to become more fluent in the first language of faith, the language of scripture, in order that we might live out our calling as people renewed, enlivened, empowered and sent by the Word.”

We enter into this conversation based on the promised that exploring the Bible deeply with others opens us to God working in and through us. God’s Word is life changing, church changing and world changing. As we come together around God’s Word, the Holy Spirit works to lay a promising and fruitful foundation for connecting Bible, life and faith.

This summer, we will start this journey to renewal in the power of God’s Word together as a congregation assembled to worship and in small groups. All in all, there will be three opportunities to gather, open scripture and join the conversation.

Between July 12 and August 30, the assigned readings take us into and through the Book of Ephesians. In Sunday worship, through songs, sermons and prayers, we will focus on that particular Book of Faith under the theme, God’s Extraordinary Church. We will pick up that study and add time for group discussion, prayer and support during on Thursday evenings at 7 p.m., following our weekly community dinner.

Finally, a number of people have expressed interest in learning more about how the Bible came to be our Book of Faith and to explore more about what we mean when we confess the Holy Scripture to be the Word of God. Join us on three Sunday afternoons in September as we Rediscover the Book the Faith, the Bible. What better way to go “back-to-school” than to get back into God’s Word. It will change your life.

To sign up for either one of these exciting studies, fill out the forms below and return them to the church office or e-mail the church office with your plans office.htlcnutley@verizon.net.

God’s Extraordinary Church: Studies in Ephesians – July 12 – August 30

Mega-churches seem to catch everyone’s attention these days. Bigger appears to be better. The Letter to the Ephesians reminds us that God enables us to build a wondrous church beyond our wildest expectations (Eph. 3:19-20). Spiritual quality is always more important than worldly quantity when it comes to God’s heavenly design.

This book of faith is like a blueprint written to modern churches like ours, churches in transition. This series gives us the opportunity to experience divine guidance in our mission and ministry. As we rediscover God’s Word for our life and the life our church, we will discover again our passion for God’s purposes in the world through Jesus Christ. Come along. Open the Scripture. Join the Conversation.

Here are the topics we will be exploring in worship, study, conversation and prayer:

1. Are We Building in Love? Ephesians 1:3-14
2. Are We Building with Walls? Ephesians 2:11-22
3. Are We Building Beyond Measure? Ephesians 3:14-21
4. Are We Building as One? Ephesians 4:1-16
5. Are We Building Up? Ephesians 4:25-5:2 and 5:15-20
6. Are We Built to Withstand? Ephesians 6:10-20

Please return to church office or e-mail your request to office.htlcnutley@verizon.net

____ Yes, I am excited about exploring God’s amazing Word to God’s
extraordinary church, and

____ I/We plan to attend Thursday night. Please order ____ copies of the study guide for me.

____ I/We cannot attend the Thursday night study this time, but would like to follow along at home. Please order ____ copies of the study guide for me.
Name(s): __________________________________________

Rediscovering the Book of Faith – September 20 – October 4 after worship

Where did the Bible come from? The Christian Scripture contains sixty-six separate books, two testaments, and seven distinct types of literature. Yet, Christians the world over hold it as a single, bound volume we call “The Bible.”

This three-session study held on Sunday after worship explores how the Bible came to be our Book of Faith and what it means for our lives today. Together we will learn how, why and where the Old Testament and New Testament were created and explore how the Bible was put together, and examine the impact of the Reformation on our access to and understanding of scripture. Invite your friends and family to attend with you.

Here are the topics we will explore and discuss each week:

1. Rediscovering the Family Album of God’s People
2. Rediscovering the Good News of Jesus
3. Rediscovering God’s Gift of Grace

Please return to church office or e-mail your request to office.htlcnutley@verizon.net

____ Yes, I am excited to Rediscover the Book of Faith, and

____ I/We plan to attend Sunday after worship. Please order ____ copies of the study guide for me.

____ I/We cannot attend the Sunday sessions, but would like to follow
along at home. Please order ____ copies of the study guide for me.

____ I want like to invite a friend to attend with me, and I would like to church to help me.

Name(s): _____________________________________________________________________________________

Summer Music Conferences

Scott Jones will be in Boston for the Region Convention of the American Guild of Organists from June 30 through July 4. Scott is registrar for the 2011 Morristown Convention and will be meeting with the Boston Planning Committee. Locally, Scott serves on the Executive Board of the Metro NJ Chapter, is Membership Chair and publishes their Directory of Members.

In August, Scott will attend the National Convention of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Scott is Regional Vice President for the ALCM and he always looks forward to the workshops, concerts and worship services at these conferences.

Talent Time to Present Gypsy

The musical Gypsy will be presented at Bloomfield High School August 6-8 and 13-15 at 8:00 pm. General Admission tickets are $12/$10 for seniors and Students. The High School is at 160 Broad St. in Bloomfield and is air-conditioned! Emily Jones is producing the show as well as playing in the pit orchestra. Sarah Jones is performing in the cast.

As part of the Charles Seller Foundation, the Talent Time players have been presenting benefit performances since 1950. Each summer the members, who are in their mid-teens to late twenties, produce and perform a musical in which all the profits go to help a local person with a severe medical need.
Please call (862) 202-6943 for more information.

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