Friday, December 28, 2007

We're on a Mission to Fight Hunger!

More than 15 years ago on Super Bowl Sunday, a single youth group was inspired by a simple prayer. They started the Souper Bowl of Caring, a youth-led movement that is now an international event.
Since 1990, the Souper Bowl of Caring has raised more than $33 million for individual charities across the country. It is also turning our nation’s biggest weekend of football into the largest weekend of giving.
Each year, tens of thousands of our nation’s youth, including ours at Holy Trinity, put God’s love into action through the Souper Bowl of Caring. Start saving your change now, and then bring it to church with you on Sunday, February 3, to drop into the soup pot that we will pass during worship. Your donation will go to fight hunger right here in the community.
With your help, more dollars will be raised, more lives will be changed and more young people will experience the joy of serving Christ by serving others. With your help, let’s try to collect $150 this year. Please visit for more information.

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