Friday, December 28, 2007

Stewardship Strengthens our Community

Stewardship strengthens our relationship with Jesus, and stewardship strengthens our life together as a community of Jesus’ disciples in ministry together for the sake of the world.
Thank you to all who committed themselves to sharing a portion of the financial gifts God has given them. To date we have received 29 pledges, totalling $70,454.00. For many, this commitment is an increase over last year’s. Thank you for your growing generosity.
Our stewardship isn’t a matter of paying the bills or meeting the budget. God didn’t call us together so we could be faithful customers of PSE&G. God called us together to strengthen our faith and empower our lives of discipleship so that we can be Christ’s body in the world. God called us together to transform our lives so that through us God might transform the world around us.
Our generosity is a fruit of the Holy Spirit working in our lives. A fruit God causes to grow as a gift to the people around us. Our giving is a statement of faith and trust in the God who has promised to provide us with all we need, a statement made in the face of a culture that continually tells that we will never have enough. Our sharing from God’s good gifts is another step of faith as a disciple of Jesus.
As a community, we thank God for each other and for the generosity of every individual member of this body. Thank you.
You can make a financial commitment to this community at any time during the year. Just call the church office or our financial secretary Elfrieda Fenton at (973) 338-6313 to record your pledge.

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