Friday, December 28, 2007


Community Meeting and New Year’s Party All in One!
Mark your calendar. Save the date. The Holy Trinity Annual Community Meeting is scheduled for Jan. 27, 2008. The event begins with worship at 10:30 a.m., followed by a potluck lunch and an exciting and inspiring program where we will share and celebrate what God has done through us and among us in 2007, as well as anticipate what new things God is calling us to in 2008.
In addition, this gathering will give us time for fellowship and lively discussion about issues of concern for the entire community: How God is calling us to use our personal and community assets; how we can schedule worship, prayer meetings and Bible studies to better serve our community and our neighbors; and, of course, our 2008 spending plan. Children are invited to participate in the meeting with their families, but childcare will be provided for the very young.

What can I do?
1. Pray, pray, pray. Pray for the life, health, growth and ministry of this community of Jesus’ disciples. Pray that this gathering would be a time of new insight, inspiration and energy for us a participants in God’s mission to love, save and bless the whole world through Jesus Christ.
2. Remember the stories of God’s love and faithfulness in your daily life in times past with thanksgiving; then turn with hope and trust in God’s love and faithfulness for your present. Be ready to share those stories.
3. Be present in this community that day. The church is people. God’s people, called and equipped to be God’s messengers of love and mercy. The church is you.
4. Invite your friends and neighbors to be part of the story that God is creating through this community of faith. Invite your friends and neighbors to be part of our fellowship.
Do I have to be a “member” of Holy Trinity to join the party?
No! Even if you are not what the ELCA has in the past officially called a “member,” please participate in this community gathering. Ours is a community of people who have been called by Jesus Christ into lives of discipleship and gifted by the Holy Spirit for lives of mission in Jesus’ name. If you’re a disciple of Jesus or if you are hearing our Lord’s call and you care about the mission and ministry of this community of disciples, then mark your calendar, save the date and come be part of what God is doing through us. No matter your age or your “status,” this community wants you to use your unique gifts and talents in Jesus name for the sake of the world. You are God’s gift, and we thank God for you.

How can I help?
If you would like to be part of the planning team for this event, you can come to one or both of two special meetings: Jan. 8 at 7:30 p.m. or Jan. 17 at 7:00 p.m.
If you would like to serve by setting up, cleaning up, sharing food, leading and assisting in worship, or even sharing your story, look for a sign up sheet in this newsletter or in the Sunday worship folder, or you can call the church office and volunteer.

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