Friday, December 28, 2007

Thank You!

To all who helped at the our winter clean up day.
To Greg Sekula, Martin Mueller and Chris Duhm for putting up the new shed and for those who gave money to purchase the shed.
To all who helped decorate for Advent and Christmas.
To the Jones family for their many hours spent preparing the worship space for each new Sunday and season.
To Scott and the choir for their hard work in preparing to share the Christmas story the way the heavenly hosts remember and share the story – with music and songs.
To Sally Mueller for teaching Sunday School in December and to Nancy Duhm for teaching in January.
To Tina Patti, our parish administrator for her great work this past year and especially for the extra effort she gave during the holiday season.
To all the people of Holy Trinity for their faithfulness and generosity in the past year.

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