Thursday, March 29, 2012

Worship + Music

Praying at the Cross
Lent 2012 at Holy Trinity

Sunday, April 1 - Palm/Passion Sunday
8:45am:Process from Holy Trinity to the ‘Mudhole’ at Memorial Park (Vreeland & Passaic)

9:15am:Community Blessing of the Palms, then process back to Holy Trinity for breakfast.

10:00am:Worship with Palm Parade and dramatic reading of the Passion of Jesus the Christ

Thursday, April 5 - Maundy Thursday

6:15 pm:Soup Supper (please sign-up to help!)

7:30 pm:Worship with Holy Communion and stripping of the altar

Friday, April 6 - Good Friday

Noon – 1:30pm:Meditations on the ‘7 Last Words of Christ’ from the Nutley Clergy, at Holy Trinity

7:30 pm:Worship around the Cross

Saturday, April 7 - Vigil of Easter

10:00am:Come decorate the sanctuary for Easter and set up for the Resurrection Breakfast!

Sunday, April 8 – Resurrection of Christ Jesus

8:30am:Rise-n-Shine Resurrection Breakfast for all people

9:30am:Resurrection Adventure for children and youth

10:00am:Festival worship with Holy Communion

Wave an ECO-Palm on Palm Sunday

On Palm Sunday (April 1), we’ll be using “Eco-Palms” from Lutheran World Relief.

Eco-Palms pay farmers a fair wage and are grown and harvested in an earth friendly way. This means that more children finish school, families can afford healthcare, and the forest will continue to provide income for generations to come. It’s like praising God twice in one breath!

“Buck-a-Chick” for World Hunger
This Easter, join with congregations from across the ELCA in the “Buck-a-Chick” sale. Just one dollar purchases a chick for a family living in poverty, helping them with a source of both food and income. For each chick purchased, you are invited to decorate a paper chick. Chicks can then be hung in the narthex, or given to a friend. Buck-a-Chicks are $1.00 each. A peep of 10 chicks is $10.00 each. If purchasing by mail, please may checks payable to "Holy Trinity Lutheran Church". Thank You.

Graduating in May or June?
Please let the office know the date and from where you are graduating and we will celebrate that good news in worship and in the newsletter. Feel free to share your future plans, as well.

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