Thursday, March 29, 2012

Practicing Faith

Ways for you to practice your Christian faith in everyday life.

Body Prayer
Find a comfortable place to be still and quiet for 15 minutes. You’ll be asking yourself a series of questions. You might want to write down your responses, but if writing is a distraction, do not interrupt the prayer exercise to write.

Focusing steps:

Close your eyes and breathe.
If helpful, gently stretch your arms, your legs, your feet, and your body. Let your awareness settle to the center of your body. What do you feel there?

What location or part of your body wants your awareness right now? Is there a feeling in your body that needs listening to?

Communicate with this felt sense in your body. Tell it, “I’m listening.” Ask this bodily feeling if it’s all right to go further.

What is the best way to describe this feeling in your body? Is there an image or name that emerges? (‘tight neck’, ‘lump in the throat’).

Sit with this body awareness without judgment. Simply observe. Does this bodily sense have an emotional quality? What is it?

Ask, “What makes me feel ____________ (name the emotion)?

Ask your body to show you how healing would feel.

Put your hand on that part of the body. Ask God (Father/Mother, Jesus, Holy Spirit) to help you care for this part of yourself.

Gently end your conversation with the felt sense in your body. Thank your body for being with you in prayer.

End by writing in a journal about what your body is telling you. Where do you feel God’s healing touch most deeply? What is it like to listen to your body?

Thank God for being present in this prayer. If you learn something about yourself that needs to be applied in your life, commit yourself to an action that honors the prayer.

God’s work. Our hands.

Both Bible Studies are Back
Monday @ 7:30pm, starting April 16th
Thursdays @ 2:00pm

Monday evening Bible Study has been on sabattical during lent, but will resume meeting on Monday, April 16th. Discussion and study will be about the formation of the early church, through the lens of the book of Acts and the letters of the apostles.

Thursday afternoon Bible Study continues to meet every Thursday. Conversation centers on the upcoming gospel text for Sunday worship, and how it intersects with our life.

Conference on Congregational Ministries, Saturday, April 21
Seeing God in Scripture, Sermon and Everyday Life,
Keynoter: Rev. Dr. David Lose

Mark your calendar for this great day of ministry formation and helpful workshops on all sorts of topics and interests for all people of the congregation (not just the pastor, not just council!). Registration forms are available in the office.

Called to be the New Treasurer?

As of May 1st, Audrey Stevens will be using her gifts in other areas of ministry and will no longer be able to serve as Holy Trinity’s treasurer. That means we need a NEW TREASURER. The only expectations for this ministry are dedication and time. You don’t have to be a professional accountant or bookkeeper! We are also planning to purchase church accounting software to help in this ministry. Interested: talk with Audrey Stevens, Elaine Miller, or Pastor Kristin.

Treasurer Responsibilities:

1. Record weekly offerings.
2. Make weekly deposit at Wells-Fargo.
3. Make necessary payments (write checks) when due.
4. Follow good accounting procedures to keep record of church finances.
5. Coordinate finances with Endowment Fund and Parsonage Fund.
6. Create monthly Financial Report to church council, and if possible, participate in monthly council meetings.

Remember We Who are Hungry
Donations of non-perishable food items help stock the Nutley Food Pantry, as well as provide emergency food aid to our neighbors. Please place donations in the basket in the narthex to help those of us who are hungry!

A Food Pantry Shopping List:

canned fruit, canned vegetables tuna fish, box of pasta, pasta sauce, 1-can meals,
tomato paste, canned beans, canned soup, bar soap, toilet paper, shampoo

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