Thursday, March 1, 2012

Practicing Faith

Prayers of the Foodie
When food is in front of us, it’s easy to rush into eating without pausing to give thanks to God for our food, remember where our food came from, or ponder how our meal keeps us energized to do God’s work.

When eating in a restaurant, you might be shy or embarrassed about praying in a public place. But, when eating out, we are surrounded by the very people who help provide us with food to eat (chefs, cooks, and servers). What a witness it is to give thanks to God for these stewards of hospitality, right in their very midst!
Praying before a meal can also help us be mindful of what we are putting in our bodies – an essential part of any healthy eating lifestyle.

Prayer = Good Health!

Table Prayer for the Season of Lent (Bread for the Day. Augsburg Fortress, 2011)
Blessed are you, O God, maker of all things. Through your goodness you have blessed us with gifts of this table. Turn our hearts toward you and toward all those in need. May our Lenten journey bring us to the rebirth of Easter, through Christ our Savior. Amen.

A Traditional Table Prayer
Lord Jesus, be our holy guest. Our morning joy, our evening rest. And with our daily bread impart your love and peace to every heart. Amen.

A Poetic Prayer
O Thou who clothes the lilies, who feeds the birds of the sky, who leads the lambs to pasture, and the deer to the watertide, who multiplies loaves and fishes, and changed water into wine, do though come to our table as giver and as our guest to dine. Amen.

Chinese Child’s Prayer
Thank you, kind Maker, for giving us food to make our bodies grow stronger. Dear God, teach us to share with others what we ourselves have. Amen.

Thursday Evening Soup & Study in Lent
(March 1-April 5)
During lent, we gather with our sisters and brothers from Franklin Reformed Church on Thursday evenings to share a simple meal and discuss our shared faith. We meet in the Fellowship Hall of Holy Trinity.

Our Lenten study book is Why Christian?: For those on the edge of faith, by Douglass John Hall. The book explores questions of faith and doubt, without easy or overly simplistic answers. All are welcome!

Why Christian? Is available online.

Conference on Congregational Ministries
Saturday, April 21

Seeing God in Scripture, Sermon and Everyday Life, Keynoter: Rev. Dr. David Lose
Mark your calendar for this great day of ministry formation and helpful workshops on all sorts of topics and interests for all people of the congregation (not just the pastor, not just council!).

Registration forms are available in the office.

Like Us?
Then Like Holy Trinity’s Facebook page. You’ll get updates on the goings on at Holy Trinity; see pictures from events, read previous sermons, and more!

Together we fight hunger.
Together, the people of Holy Trinity gave over $122 on Sunday, February 5th as part of the Souper Bowl of Caring. The national total so far is $8,485,671 collected by 8,541 groups. All the money collected is given to local hunger-fighting organizations. Together we do more!

Remember We Who are Hungry
Donations of non-perishable food items help stock the Nutley Food Pantry, as well as provide emergency food aid to our neighbors. Please place donations in the basket in the narthex to help those of us who are hungry!

A Food Pantry Shopping List:

canned fruit, canned vegetables, tuna fish, box of pasta, pasta sauce, 1-can meals, tomato paste, canned beans, canned soup, bar soap, toilet paper, shampoo

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