Thursday, October 28, 2010

On The Calendar

Open the Scripture. Join the Conversation.
WE HAVE ADDED A THURSDAY AFTERNOON 2:00pm BIBLE STUDY. This is in addition to the Monday evenings at 7:30pm study. If you need a ride, please call Janet Strachan at (973) 661-3556.

Please join us as we gather in conversation with God and each other.What is God doing in the the world? What is God doing in our lives? What is God saying to us as individuals, a community of faith, the world? What is the good news of God's kingdom? How is God sending us into the world? These are just some of the questions we ask as God engages us through God's word and the witness of the Holy Scripture.

Remember to “fall back” on November 7th!
Please note that daylight savings time ends on November 7, 2010 – make sure to set your clocks back one hour.

November 21st – Set up for Advent
Please join us after worship on November 21st as we will get together to decorate the building for Advent.

Monday, November 22nd – Nutley Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service
Worship with thanksgiving together with people of all faiths at 7:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church. In this service, we thank God for all the blessings we enjoy as a community, and to remember in prayer those who are in need. The offering supports the Red Cross Food Pantry. Additionally, you are encouraged to bring a gift of non-perishable foods for the pantry.

November 28th – First Sunday in Advent
“A Call to Watchfulness.” This liturgical year begins and ends with passages from Jesus’ “end times” discourse in Matthew 24-25. This is a fitting way to bracket the year of Matthew, since Matthew is written to a community of disciples to encourage greater discipleship. In this discourse Jesus emphasizes watchfulness and being busy at work while awaiting his return. As we begin the year with Matthew 24:36-44, we are called to watch—Jesus’ return is unexpected. At the end of the year we are given, in the parable of the sheep and goats (25:31-46), a story of how we should “watch” and wait: service to humanity. It sums up the general nature of our call in the world.

In Matthew 1:23 (Advent 4), we learn that in Jesus “God is with us” (or Jesus is “God with us”). This phrase explaining the name Emmanuel is an addition by Matthew from Isaiah 8:10 to a citation from Isaiah 7:14 (“and you shall call him Immanuel”). The point is that Jesus is the one in whom God is made present and known. Commissioned and empowered by Jesus, we are the vehicle through which God and God’s kingdom are seen and experienced in the world, just as Jesus was the one in whom God was made known to the world. Discipleship is not our endeavor; it is evidence of Jesus’ presence in and among us—“with” us.
(from Sundays and Seasons © 2010 Augsburg Fortress)

Christmas Services at Holy Trinity
December 24th:
4:00pm. Simple spoken Eucharist with carols.
7:30pm: Candlelight service with festive music.

December 25th:10:00am: Christmas Day Worship.

Now’s the time to invite a friend. Go ahead, share the good news, overcome the barriers and make the connection.

To assist at these services, please sign up at worship or call the
church office.

In Our Community

In Memory…
Edith Carol Hewitt, an artist known for her wood inlay paintings of landscapes and historic homes, died Saturday, Oct. 9, 2010, in Manchester. Working with chips of painted wood, she meticulously captured the detail and spirit of the buildings and surroundings of her native New England. Later, she worked in other mediums, including oils, watercolor, and ink.

She had come to Holy Trinity in the 1950’s and her “Jesus with His Disciples” banner has hung in the Holy Trinity sanctuary for nearly forty years!She is survived by her sister, Virginia Pooley of Newton and her husband William Pooley; daughter, Wendy Mitchell of Bronx, N.Y. and her husband Clesont; her son, Paul Hewitt of Old Tappan and his wife Lori; and her daughter, Elizabeth Blanda of Philadelphia, Pa. and her husband Andrew. Her grandchildren are Melissa Martin, Alycia Melendez, Julia and Lily Hewitt, Amelia and Addison Blanda; a great-grandchild, Julius; and nieces, Cheryl Williams and Rachelle White.


Our sympathy and prayers are with the family of Neil Johnson after hearing of his death. Neil has been remembered in our prayers for many months and he was the father of Kevin and Brian Johnson. “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” John 11:25-26


Congratulations and best wishes to Erica Geiselmann and Matthew Brady, who were married on October 23 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Erica is the daughter of Ken and Irene Geiselmann, and Cathy (Geiselmann) Palamara was Matron of Honor for her sister’s wedding.

Choral Vespers
Scott and Emily Jones are singing J.S. Bach’s Cantata No. 80, Ein Feste Burg ist Unser Gott (A Mighty Fortress is Our God) at Grace Lutheran Church, Teaneck on November 7 at 4:00 PM. The choir of 35 singers, with professional soloists, is under the direction of Carol Weber and will be accompanied by a professional Baroque orchestra.

The cantata is sung as part of a Vespers Service and an offering will be received. Grace Lutheran, 1200 River Rd., Teaneck, NJ 07666. (Driving directions are available in the narthex.)

Church Groups Ticket Offer
New Jersey Devils at the Prudential Center – Newark, N.J.
New Jersey Devils vs. Philadelphia Flyers
Saturday, November 27, 2010 – 1:00PM.
Special Ticket Price of $38.00 ($59.00 Value).

Please let our office know if you would like to be the Group Leader for this event and we will provide you with all of the pertinent information. All orders must be received by 11/19/10.

Can You Help Us....

Can You Help Us Go Paperless?
Postage is expensive; please help us to distribute more and more of our information electronically. For those of you that haven't already shared your e-mail address with the church office, please consider doing so by sending an e-mail with ADD ME TO THE MAILING LIST in the subject line to

Can We Send This Newsletter to You Electronically?
We can send this email to anyone with a Microsoft Wordtm version 1993 or later. For those that would like to give an email address, but would still like a hard copy of the Newsletter, this is no problem – just state this in the email to us.

Holy Trinity is now on Facebook.
You can become a fan of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and stay up-to-date with what's going on in the congregation and among our members. As a fan you can also post your news, your questions, thoughts and experiences of God's love in action to share with others. It’s just another way to share the good news, overcome barriers and connect one to many in Christ. You can access our page directly from our website, at

Remember the Hungry
During these difficult times, organizations that provide food often run short of needed supplies. We will continue to collect food as part of our offering during worship. Bring your non-perishable food items to worship with you, and leave them in the designated area in the narthex.

Your Grandmother’s Cupboard
We will again be collecting for this organization which provides food, clothing and other necessities of life for the homeless, hungry and the other “invisible” children and adults in our community.

As you make the change to fall and winter clothing, why not put aside the items you no longer need or want? Also collected will be any kind of household items including electronics and furniture.

A definite collection date will be announced at a later time.

Keep in mind….”I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do. It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do little…you must do whatever you can.”
~Edward Everett Hale

Vice Pastor and Supply Pastors

Vice Pastor
Please be assured that during our time without a permanent pastor, we at Holy Trinity have a Vice Pastor for our pastoral care. Will Moser of the First Lutheran Church in Montclair will serve as our Vice Pastor.

Pastor Will Moser of First Lutheran Church, Montclair
153 Park Street
Montclair, N.J. 07042-3901
(973) 744-6043
Cathy Oswald, Manager, Tuesday – Friday, 2 – 7pm

Per Pastor Moser, please follow the criteria below for when his services are needed (they are numbered in order of his preference):

1)Please call the church at (973) 744-6043 (you may call him directly or have Scott or Tina contact him).

2)Please call Pastor Moser at home, (973) 778-1497 (you may call him directly or have Scott or Tina contact him).

Vice Pastor care includes: visiting shut-ins, visiting the sick and those in the hospital, death, council meetings and confirmation.

Supply Pastors
Supply pastors for our Sunday Service will be given to Holy Trinity via the Synod Office.

Please note that Scott and Tina will be checking voice mails from home, even during non-office hours, 7 days a week. Please make sure to LEAVE A VOICE MAIL MESSAGE at the office so we can be sure to keep updated.

ELCA World Hunger


When Wogayehu’s husband died, she wasn’t able to plow the fields and plant crops by herself. Without income from the farm, Wogayehu couldn’t afford to send her children to school. Without enough food, they often went hungry.

The gift of a goat helped Wogayehu get back on her feet. The goat produced several quarts of nutritious milk each day. The goat’s natural fertilizer helped grow a small vegetable garden outside her home.

Little by little, Wogayehu saved up enough money from selling milk and vegetables to buy a cow. With her new cow and some agricultural training, she was able to plow and plant her fields again. She says The Lutheran World Federation program in her community—which provides assistance with livestock, agriculture, microfinance, water, education and health—changed her life.

Today, both of Wogayehu’s sons are in school and she is working to build a new home for her family. Furthermore, she and other widows have found that in learning new skills they have overcome some of the prejudice that women once faced in the community. They’ve proven that women, too, deserve to be treated with respect.
“We have come into the light,” Wogayehu said with a smile.

Your gifts to ELCA World Hunger support The Lutheran World Federation in Ethiopia and similar projects in over 60 countries around the world. A gift of just $50 could provide a goat to a woman like Wogayehu. Please give today.

November Birthdays, Anniversaries and Disciples

November Birthdays
4: Erika Bacik
8: Sara Murphy
10: Jennifer Murphy
11: Chris Amlung
12: John Fenton
13: Irene Falk
14: Barbara Hudnett
18: Cathy Palamara
21: Erik Hess
25: Frank Siclari
27: Judi Lovas
28: Joelle Bernhard, Aida Rubens
29: Grace Viola, Bonnie Munoz
30: Nancy Duhm, Nicole Duhm, William Murphy

November Anniversaries
1: Ken & Irene Geiselmann
2: Richard & Susan Ulley
24: Louis & Terry D’Agnolo

November Disciples (Please pray for these people on the date listed)
1:Irene Geiselmann
2:Jim Greengrove
3:Dot Greengrove
4:Nancy Guenther
5:Marciah Hayes
6:Erik Hess
8:Dayna Hess
9:Samantha Hess
10:Sydney Hess
11:Ruth Hsu
12:Richard Hudnett
13:Barbara Hudnett
15:Alicia Hudnett
16:Ricky Hudnett
17:Lynn Johnson
18:Kevin Johnson
19:Brian Johnson
20:Scott Jones
22:Debbie Jones
23:Emily Jones
24:Sarah Jones
25:Robert Kozak
26:Marilyn Kozak
27:Robbie Kozak
29:Chao Lin
30:Agee Lin

Poinsettia Plant Order Form

Please call the office at (973) 667-0256 if you would like an order form mailed to you.

The cost of each plant is $8.00, and the order deadline is Sunday,
December 5th. Plants are in a 6 ½” pot and foil wrapped.

Plants may be taken home following the 7:30pm Christmas Eve Service.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

On The Calendar

Open the Scripture. Join the Conversation.
We have moved our Bible Study back to Monday evenings at 7:30pm.

Please join us as we gather in conversation with God and each other.What is God doing in the the world? What is God doing in our lives? What is God saying to us as individuals, a community of faith, the world? What is the good news of God's kingdom? How is God sending us into the world? These are just some of the questions we ask as God engages us through God's word and the witness of the Holy Scripture.

Sunday School
Sunday School is in full swing. Families gather for worship at 10 a.m. and children and teachers move to the classroom after a children message and prayer. The whole assembly gathers again to celebrate the Lord’s Supper together. If you would like to volunteer to be a teacher or helper, please call the church office.

Game Night at Holy Trinity
Join us for another fun night of games on Saturday, October 16th at 7:30p.m. Bring a favorite board game, a deck of cards, or just yourself! You may also bring refreshments to share.

Remember to “fall back” on November 7th!
Please note that daylight savings time ends on November 7, 2010 – make sure to set your clocks back one hour.

Ministry Site Profile

This commentary is one portion of the Ministry Site Profile, the first step in the Call Process.

It only takes a spark to get a fire going.
These classic lines from Kurt Kaiser are a metaphor of sprit and community for generations of Christians. In our faith and spirituality, even a spark brings hope and promise as the glow, the spiritual pilot light that lives within each of us in the midst of a sinful life, awaits our personal invitation from the Holy Spirit to direct us to blow on that ember, to start the fire and pass it on.

This metaphor can also be used to describe our faith journey and nature of our ministry site as Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. We know we have that spark within us, but our fire is not burning in the bright way we want and need it to. Our elder generations have lovingly tended the fire for many years; their wood has now burned into deep coals, still there but gradually dimming. We as church body, especially a younger generation, now need to not just stir up the coals, but bring new fuel to the fire. Of course, it is the power of the Holy Spirit within us that reminds us of the promise of God’s love, redemption, and forgiveness through God’s Son Jesus Christ. We know this, but we need that spark lit, since it truly does only take a spark to get a fire going.

So how do we ignite the spark? One way may be through our gift of music. Holy Trinity is known for our tradition of choral excellence in a congregation with a strong emphasis on worship and music. The pastor and musician have historically formed a worship planning team/partnership, the result being integrated worship in which the preaching and music support the Word. The choir sees its primary goal as that of liturgical leadership and support.

With this emphasis, talented individuals, and a long-term (24 years) Minister of Music, it may be possible to light a spark into the music program, both inviting in and extending out into the communities around us. Genuine spirituality, like art, is open and dynamic; both are the hope of a world so badly in need of transformation. Music and art could be a distinguishing feature of our spirituality, our witness to the world, and an identity for who we are a church community.

Another way to light the spark may be with a physical transformation of our narthex. Early in 2010 a team was convened to discuss our worship life. One of the outcomes of this is that we wish to upgrade our narthex to be more welcoming to visitors and functional for the congregation.

One of the key assets of our church family at Holy Trinity is our endowment funds, both materially and symbolically. Lovingly given and loyally stewarded by our earlier generations, these monies are the lifeline of our financial ability to provide for our practical means of salary and expense. However, this can also give us a sense of complacency and cause us to be adverse to risk. Our challenge is to understand how we can use and share these resources not just for our survival, but towards building our church and to answer God’s call for Holy Trinity’s ministry.

It only takes a spark to light a fire. While there are challenges in this small congregation, there is also a desire to see the new fire. We eagerly await our new pastor so that we can work together to reignite the fire that burns brightly in this congregation.

In Our Community

St. Timothy Musicales, October 6, 13, 20 at 1:00pm.
St. Timothy Lutheran Church
395 Valley Road, Wayne


10/6 – The Alex Chilowicz Quartet
“The Great American Songbook”

10/13-The Schwandt Family Chamber Ensemble
Sacred and Classical Music

10/20-Christine Opalka, Mezzo-Soprano
Broadway, Gershwin, Gospel and the Audience Sing-Along

For more information call St. Timothy’s at (973) 694-8316.

Church Groups Ticket Offer
New Jersey Devils at the Prudential Center – Newark, N.J.

New Jersey Devils vs. Boston Bruins
Saturday, October 16, 2010 – 7:00PM.
Special Ticket Price of $38.00 ($59.00 Value).

Please let our office know if you would like to be the Group Leader for this event and we will provide you with all of the pertinent information. All orders must be received by 10/14/10.

Let’s Take a Walk!
The 2010 CROP Walk is SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17th AT 2PM. and will begin and end at First Congregational Church, 40 South Fullerton Avenue, Montclair.

We will join neighbors from different faiths, cultures, and ages, walking together to take a stand against hunger in our world. Some 2,000 communities across the country take part each year. CROP = Communities – Responding to – Overcome-Poverty!

The WALK will begin and end at First Congregational Church, 40 South Fullerton Avenue, Montclair, and is the usual 3 miles.

This year we are joining together in interfaith community CROP Hunger Walks around the theme “we walk because they walk.” T-shirts and baseball-style caps will be available at a cost of $10.00 for adults.

WALKS help fight hunger and poverty around the world. The total raised for the 2009 Essex Walk in Montclair was over $16,000 (the $20,000 goal was not reached, but the weather did not cooperate) with $4,160.50 being returned for our 11 local food pantries in Montclair, Bloomfield, Kearny and Nutley.

WALK envelopes, poster, flyers, t-shirts, etc. will be available for distribution. Call (973) 744-6043 with any questions.

Last month’s Newsletter gave the incorrect college for Brian Johnson. Brian is attending Rutgers University.

Thank you.
To all who sent cards, best wishes and prayers while I was recuperating. It meant more than you can know to have the support of friends during my stay at home.

And an extra-special thank you to all the VBS teachers who assumed the responsibility for doing crafts with the children during my unexpected absence. You all are among this congregation’s truest and best blessings! ~Debbie Jones

Food Drive
Please remember our food drive. We will continue to collect food as part of our offering during worship. Bring your non-perishable food items to worship with you, and leave them in the designated area in the Narthex. Thank you!

Can You Help Us Go Paperless?
Postal rates are scheduled to rise again in January 2011. Please help us to distribute more and more of our information electronically. Many of you have already given us your email information – for those of you that haven't already shared your e-mail address with the church office, please consider doing so by sending an e-mail with ADD ME TO THE MAILING LIST in the subject line to

Can We Send This Newsletter to You Electronically?
We can send this email to anyone with a Microsoft Wordtm version 1993 or later. For those that would like to give an email address, but would still like a hard copy of the Newsletter, this is no problem – just state this in the email to us.

Holy Trinity is now on Facebook. You can become a fan of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and stay up-to-date with what's going on in the congregation and among our members. As a fan you can also post your news, your questions, thoughts and experiences of God's love in action to share with others. It’s just another way to share the good news, overcome barriers and connect one to many in Christ. You can access our page directly from our website, at

Magazine Swap
We here at Holy Trinity have started a magazine swap. Please bring in any magazines that you are done reading and swap them for something else; chances are you will have some material that another individual would be interested in. Maybe when visiting the sick or elderly you can bring along some reading material you think they might enjoy.

We will leave a drop-off box in the Narthex – please remember to REMOVE THE NAME AND ADDRESS label first. Please, NO NEWSPAPERS. Think about all the trees and money you might save, and the joy you might bring to someone that might not be able to afford a subscription!


Coffee with a Lutheran Flavor

Lutheran World Relief and Equal Exchange are proud to announce a new coffee line from the LWR Coffee Project.

Through the LWR Coffee Project, a partnership between Lutheran World Relief and Equal Exchange, Lutherans can enjoy delicious fairly traded products while supporting small-scale farmers across the world. Farmers earn a fair price for their crops, have access to affordable credit, and can invest in education, health care and sustainable agriculture, building a better future for their families.

In addition, for all fairly traded coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, and snacks purchased through the LWR Coffee Project, Equal Exchange gives $.20 per pound back to Lutheran World Relief for projects supporting small-scale coffee farmers.
Lutheran World Relief works with partners in 35 countries to help people grow food, improve health, strengthen communities, end conflict, build livelihoods and recover from disasters.

Equal Exchange is a democratically organized worker-owned co-operative dedicated to building a new model of trade based on fairness, environmental sustainability and strong relationships between farmers and consumers.

They also have tea, cocoa and snacks.

For more information or to place an order, please visit or 744-776-7340.

From Congregation to Congressman
Advocating for Those Who Are Hungry

For members of the Lutheran Church of the Reformation in West Long Branch, N.J., responding to hunger in their neighborhood is part of their weekly activities. So, too, is partnering with ELCA World Hunger to help around the world. Moved by the stories of families and children who regularly come to the church for food assistance, six members of the congregation met with State Representative Frank Pallone (pictured right) last spring. Church members discussed their food pantry ministry and urged the congressman to weigh in on hunger issues at the state House of Representatives and with his colleagues.

One of the six members from the congregation, Mary Appleton, said, “It was really inspiring to go with that group of people and talk to [the congressman].” As a result of the meeting, Pallone participated in a press event at the state House of Representatives in May, which attracted great media attention toward childhood hunger.

Gifts to ELCA World Hunger have helped to support organizations that create such events, providing a way that the voice of those who are hungry and the church that stands with them can be heard. In this case the coordination was through the New Jersey Anti-Hunger Coalition (NJAHC), an organization that receives a grant from ELCA World Hunger.

Bruce Davidson, director of the Lutheran Office of Governmental Ministry in New Jersey, talked about the way in which the voluntary service of the church brings credibility and integrity to the discussion with elected officials. “They really appreciate the fact that we help to raise awareness for better nutrition programs for children. We help them understand that these programs are an effective way to end childhood hunger if they are funded and administered well.”

In addition to helping with direct feeding, long-term development and education, a portion of your gifts to ELCA World Hunger provides grants that help the church and its partners speak up about what they are seeing when it comes to hunger and encourage positive action by government. Through advocacy, ELCA members work to overcome the effects and root causes of hunger. In many ways, the resources of government guided by the voices of those who work to address hunger can make amazing changes in the lives of communities.

“People respond to what they see in their own communities, and it’s easy to get our congregations to support hunger issues,” said Davidson. Regarding the efforts of Appleton and the other Reformation Lutheran members, he said, “It was a congregation-wide advocacy effort.” In addition to those who visited the congressman and those who prepared messages on lunch bags, many different groups in the congregation got involved by praying. “This is faith-based advocacy at its best.”

Holy Trinity Vice Pastor and Supply Pastors

Vice Pastor
Please be assured that during our time without a permanent pastor, we at Holy Trinity have a Vice Pastor for our pastoral care. Will Moser of the First Lutheran Church in Montclair will serve as our Vice Pastor.

Pastor Will Moser of First Lutheran Church, Montclair
153 Park Street
Montclair, N.J. 07042-3901
(973) 744-6043
Cathy Oswald, Manager, Tuesday – Friday, 2 – 7pm

Per Pastor Moser, please follow the criteria below for when his services are needed (they are numbered in order of his preference):

1)Please call the church at (973) 744-6043 (you may call him directly or have Scott or Tina contact him).
2)Please call Pastor Moser at home, (973) 778-1497 (you may call him directly or have Scott or Tina contact him).

Vice Pastor care includes: visiting shut-ins, visiting the sick and those in the hospital, death, council meetings and confirmation.

Supply Pastors
Supply pastors for our Sunday Service will be given to Holy Trinity via the Synod Office.

Please note that Scott and Tina will be checking voice mails from home, even during non-office hours, 7 days a week. Please make sure to LEAVE A VOICE MAIL MESSAGE at the office so we can be sure to keep updated.

October Birthday, Anniversaries and Disciples

1: Agee Lin
12: Tony Maguire
14: Evelyn Cordes
16: Angela Murphy
17: Ruth Sekula
18: Joseph Cicci
22: Martin Futyma
23: Jennifer Riccio
26: Lynn Johnson
29: Matthew Duhm
30: Kevin Johnson, Monica Rubens

3: Brenda & Dan Munoz
16: Nancy & Tony Maguire

Each day of the week (except Sunday) has the name of a person in this community. Please, remember that person in your prayers that day. On Sunday, we will pray for all of the people listed in the coming week.
1:Nancy Duhm
2:Nicole Duhm
4:Matthew Duhm
5:Ken Duke
6:Dot Duke
7:Richard Ebeling
8:Barbara Ebeling
9:Stacie Ebeling
11:Elizabeth Ebeling
12:Chelsea Ebeling
13:Jean Esparolini
14:Chris Esparolini
15:Irene Falk
16:John Fenton
18:Elfrieda Fenton
19:Julie Franchino
20:Peter Franchino
21:John Franchino
22:Martim Futyma
23:Betty Futyma
25:Susan Gage
26:Tom Gallo
27:Heather Gallo
28:Nicholas Gallo
29:Erica Geiselmann
30:Ken Geiselmann

Thursday, August 26, 2010

On The Calendar

Open the Scripture. Join the Conversation.
We will be moving our Bible Study back to Monday evenings, starting Monday, September 13th at 7:30pm.

Please join us as we gather in conversation with God and each other.What is God doing in the the world? What is God doing in our lives? What is God saying to us as individuals, a community of faith, the world? What is the good news of God's kingdom? How is God sending us into the world? These are just some of the questions we ask as God engages us through God's word and the witness of the Holy Scripture.

Sunday School Rally Day!

Sunday School will begin on Sunday, September 19 during the 10:00 AM worship service. Everyone in the congregation is invited to enjoy a light breakfast in the Fellowship Hall, starting at 9:00 AM. Pastor Pat Olausen will lead worship and preach that day. Save the date, and plan to join us!

If you are interested in planning, helping or teaching for Sunday School this year, please call the church office at (973) 667-0256.

Choir Rehearsals
will begin again on Thursday, September 16, at 8pm and the choir will sing on Sunday, September 12th. If you would like to join the choir or would like more information, please call, email or speak to Scott Jones.

"Thank You's" and Church Requests

Thank you!
Thank you to everyone that made our Baobab Blast a success! To EVERYONE who helped in any way to make it possible—through donations, decorating, prep work for arts and crafts, teaching or helping as part of our team.

Thanks to our staff:
Scott Jones, Ruth Hsu, Elaine Miller, Tina Patti, Emily Jones, Sarah Jones, Lauren Kyle, Chris Caporaso, Cathy Palamara, Julie Franchino, Nancy Duhm, Gail Ceravolo, Kara Suttora and Diane Petschel.

Thanks to all of you who participated in and acted as host for this years’ summer Lemonade!

Food Drive
Please remember our food drive. We will continue to collect food as part of our offering during worship. Bring your non-perishable food items to worship with you, and leave them in the designated area in the Narthex. Thank you!

Pastor Berkobin Books
Around the time of our 85th anniversary, David VanHouten had copies of Pastor Berkobin’s book available. We found out that the book is copyrighted and must be returned. If you have a copy at home, please bring it to the church office or call us if you need to have us pick it up. Thank you and we’re sorry for the inconvenience. (This is photocopies of typed pages, not the bound book with the stained glass cover!)

In Our Community

Magazine Swap
We here at Holy Trinity have started a magazine swap. Please bring in any magazines that you are done reading and swap them for something else; chances are you will have some material that another individual would be interested in. Maybe when visiting the sick or elderly you can bring along some reading material you think they might enjoy.

We will leave a drop-off box in the Narthex – please remember to REMOVE THE NAME AND ADDRESS label first. Please, NO NEWSPAPERS. Think about all the trees and money you might save, and the joy you might bring to someone that might not be able to afford a subscription!

Let’s Take a Walk!
The 2010 CROP Walk is SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17th AT 2PM. and will begin and end at First Congregational Church, 40 South Fullerton Avenue, Montclair.

We will join neighbors from different faiths, cultures, and ages, walking together to take a stand against hunger in our world. Together we raise awareness and funds for international relief and development, as well as local hunger-fighting agencies. Some 2,000 communities across the country take part each year. CROP = Communities – Responding to – Overcome-Poverty! The WALK will begin and end at First Congregational Church, 40 South Fullerton Avenue, Montclair, and is the usual 3 miles.

This year we are joining together in interfaith community CROP Hunger Walks around the theme “we walk because they walk.” T-shirts and baseball-style caps will be available at a cost of $10.00 for adults.

WALKS help fight hunger and poverty around the world including the U.S. Up to 25% of what a CROP Walk raises can assist food banks, pantries, community gardens, and other local hunger-fighting initiatives. The total raised for the 2009 Essex Walk in Montclair was over $16,000 (the $20,000 goal was not reached, but the weather did not cooperate) with $4,160.50 being returned for our 11 local food pantries in Montclair, Bloomfield, Kearny and Nutley.

The one and only meeting for the 2009 WALK will be Wednesday September 8th and 7:30pm at First Evangelical Lutheran Church, 153 Park Street, Montclair. WALK envelopes, poster, flyers, t-shirts, etc. will be available for distribution. Call (973) 744-6043 with any questions.

Jared Lin to perform Concerto
Through an audition, Jared Lin has been selected to perform the Grieg Piano Concerto in A minor, Opus 16 with the Bergen Philharmonic. Congratulations, Jared! The exact date of the performance has not yet been set, but we will let you know once it is scheduled.

A New House!
Congratulations and best wishes to Ellen Oberndorf and Chris Stanberry, who recently moved into their first home! Their address is:
34 Clair St., Bloomfield, NJ 07003

Off To College!
Jeffrey Lin is off for his first year at the University of Wisconsin—Madison to study engineering. Maura Cicci will continue her education, pursuing a degree in Veterinary Medicine.

Also returning to school are:
Joyce Lin, Northeastern
Max Mueller and Kevin Johnson, NJIT
Sarah Jones, Emerson
Sean Ulley, Rutgers
Miles Mueller and Danny Fornasa, Drexel
Brian Johnson, TCNJ

Let us know if we missed anyone. Students—have a great year! Please keep them in your prayers.

Let’s Have Some Fun…..
Game Night at Holy Trinity
Join us for another fun night of games on Saturday, September 18 at 7:30p.m. Bring a favorite board game, a deck of cards, or just yourself! You may also bring refreshments to share. We hope to see you!

Altar Flowers
Please note that if you would like to honor or memorialize someone with altar flowers, we have the following dates available:

September 19, September 26, November 7, November 21

The cost is $30 per date. The sign-up sheet is outside of the church office; if you cannot make it to church but would care to sign up for a date, please give us a call and we can do it for you – then please mail your check to Holy Trinity with a notation of “Altar Flowers”. Thank you!

Room for Rent?
Do you or someone you know have a room for rent in Nutley? We were notified by a “Nutleyite” that she is in need of a room. She currently lives and works in Nutley, is a non-smoker, non-drinker, has references, no pets and does not require a kitchen but will require a bathroom/shower. Please call her at (973) 715-6175 if you can help – her name in Ellen.

Want to Help Us Go Paperless?

Using E-mail to Make, Keep and Invite Friends.
Communication is vital to any relationship. That includes your relationship with other groups, teams and ministries going on at Holy Trinity. E-mail puts a powerful communication tool at our fingertips. Not only can we stay informed about news, events and happenings in the Holy Trinity community, but we are able to share that news with our friends as well by passing the information along to them or inviting them to be part of the Holy Trinity mailing list.

Want To Help Us Go Paperless? As postal rates continue to rise -- we are trying to distribute more and more of our information electronically. If you haven't already shared your e-mail address with the church office, please consider doing so by sending an e-mail with ADD ME TO THE MAILING LIST in the subject line to

Want To Receive This Newsletter Electronically?

We are trying to distribute more and more of our information electronically. If you haven't already shared your e-mail address with the church office, please consider doing so by sending an e-mail with ADD ME TO THE MAILING LIST in the subject line to

Holy Trinity is now on Facebook.
You can become a fan of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and stay up-to-date with what's going on in the congregation and among our members. As a fan you can also post your news, your questions, thoughts and experiences of God's love in action to share with others. It’s just another way to share the good news, overcome barriers and connect one to many in Christ. You can access our page directly from our website, at

ELCA World Hunger

Lutherans Take a Stand on Childhood Hunger

A paper plate is typically good only for holding a grilled hot dog or a hamburger at a summer barbeque. For members of Tree of Life Lutheran Church, Harrisburg, Pa., however, a paper plate became a conduit for a powerful message against childhood hunger. As part of this congregation's special series called “Our Daily Bread,” children decorated paper plates and wrote messages such as "Kids need food” and “Let kids eat food for free” and “No kid should be hungry.”

The series was the brainchild of Richard Geib, pastor of Tree of Life. And he found a willing lay leader in Jennifer Crist, whose participation in the project came out of her very personal experience with childhood hunger.

In 2008, Jennifer and her husband, George, adopted twins, Natalie and Tabitha, from Ethiopia. The children were malnourished when they arrived at their new home in Harrisburg. With proper nutrition, and lavish doses of love, the children grew through four clothing sizes in just one year.

At her pastor’s request, Jennifer eagerly dove into organizing and leading “Our Daily Bread” with the Rev. Amy E. Reumann, director of Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania. Adults participated in facilitated discussions about the link between poverty and hunger and wrote letters to their state representatives. Sunday School children expressed their hopes to end hunger by writing on and decorating paper plates. “The amazing part of the series for me was [watching the children decorate] their paper plates,” Pastor Amy says. “They understood immediately that all children need to have enough to eat, and they got right down to work.” Jennifer echoes Amy's words. “My greatest concern is that adults feel the problem is too big and that they cannot make a difference,” she says. “I specifically mention adults because, if you talk to children about hunger and poverty, they are moved to compassion and action right away.

“I hope to change this perception by finding tangible ways for adults to work toward eliminating hunger and poverty, while empowering children to carry out their ideas. We need to use our God-given gifts to improve the health of children in our global communities.”

Delivering a Message for Change
Once completed, the letters and paper plates were blessed during Sunday worship. The letters were mailed to Pennsylvania state representatives, while the decorated plates were hand-delivered to U.S. Congressman Tim Holden (D-PA) in Washington, D.C.
Jennifer would like to make “Our Daily Bread” a yearly series at her congregation. “I will also continue to speak to groups of adults and children and to offer opportunities and encouragement to them as they act to address childhood nutrition, hunger, and poverty issues,” she says.

“At the end of the day, members of Congress are most responsive to their constituents, so they'll say, 'I agree with the policy, but what do the people in my district think?' Lutherans should know how powerful even a relatively small number of calls, e-mails, or letters can be!”

For Jennifer, advocacy also feeds her faith. “I have often been humbled by my little faith when witnessing the great faith of many who live in poverty and hunger,” she says. “This inspires me even more to do and to encourage others to be the body of Christ that we are called to be in our own special ways.”

For more information, go to

Vice Pastor and Supply Pastors

Holy Trinity Vice Pastor and Supply Pastors
Vice Pastor
Please be assured that during our time without a permanent pastor, we at Holy Trinity have a Vice Pastor for our pastoral care. Will Moser of the First Lutheran Church in Montclair will serve as our Vice Pastor.

Pastor Will Moser of First Lutheran Church, Montclair
153 Park Street
Montclair, N.J. 07042-3901
(973) 744-6043
Cathy Oswald, Manager, Tuesday – Friday, 2 – 7pm

Per Pastor Moser, please follow the criteria below for when his services are needed (they are numbered in order of his preference):

1)Please call the church at (973) 744-6043 (you may call him directly or have Scott or Tina contact him).

2)Please call Pastor Moser at home, (973) 778-1497 (you may call him directly or have Scott or Tina contact him).

Vice Pastor care includes: visiting shut-ins, visiting the sick and those in the hospital, death, council meetings and confirmation.

Supply Pastors
Supply pastors for our Sunday Service will be given to Holy Trinity via the Synod Office.

Please note that Scott and Tina will be checking voice mails from home, even during non-office hours, 7 days a week. Please make sure to LEAVE A VOICE MAIL MESSAGE at the office so we can be sure to keep updated.

September Birthdays, Anniversaries and Disciples

September Birthdays:
3:Alexander Murphy
7:Leona Candura
9:Maura Cicci
10:Helen Blair
11:Angelika Achtiani
20: Danny Murphy
24:Holly Wiede
26:Alicia Hudnett
27:Hedy Mayr
28:Susan Wilson
29:Janet Strachan

10: John & Evelyn Denkinger
11: John & Elfrieda Fenton
13: Ken & Dot Duke

Disciples(please pray for each person on the date listed):
1:Michael Catelli
2:Robert Catelli
3:George Ceravolo
4:Gail Ceravolo
6:Barbara Christman
7:Joe Cicci
8:Liz Cicci
9:Maura Cicci
10:Elise Cooper
11:Ed Cordes
13:Evelyn Cordes
14:Louis D'Anolo
15:Terry D'Agnolo
16:Meredith D'Agnolo
17:Rory D'Agnolo
18:Aubrey D'Agnolo
20:Carolyn Davey
21:Amanda Davey
22:Briana Davey
23:Jeff DeBellis
24:Susan DeBellis
25:Christopher DeBellis
27:Renee DeBellis
28:John Denkinger
29:Evelyn Denkinger
30:Chris Duhm

Thursday, June 24, 2010

On The Calendar and Church News

Open the Scripture. Join the Conversation.
During the summer months, we will move to a Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m. bible study as we gather to open the scripture and join in conversation with God and each other.What is God doing in the the world? What is God doing in our lives? What is God saying to us as individuals, a community of faith, the world? What is the good news of God's kingdom? How is God sending us into the world? These are just some of the questions we ask as God engages us through God's word and the witness of the Holy Scripture.

Talent Time to Present Pippin
The musical Pippin will be presented at Bloomfield High School August 5-7 and 12-14 (show times and ticket info TBA--we will hang posters at church.) The High School is at 160 Broad St. in Bloomfield and is air-conditioned! Sarah Jones is performing in the cast and Emily Jones is playing in the pit orchestra.

It’s the 60th anniversary of the Charles Seller Foundation. Each summer the members, who are in their mid-teens to late twenties, produce and perform a musical in which all the profits go to help a local person with a severe medical need. Please call the Jones family or the TT hotline at (862) 202-6943 for more information.

Vacation Bible School
Mark Your Calendars and Plan to Join Us As We Journey to Africa for a Baobob Blast!

Our journey begins Sunday, August 15 and ends with a closing program on Friday, August 20. We will meet in the evening again, from 6:00-8:30 p.m. The Registration fee is $15.00 per person (maximum is $30.00 per family). Checks should be made payable to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. (Registration forms will be available at church or you can call the office; you can also register online via our website at and following the link to our online newsletter.) Please register by August 1st.

Join everyone at God’s Great Get-Together for a week of creating, connecting and coming together. There is a place for you at BAOBOB BLAST! Put on some sunscreen and head to the community gathering at the baobob tree….join in a week of awesome music, wacky skits, Bible stories and cool crafts. Baobob Blast is the place to be this summer!

To help defray the cost of education and craft materials or to sponsor a camper, we are asking for monetary donations. If you would care to make a donation, there will be donation envelopes in the church entry, which can be put in the offering plate through June, July and/or August. Please make sure to clearly mark the offering for “VBS”.

Can you help create our “Baobob Blast?” Do you have stuffed, plastic or blow up African animals: elephant, zebra, meerkat, monkey or giraffe? How about posters of the African Savannah or wildlife? We could use animal print fabric, rugs or pillows and wall hangings or rugs with natural fibers. African drums, rhythm instruments and woven baskets would also add to our atmosphere.

Donations may be brought to church any time. Please identify them with your name so that they can be returned in August after VBS. Stay tuned for more announcements about craft preparation and church decorating. Thank you!

Summer Food Drive
This summer, we will once again collect food as part of our offering during worship. Bring your non-perishable food items to worship with you, and take them forward during the gathering of our offering. Thanks.

Magazine Swap
We here at Holy Trinity have started a magazine swap. Please bring in any magazines that you are done reading and swap them for something else; chances are you will have some material that another individual would be interested in. Maybe when visiting the sick or elderly you can bring along some reading material you think they might enjoy.

We will leave a drop-off box in the Narthex – please remember to REMOVE THE NAME AND ADDRESS label first. Please, NO NEWSPAPERS. Think about all the trees and money you might save, and the joy you might bring to someone that might not be able to afford a subscription!

Don’t Take a Vacation From Church!
Summer is here and it’s vacation time – hopefully this doesn’t mean you will “take a vacation” from church - instead, why not invite someone to church? Most people come to a certain church as a result of an invitation from a friend. As you talk with friends, neighbors and co-workers, keep in mind your commission to be an ambassador of Jesus. Invite them to get to know Jesus, to share the blessing of God’s gifts you enjoy. In addition, proudly tell the story of how God has worked in your life through the ministry of this community. God has called each of us – from the youngest to the oldest – to share the good news of Jesus, to overcome barriers and to connect one to many in love of God.

Summer. Time for Lemonade
As we move into summer this month, we will re-start our after worship lemonade fellowship time. So, plan to linger a bit after worship to visit with friends both new and longstanding. We will be starting on Sunday, June 27 and end on Sunday, September 5. We still have dates still available if you would like to host. To follow is our schedule:

June 27:Janet Strachan
July 4:Audrey Stevens
July 11:Jean Esparolini and Miriam Mascola
July 18:Evelyn & John Denkinger
July 25:The Mueller Family
August 1:The Jones Family
August 8:OPEN
August 15:Teresa Scalcione & Elaine Miller
August 22:OPEN
August 29:OPEN
September 5:OPEN

Pastor Berkobin Books
Around the time of our 85th anniversary, David VanHouten had copies of Pastor Berkobin’s book available. We found out that the book is copyrighted and must be returned. If you have a copy at home, please bring it to the church office or call us if you need to have us pick it up. Thank you and we’re sorry for the inconvenience. (This is photocopies of typed pages, not the bound book with the stained glass cover!)

In Our Community


Our Minister of Music
On June 14, Scott Jones was installed as Sub-Dean of the Metropolitan NJ Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. Scott sits on the Executive Board and chairs the chapter program committee during his two-year term. Normally the Sub-Dean moves up to Dean at the end of the two years. He will continue as chapter membership chair and also publishes the member directory.

Scott serves as the registrar for the AGO Region One and Two Convention to be held in Morristown July 3-6, 2011 and is a member of the convention Steering Committee.

Scott will attend the Region One Convention of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians in Pittsburgh, PA from July 26-29.

Taking a cue from the hundreds of bridges in Pittsburgh, this year’s theme is “The Song of the Church: Bridging All Times and Places.” Scott is wrapping up his term as Region VP and always looks forward to the worship and workshops at these conferences.

Our own Susan Wilson placed First, Second and Third in her three events at the NJ State Special Olympics, held in Trenton over June 12 and 13. Susan’s team won the baton relay; she got a second place medal in the softball throw and placed third in the 100m walk. Congratulations Susan—we’re very proud of you!

A New Son!
We are pleased to announce the arrival of David Alan Marsh on June 2. He is the son of Drew and Carissa Marsh of Manhattan, weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz. and was 22” long. Judy and Kauko Aro are the proud grandparents! Our love and best wishes to the whole family. (Drew’s address is available through the church office.)

Let’s Have Some Fun…..

Game Night at Holy Trinity
Join us for another fun night of games on Saturday, July 10 at 7:30p.m. Bring a favorite board game, a deck of cards, or just yourself! You may also bring refreshments to share. We hope to see you!

New Jersey Jackals
Join us as the NJ Jackals take on the Pittsfield Colonials at 7:05 PM on Saturday, July 31. There will be fireworks after the game at Yogi Berra Stadium on the campus of Montclair State. I would like to try for “box seats” at $11 (stadium seats with arms.) There are also “reserved” seats for $9 on aluminum benches, without seat divisions or arms. I have a “buy one get one” offer on ten tickets from the Entertainment Book, but don’t know if it is good on box seats. There is an automatic group discount for groups of 20 or more.

Since we are not sure of the cost, I would appreciate firm, non-refundable reservations and then we will divide the cost by the number going. I plan to purchase the tickets in advance, and there’s an outside chance that by the time I go to the box office, the game may be sold out— but there were still seats as of June 23. For reservations or questions, please contact Scott Jones at (973) 338-0267 or by Wednesday, July 7.

August Calendar
Please note that even though this is a July/August newsletter, the August calendar will be sent out under separate cover when it is ready.

Altar Flowers
Please note that if you would like to honor or memorialize someone with altar flowers, we have the following dates available:

July 11
July 25
August 8
September 5
September 19
September 26
November 7
November 14
November 21

The cost is $30 per date. The sign-up sheet is outside of the church office; if you cannot make it to church but would care to sign up for a date, please give us a call and we can do it for you – then please mail your check to Holy Trinity with a notation of “Altar Flowers”. Thank you!

Want to Help Us Go Paperless?

Using E-mail to Make, Keep and Invite Friends. Communication is vital to any relationship. That includes your relationship with other groups, teams and ministries going on at Holy Trinity. E-mail puts a powerful communication tool at our fingertips. Not only can we stay informed about news, events and happenings in the Holy Trinity community, but we are able to share that news with our friends as well by passing the information along to them or inviting them to be part of the Holy Trinity mailing list.

Want To Help Us Go Paperless? As postal rates continue to rise -- we are trying to distribute more and more of our information electronically. If you haven't already shared your e-mail address with the church office, please consider doing so by sending an e-mail with ADD ME TO THE MAILING LIST in the subject line to

Want To Receive This Newsletter Electronically?
We are trying to distribute more and more of our information electronically. If you haven't already shared your e-mail address with the church office, please consider doing so by sending an e-mail with ADD ME TO THE MAILING LIST in the subject line to

Holy Trinity is now on Facebook. You can become a fan of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and stay up-to-date with what's going on in the congregation and among our members. As a fan you can also post your news, your questions, thoughts and experiences of God's love in action to share with others. It’s just another way to share the good news, overcome barriers and connect one to many in Christ. You can access our page directly from our website, at
Check out the new Community section of our Website as well. You can read blogs, news from ELCA, preview this week’s worship service and so much more. Log on today.

Holy Trinity Vice Pastor and Supply Pastors

Vice Pastor
Please be assured that during our time without a permanent pastor, we at Holy Trinity have a Vice Pastor for our pastoral care. Will Moser of the First Lutheran Church in Montclair will serve as our Vice Pastor.

Pastor Will Moser of First Lutheran Church, Montclair
153 Park Street
Montclair, N.J. 07042-3901
(973) 744-6043
Cathy Oswald, Manager, Tuesday – Friday, 2 – 7pm

Per Pastor Moser, please follow the criteria below for when his services are needed (they are numbered in order of his preference):

1)Please call the church at (973) 744-6043 (you may call him directly or have Scott or Tina contact him).
2)Please call Pastor Moser at home, (973) 778-1497 (you may call him directly or have Scott or Tina contact him).

Vice Pastor care includes: visiting shut-ins, visiting the sick and those in the hospital, death, council meetings and confirmation.

Supply Pastors
Supply pastors for our Sunday Service will be given to Holy Trinity via the Synod Office.

Please note that Scott and Tina will be checking voice mails from home, even during non-office hours, 7 days a week. Please make sure to LEAVE A VOICE MAIL MESSAGE at the office so we can be sure to keep updated.

July and August Birthday, Anniversaries & Disciples

July Birthdays
1:Sydney Hess
3:Alex Murphy
4:Rory D’Agnolo
9:Meredith D’Agnolo
14:Verna Norton
18:David Reed
23:Ricky Hudnett
30:George Ceravolo, Elaine Miller

July Anniversaries
2:Al & Phyllis Weber
19:Scott & Debbie Jones

Please pray for these disciple on each day of the month listed in July:

1:Alex Rubens
2:Aida Rubens
3:Catherine Rubens
5:Alexandra Rubens
6:Monica Rubens
7:Gloria Ryden
8:Teresa Scalcione
9:Doris Schulz
10:Greg Sekula
12:Ruth Sekula
13:Frank Siclari
14:Chris Siclari
15:Audrey Stevens
16:Larry Stevens
17:Tom Stevens
19:Jan Strachan
20:Janet Strachan
21:Michael Suttora
22:Kara Suttora
23:Ben Suttora
24:Jack Suttora
26:Elaine Tanimura
27:Richard Ulley
28:Susan Ulley
29:Sean Ulley
30:David VanHouten
31:Grace Viola

August Birthdays
3:Daniel Munoz
6:Aubrey D’Agnolo
10:Steve Oberndorf
16:Kay Ludwig
18:Ryan Cabral
21:Greg Sekula
23:Connor Murphy
24:James Greengrove
25:Chao Lin
27:Dot Duke
29:Martin Mueller
30:Jared Lin
31:Robert Catelli

August Anniversaries
18:Frank & Chris Siclari
22:Gail & George Ceravolo
23:Evelyn & Steve Oberndorf
24:Dave & Sharon Reed
26:Martin & Sally Mueller

The August disciples will be submitted at a later date, along with the August Calendar.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Register for Vacation Bible School

Click on the link below to register online or Registration Forms will be available at church.

Our journey begins Sunday, August 15 and ends with a closing program on Friday, August 20. We will meet in the evening again, from 6:00-8:30 p.m.

The Registration fee is $15.00 per person (maximum is $30.00 per family). (Registration forms will also be available at church – please pick up after worship or call the office.)
Please register by August 1st.

Join everyone at God’s Great Get-Together for a week of creating, connecting and coming together. There is a place for you at BAOBOB BLAST! Put on some sunscreen and head to the community gathering at the baobob tree….join in a week of awesome music, wacky skits, Bible stories and cool crafts. Baobob Blast is the place to be this summer!

To help defray the cost of education and craft materials or to sponsor a camper, we are asking for monetary donations. If you would care to make a donation, there will be donation envelopes in the church entry, which can be put in the offering plate through June, July and/or August. Please make sure to clearly mark the offering for “VBS”.

Can you help create our “Baobob Blast?” Do you have stuffed, plastic or blow up African animals: elephant, zebra, meerkat, monkey or giraffe? How about posters of the African Savannah or wildlife? We could use animal print fabric, rugs or pillows and wall hangings or rugs with natural fibers. African drums, rhythm instruments and woven baskets would also add to our atmosphere.

Donations may be brought to church any time. Please identify them with your name so that they can be returned in August after VBS. Stay tuned for more announcements about craft preparation and church decorating.
Thank you!

Baobab Blast 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pastor's Message

“Every time you cross my mind, I break out in exclamations of thanks to God. Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer.” Philippians 1:3

As my pastoral ministry at Holy Trinity comes to an end, I find myself filled with thankfulness. I thank God for the privilege of being part of your lives for these past four years. I thank God for the gifts you have given – your wisdom, your graciousness and understanding, your love and generosity – through which the Holy Spirit has worked to increase and strengthen my faith in God. I thank God for the opportunity to work with you to share the good news, overcome barriers and connect one to many in the resurrection life of Jesus Christ. We have healed and learned and changed and grown together. I will miss each of you, and I will miss being part of the life of this community, though I will take you with me wherever I go. I love you. I have loved being your pastor. Thank you.

Even as I will miss you and miss being part of the life of this community, I am confident in God’s future plans for you. The love and compassion you show each other witnesses to the love of God in Jesus and invites the world to experience what we have together. The gifted and dedicated people who serve on the church council move forward, united in mission and in the desire to save and change lives. The staff – Tina Patti and Scott Jones – not only works together brilliantly, but they share an uncommon commitment to this community and its ministry as they efficiently and effectively carry out the daily administration of this church together. In worship, Scott’s musical leadership combined with the exceptional musicianship of the choir and instrumentalists enriches this community’s worship life, our life of thanks and praise. Additionally, God has blessed this community with many more resources, both human and material. I can’t wait to see what God does next through you. Thank you.

Finally, I encourage you to live together in love for Jesus and for each other, to worship weekly, to pray and to read scripture daily, and to be even more generous with your money, your time, your love and your friendship. In the book of Philippians, St. Paul remembers the people of Philippi with thanksgiving. Each thankful thought triggers a prayer, and so did each memory that came to his mind as he heard the news of how that community continued to live out the gospel in his absence. I believe that will be the case with us too. Each thankful thought will trigger a new prayer for you. In the weeks, months and years ahead, each report of your good and faithful work in the Gospel will trigger another thankful thought and prayer. I am so grateful for you, but also proud of what God has assembled in this place. Thank you.

May the peace of Christ be with you, live and abide among and fill your hearts and minds with the love of Christ Jesus, our Savior and Lord.
Thank you, Pastor Jim.

On the Calendar



Open the Scripture. Join the Conversation.
Every Monday night at 7:30 p.m we gather to open the scripture and join in conversation with God and each other.What is God doing in the the world? What is God doing in our lives? What is God saying to us as individuals, a community of faith, the world? What is the good news of God's kingdom? How is God sending us into the world? These are just some of the questions we ask as God engages us through God's word and the witness of the Holy Scripture.

Father’s Day
Fatherhood, like motherhood is a holy job, a divine calling. God has given dads a special role in our faith and life development. We are thankful for fathers, and according to many fathers, becoming a dad gave a new understanding to God's word and work in their lives. It’s fitting to begin our Father's Day celebration (June 20) in worship together with our fathers.

Mark Your Calendars and Plan to Join Us As We Journey to Africa for a Baobob Blast!Our journey begins Sunday, August 15 and ends with a closing program on Friday, August 20. We will meet in the evening again, from 6:00-8:30 p.m. The Registration fee is $15.00 per person (maximum is $30.00 per family). (Registration forms will be available at church – please pick up after worship or call the office; you will be able to register online shortly.) Please register by August 1st. and make your check payable to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

Join everyone at God’s Great Get-Together for a week of creating, connecting and coming together. There is a place for you at BAOBOB BLAST! Put on some sunscreen and head to the community gathering at the baobob tree….join in a week of awesome music, wacky skits, Bible stories and cool crafts. Baobob Blast is the place to be this summer!

To help defray the cost of education and craft materials or to sponsor a camper, we are asking for monetary donations. If you would care to make a donation, there will be donation envelopes in the church entry, which can be put in the offering plate through June, July and/or August. Please make sure to clearly mark the offering for “VBS”.

Can you help create our “Baobob Blast?” Do you have stuffed, plastic or blow up African animals: elephant, zebra, meerkat, monkey or giraffe? How about posters of the African Savannah or wildlife? We could use animal print fabric, rugs or pillows and wall hangings or rugs with natural fibers. African drums, rhythm instruments and woven baskets would also add to our atmosphere.

Donations may be brought to church any time. Please identify them with your name so that they can be returned in August after VBS. Stay tuned for more announcements about craft preparation and church decorating.
Thank you!

In Our Community

Thank You! Once again this years’ AIDS Walk New York (AWNY) was a big success. Over 45,000 people participated and even in the midst of a tough economy raised more than $5,600,000. Thanks to the generosity of the Holy Trinity family Nancy and Tony Maguire were again able to raise over $1000. Donations can still be made for this cause. Checks should be payable to AWNY and can be given to Nancy or Tony anytime. You can also mail your check to 26 Parsons Ct., Mahwah, NJ 07430. If you would like more information please call them at (201) 934-9366. You can also visit ~ Nancy Maguire

Relay For Life
Emily Jones will again be participating in Mt. Olive’s Relay for Life this year on June 12th and 13th. Relay For Life is the signature fundraiser for the American Cancer Society at which teams of people camp out at a local high school, park, or fairground and take turns walking or running around a track or path. Each team is asked to have a representative on the track at all times during the event. Relays are an overnight event based on the idea that cancer never sleeps.
Relay For Life encourages people to:
• Celebrate the lives of those who have battled cancer.
• Remember loved ones lost to the disease.
• Fight back to put an end to the disease.

If you are interested in donating to this cause, you can make a donation online by directly accessing Emily’s page,

Help Support Nutley Instrumental Music

When: Saturday, June 19, 2010
Time: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Drop Off: Nutley High School, 300 Franklin Avenue, Nutley

We are collecting
•Wearable & Useable Clothing (men’s, women’s and children’s)
•Shoes, Belts, Handbags
•Linens (comforters, curtains, sheets, tablecloths
•Stuffed Animals
•Bicycles, Hard Toys (small)

The Nutley Music Boosters will receive a donation for the total poundage we collect. Proceeds benefit our INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC PROGRAM in all Nutley schools.

**Please put donated items in well-tied plastic garbage bags.**

For More Details, please contact Dorothy Huey – 973-320-8969


They’ve moved to new homes:

Marc and Jennifer (Siclari) Riccio,
223 Bloomfield Avenue, Nutley, N.J. 07110

Cathy and Michael Palamara,
285 Ridge Road, Cedar Grove, N.J. 07009

Congratulations to Susan Wilson who was awarded a First Place, Blue Ribbon in the softball throw at a N.J. Special Olympics event in Wayne. Susan will now move on to the state event in Trenton, June 11-13.

Congratulations and our very best wishes to our graduates!

Catherine Rubens is graduating from Yantacaw School (6th. grade).


Jeffrey Lin is graduating from Nutley High School.

It is with great joy that we announce the arrival of Brianna Josephine Riccio, daughter of Jennifer (Siclari) and Marc Riccio, and the granddaughter of Chris and Frank Siclari. Brianna arrived on
May 21, 2010 and joins big brother Daniel.

Summer Food Drive
This summer, we will once again collect food as part of our offering during worship. Bring your non-perishable food items to worship with you, and take them forward during the gathering of our offering. Thanks.

Summer. Time for Lemonade.
As we move into summer this month, we will re-start our after worship lemonade fellowship time. So, plan to linger a bit after worship to visit with friends both new and longstanding. You can also volunteer to host on one or more Sundays. A signup sheet will be out during worship so you can sign up. You can also sign up to host by calling the church office. We will be starting on Sunday, June 27 and end on Sunday, September 5. Thank you.

Magazine Swap

We here at Holy Trinity would like to organize a magazine swap. Please bring in any magazines that you are done reading and swap them for something else; chances are you will have some material that another individual would be interested in. Maybe when visiting the sick or elderly you can bring along some reading material you think they might enjoy.

We will leave a drop-off box in the Narthex – please remember to REMOVE THE NAME AND ADDRESS label first. Please, NO NEWSPAPERS. Think about all the trees and money you might save, and the joy you might bring to someone that might not be able to afford a subscription!

Email and Facebook

Using E-mail to Make, Keep and Invite Friends.
Communication is vital to any relationship. That includes your relationship with others groups, teams and ministries going on at Holy Trinity. E-mail puts a powerful communication tool at our fingertips. Not only can we stay informed about news, events and happenings in the Holy Trinity community, but we are able to share that news with our friends as well by passing the information along to them or inviting them to be part of the Holy Trinity mailing list.

As postal rates continue to rise -- we are trying to distribute more and more of our information electronically. If you haven't already shared your e-mail address with the church office, please consider doing so by sending an e-mail with ADD ME TO THE MAILING LIST in the subject line to

Want To Receive This Newsletter Electronically?
We are trying to distribute more and more of our information electronically. If you haven't already shared your e-mail address with the church office, please consider doing so by sending an e-mail with ADD ME TO THE MAILING LIST in the subject line to

Holy Trinity is now on Facebook.
You can become a fan of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and stay up-to-date with what's going on in the congregation and among our members. As a fan you can also post your news, your questions, thoughts and experiences of God's love in action to share with others. It’s just another way to share the good news, overcome barriers and connect one to many in Christ. You can access our page directly from our website, at

Check out the new Community section of our Website as well. You can read blogs, news from ELCA, preview this week’s worship service and so much more. Log on today.

ELCA World Hunger

Growing the Community in Milwaukee
Greg Washington cooks food for other people but cannot always afford to feed himself. He works in Milwaukee stadiums, serving up hamburgers, hot dogs and other food to patrons of professional sporting events. It’s a job but not full-time, living-wage work.

Through neighbors, Greg discovered All Peoples Church, a ministry supported by a grant from ELCA World Hunger. Upon arriving at the church’s food pantry, Greg said, “I felt welcome. The members, the atmosphere, the environment…everyone welcomed me with open arms. It’s really nice [because they] never turn anybody down.”

The food pantry was not the end of Greg’s involvement with All Peoples Church. He learned about and got involved in the church’s community garden program, which intentionally reaches out to children and youth.

Leaders of the program say, “We grow kids first, vegetables second.” The church’s Kids Working to Succeed (KWTS) program empowers countless youth by teaching them discipleship. The church implemented a leadership program in which teenagers supervise younger children as part of their involvement in the community garden. Partly because of that experience, The Rev. Steve Jerbi of All Peoples Church says, “We’ve seen our children find other jobs in Milwaukee’s growing urban agriculture movement.”

“Access to fresh, healthy vegetables is a great need in our community,” said Pastor Jerbi. “There are fast-food shops on every block and corner stores with low-quality
or no fresh food. In a neighborhood with almost 70 percent renters, folks can’t even put a garden where they live. So our community garden has become more important for the whole community.”

Pastor Jerbi and members of All Peoples Church saw potential in a double-size vacant lot across the street from their church. They worked with the City of Milwaukee to obtain a long lease so they could grow their expanding garden there. The tomatoes and green beans produced by the garden go directly to the church’s food pantry. Herbs are gathered and shared with the community. Collard greens are taken right to the church kitchen and served with the community lunch.

Carolyn Jewett serves as the congregation’s Neighborhood Minister of Food. She was once a guest at the food pantry, and now she oversees the entire program and the 13,400 meals served each year.

“To see the people know how to use the veggies and have access to the fresh food is good for our neighborhood,” says Carolyn. “And seeing a kid walking around with fruit is a joy. Buying fresh food everyday is something hard to do. But knowing they can get it here, or grow it here, gives them more options.”

Thank you for supporting ministries like this that help people with low incomes gain access to fresh produce and participate in local food systems that transform their communities.

For more information:

Holy Trinity Vice Pastor and Supply Pastors

Vice Pastor
Please be assured that during our time without a permanent pastor, we at Holy Trinity will have a Vice Pastor for our pastoral care. Will Moser of the First Lutheran Church in Montclair will serve as our Vice Pastor.

Pastor Will Moser of First Lutheran Church, Montclair
153 Park Street
Montclair, N.J. 07042-3901
(973) 744-6043
Cathy Oswald, Manager, Tuesday – Friday, 2 – 7pm

Per Pastor Moser, please follow the criteria below for when his services are needed (they are numbered in order of his preference):

1)Please call the church at (973) 744-6043 (you may call him directly or have Scott or Tina contact him).

2)Please call Pastor Moser at home, (973) 778-1497 (you may call him directly or have Scott or Tina contact him).

Vice Pastor care includes: visiting shut-ins, visiting the sick and those in the hospital, death, council meetings and confirmation.

Supply Pastors
Supply pastors for our Sunday Service will be given to Holy Trinity via the Synod Office.

Please note that Scott and Tina will be checking voice mails from home, even during non-office hours, 7 days a week. Please make sure to LEAVE A VOICE MAIL MESSAGE at the office so we can be sure to keep updated.

June Birthdays, Anniversaries and Disciples

June Birthdays
1:Scott Jones, Joyce Lin
4:Pastor Jim Krombholz
6:Chelsea Wright
8:Ken Geiselmann, Sean Ulley
9:Ava Bacik
10:Ellen Oberndorf
15:Jakob Krombholz
18:Ann Erwin
23:Connor Logan Murphy
26:Samantha Hess
28:Luke Krombholz

June Anniversaries
4:Richard & Erika Bacik
14:Alex & Aida Rubens
22:James & Dorothy Greengrove
23:Ed & Evelyn Cordes
28:Chris & Nancy Duhm

June Disciples
Each day of the week (except Sunday) has the name of a person in this community. Please, remember that person in your prayers that day. On Sunday, we will pray for all of the people listed in the coming week.

1:Dennis Murphy
2:Daniel Murphy
3:Shannon Murphy
4:Kathe Nieciecki
5:Verna Norton
7:Steve Oberndorf
8:Evelyn Oberndorf
9:Ellen Oberndorf
10:Eric Oberndorf
11:Jayne Osborne
12:Michael Palamara
14:Cathy Palamara
15:Ross Pennise
16:Hope Pennise
17:Jillian Pennise
18:Diane Petschel
19:Paige Petschel
21:Anthony Pisciotta
22:Kathy Pisciotta
23:David Pisciotta
24:Kristen Pisciotta
25:Dave Reed
26:Sharon Reed
28:Chuch Rhodes
29:Diane Ritacco
30:Davia Ritacco

Thursday, April 29, 2010

On the Calendar

Open the Scripture. Join the Conversation.
Every Monday night at 7:30 p.m. and every Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. we gather to open the scripture and join in conversation with God and each other.What is God doing in the the world? What is God doing in our lives? What is God saying to us as individuals, a community of faith, the world? What is the good news of God's kingdom? How is God sending us into the world? These are just some of the questions we ask as God engages us through God's word and the witness of the Holy Scripture.

Motherhood: A Holy Calling
Sunday, May 9, is Mother's Day. God has called us to various walks of life and to live out the Gospel through a variety of roles we play in relationship with others. To be "mother" is not only a biological event, it is a divine calling. What better way to honor Mom and all the other mother-figures that God has brought into our life than in our worship at 10 a.m. We will include a special blessing for all mothers that Sunday. Mom's invite your children to join you in worship before they take you out for lunch. Children, invite Mom to worship with you as part of the special day you have planned for her.

AIDS WALK N.Y. Sunday, May 16, 2010
This year marks the 25th annual AIDS Walk
AIDS Walk New York (AWNY) is the world’s largest AIDS fundraising event. In 2009, more than 45,000 people participated and raised a record breaking sum of over $5.6 million. Funds raised from the walkathon go to numerous programs and educational services to support people living with HIV/AIDS, and to over 60 other tri-state area AIDS organizations. The 10 kilometer (6.2 mile) walkathon begins and ends in Central Park.

Nancy and Tony Maguire are again raising funds and on Sunday, May 16, 2010 they will participate in AIDS Walk New York. If you would like to walk with them, or sponsor them by donating money, please let them know. Checks should be payable to AWNY and can be given to Nancy or Tony anytime. You can also mail your check to their address at 26 Parsons Ct., Mahwah, NJ 07430. If you would like to raise money at your school or place of business they can provide you with sponsor forms. If you would like more information please call them at (201) 934-9366. You can also visit

Bloomfield Chorale Concert Saturday, May 22, 7:30 p.m. at Holy Trinity. Ruth Hsu will conduct a program of choral selections on the theme “The Waters of Life”. Scott and Debbie Jones sing with the Chorale, which is part of the Bloomfield Federation of Music. $8.00 at the door, 12 and under are free.

Pentecost, Sunday, May 23rd.
Pentecost Sunday, the day we remember how God poured out the Holy Spirit on Jesus’ disciples and empowered the church for God’s mission. On the first Pentecost the Bible tells us that all the disciples were gathered in one place when the Holy Spirit blew through. Mark your calendar and invite your friends to join you for this festive worship. Let’s see what happens this year. Remember to wear red!

Mark Your Calendars and Plan to Join Us As We Journey to Africa for a Baobob Blast!
Our journey begins Sunday, August 15 and ends with a closing program on Friday, August 20. We will meet in the evening again, from 6:00-8:30 p.m. The Registration fee is $15.00 per person (maximum is $30.00 per family). (Registration forms will be available at church – please pick up after worship or call the office)

Join everyone at God’s Great Get-Together for a week of creating, connecting and coming together. There is a place for you at BAOBOB BLAST! Put on some sunscreen and head to the community gathering at the baobob tree….join in a week of awesome music, wacky skits, Bible stories and cool crafts. Baobob Blast is the place to be this summer!

Pastor's Message

What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are God's co-workers; you are God's field, God's building. I Corinthians 3:5-9

St. Paul had a way of eloquently and concisely refocusing a congregation’s attention on the central thing of life – the Lord Jesus. When Jesus calls us into ministry, he calls us to not gain disciples for ourselves or to gather people into our own circle of influence, but he sends us out to make disciples of Jesus. We all have a calling from our baptism. What’s more, God has lavished us diverse, varied and unique gifts to carry out God’s mission.

I thank God for the many and various gifts, God has poured out on the people of Holy Trinity. It has been a blessing to serve and work among you and to count myself a partner is God’s ministry here. As I reflect on all that God has accomplished among us, I am overwhelmed by the way in which we as community engaged in God’s mission. There was no individual person or personality at the center of our life, except Christ Jesus. Instead, we all joined in the work God gave us to do, each according to his or her gifts.

When we transformed and opened up our building and grounds, we worked together as a community. That unity of purpose and happiness in our work attracted the attention of our neighbors. When we canvassed the neighborhood with door-hanger invitations and gifts, we worked together and each used their God-given gifts to share the Gospel. When we pitched a tent on the front lawn and invited our neighbors to join us in worship and discipleship, we discovered how greatly gifted we truly were. When we offer a Vacation Bible School, each gifted person contributes all they have to create an environment and faith-growing experience that is truly incredible. Musicians, artists, builders, planners, managers, story-tellers, cooks, teachers, administrators, friends, givers, and everything else needed to do God’s work in this place at this time.

But, at the end of the day, we did all of this and so much more so that God might be glorified among us and through us. We work together as a sign and witness to what God is doing in the world through Jesus. God changes lives. God saves people.

Jesus is Lord. That’s our first guiding principle. Through the Holy Spirit, God gives growth in the life of Jesus. That’s why I am so filled with hope and excitement about the future ministry and mission that you will engage. As Holy Trinity prepares to take the next step in following Jesus, we know from our past that no one person is the key to our growth. It takes a variety of people with a variety of gifts working together, but even then, the work is done in faith and confidence in God who gives the growth.

Thank you for welcoming me into your gifted community. Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel. I can’t wait to see what God has planned for this community as you welcome new people and a new pastor with new gifts needed for new ministry in the name of Jesus Christ who, by his resurrection makes all things new.

To God alone be the glory,

Pastor Jim

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans

Please call the office at (973) 667-0256 if you would like a copy of the most recent fact sheet from Thrivent Financial. There is a new member-directed charitable grant program where members can participate at different levels based on their involvement with Thrivent Financial.

For questions you can email Thrivent at or go to their website at:

In Our Community

Altar Flowers
Please note that if anyone would like to honor or remember someone, we currently have many open weeks available for flowers, especially in July, September and November. The cost is $30.00 per week.

Prayer Team“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” (Ephesians 6:18) We are reorganizing our Holy Trinity Prayer Team/Prayer Chain. Each member of this group has a file box of index cards on which are written the names of people, groups or concerns to be remembered in prayer. The names/concerns are prayed for each day by at least one member of the team. If we have eight members, each person prays once in an eight-day rotation.

To join our group, please contact or speak to Scott Jones
(973) 338-0267 or Look for news about ways in which to request prayers and also note cards to be sent to those we have remembered in prayer.

Graduating in May or June?
Please let us know the date and from where you are graduating and we will share that good news. Feel free to share your future plans, as well.

Open House
As many of you know, Betty Gambaro retired as Executive Director of the Community School in Nutley on March 31. The Community School is an early childhood education center in three locations in town sponsored and directed by five churches; Holy Trinity is one of the sponsoring churches. Betty Gambaro has been a part of the school for many years, beginning as a teacher and then becoming the director. She has served the school, the children and the families with dedication, compassion, and wisdom. She has seen her work as a ministry, seeking to both portray and instill her faith in Jesus Christ.

In honor of her years of service, the Community School will be having an Open House in her honor on Saturday, May 15 from 2-4 p.m. at Grace Episcopal Church located at 200 Highfield Lane in Nutley. There will be some light refreshments and an opportunity to express appreciation to Betty. All are invited.

Magazine Swap
We here at Holy Trinity would like to organize a magazine swap. Please bring in any magazines that you are done reading and swap them for something else; chances are you will have some material that another individual would be interested in. Maybe when visiting the sick or elderly you can bring along some reading material you think they might enjoy.

We will leave a drop-off box in the Narthex – please remember to REMOVE THE NAME AND ADDRESS label first. Please, NO NEWSPAPERS. Think about all the trees and money you might save, and the joy you might bring to someone that might not be able to afford a subscription!

Remember the Hungry
During these difficult times, organizations that provide food often run short of needed supplies. We will continue to collect food as part of our offering during worship. Please bring your non-perishable food items to worship with you.

Getting Our Information Electronically

Using E-mail to Make, Keep and Invite Friends. Communication is vital to any relationship. That includes your relationship with others groups, teams and ministries going on at Holy Trinity. E-mail puts a powerful communication tool at our fingertips. Not only can we stay informed about news, events and happenings in the Holy Trinity community, but we are able to share that news with our friends as well by passing the information along to them or inviting them to be part of the Holy Trinity mailing list.

Want To Receive This Newsletter Electronically?
We are trying to distribute more and more of our information electronically. If you haven't already shared your e-mail address with the church office, please consider doing so by sending an e-mail with ADD ME TO THE MAILING LIST in the subject line to

Holy Trinity is now on Facebook. You can become a fan of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and stay up-to-date with what's going on in the congregation and among our members. As a fan you can also post your news, your questions, thoughts and experiences of God's love in action to share with others. It’s just another way to share the good news, overcome barriers and connect one to many in Christ. You can access our page directly from our website, at

Check out the new Community section of our Website as well. You can read blogs, news from ELCA, preview this week’s worship service and so much more. Log on today.

May Birthdays, Anniversaries and Disciples

May Birthdays
2: Al Weber
3: Audrey Stevens
4: Erika Murphy
11: Don Walch
12: Jean Esparolini
14: Ethan Munoz
15: Gail Ceravolo
19: Dorothy Greengrove, Debbie Jones,Terry D’Agnolo
21: Jan Strachan
26: Gerald Mayr

May Anniversaries
29: Joseph & Liz Cicci

May Disciples
Please pray for this person on the date listed: (every day except Sunday)

1:Bernd Mayr
3:Carlos Medina
4:Grace Medina
5:Elaine Miller
6:Lois Milner
7:Nicole Mozeliak
8:Lizzy Mozeliak
10:Holly Mozeliak
11:Martin Mueller
12:Sally Mueller
13:Max Mueller
15:Miles Mueller
17:Daniel Munoz
18:Brenda Munoz
19:Justin Munoz
20:Ethan Munoz
21:Bonnie Munoz
22:Damian Murphy
24:Sharon Murphy
25:Angela Murphy
26:Erika Murphy
27:Alex Murphy
28:Olivia Murphy
29:William Murphy
31:Connor Murphy


Thursday, March 25, 2010

On The Calendar


Sunday, March 28 - Palm/Passion Sunday
8:45 a.m.:Meet for coffee in fellowship hall. Walk to the “Mudhole” for the Blessing of Palms.
9:00 a.m.:Ecumenical Blessing of the Palms service. Process back to Holy Trinity for coffee and bagels.
10:00 a.m.:Festival worship with Palm Procession led by Sunday School children.

Thursday, April 1 - Maundy Thursday
6:15 p.m.:Soup Supper.
7:30 p.m.:Service of Holy Communion.

Friday, April 2 - Good Friday
Noon:Nutley Clergy Fellowship Good Friday service at Grace Church.
7:30 p.m.:Good Friday service and Passion of Our Lord according to John.

Saturday, April 3 - Church Work Day
10:00 a.m. Would you like to help prepare the church for Easter? We will meet in the morning to change the paraments, hang wreaths and place the Easter flowers around the sanctuary. Please call Scott and
Debbie Jones (973-338-0267) or the church office.

Sunday, April 4 - Easter Sunday
10:00 a.m.:Festival worship with Holy Communion.

Bible StudiesOpen the Scripture. Join the Conversation.
Every Monday night at 7:30 p.m. (starting April 19), and every Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. (starting April 15) we gather to open the scripture and join in conversation with God and each other.

What is God doing in the the world? What is God doing in our lives? What is God saying to us as individuals, a community of faith, the world? What is the good news of God's kingdom? How is God sending us into the world? These are just some of the questions we ask as God engages us through God's word and the witness of the Holy Scripture.