Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pastor's Message

“Every time you cross my mind, I break out in exclamations of thanks to God. Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer.” Philippians 1:3

As my pastoral ministry at Holy Trinity comes to an end, I find myself filled with thankfulness. I thank God for the privilege of being part of your lives for these past four years. I thank God for the gifts you have given – your wisdom, your graciousness and understanding, your love and generosity – through which the Holy Spirit has worked to increase and strengthen my faith in God. I thank God for the opportunity to work with you to share the good news, overcome barriers and connect one to many in the resurrection life of Jesus Christ. We have healed and learned and changed and grown together. I will miss each of you, and I will miss being part of the life of this community, though I will take you with me wherever I go. I love you. I have loved being your pastor. Thank you.

Even as I will miss you and miss being part of the life of this community, I am confident in God’s future plans for you. The love and compassion you show each other witnesses to the love of God in Jesus and invites the world to experience what we have together. The gifted and dedicated people who serve on the church council move forward, united in mission and in the desire to save and change lives. The staff – Tina Patti and Scott Jones – not only works together brilliantly, but they share an uncommon commitment to this community and its ministry as they efficiently and effectively carry out the daily administration of this church together. In worship, Scott’s musical leadership combined with the exceptional musicianship of the choir and instrumentalists enriches this community’s worship life, our life of thanks and praise. Additionally, God has blessed this community with many more resources, both human and material. I can’t wait to see what God does next through you. Thank you.

Finally, I encourage you to live together in love for Jesus and for each other, to worship weekly, to pray and to read scripture daily, and to be even more generous with your money, your time, your love and your friendship. In the book of Philippians, St. Paul remembers the people of Philippi with thanksgiving. Each thankful thought triggers a prayer, and so did each memory that came to his mind as he heard the news of how that community continued to live out the gospel in his absence. I believe that will be the case with us too. Each thankful thought will trigger a new prayer for you. In the weeks, months and years ahead, each report of your good and faithful work in the Gospel will trigger another thankful thought and prayer. I am so grateful for you, but also proud of what God has assembled in this place. Thank you.

May the peace of Christ be with you, live and abide among and fill your hearts and minds with the love of Christ Jesus, our Savior and Lord.
Thank you, Pastor Jim.

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