Thursday, August 26, 2010

"Thank You's" and Church Requests

Thank you!
Thank you to everyone that made our Baobab Blast a success! To EVERYONE who helped in any way to make it possible—through donations, decorating, prep work for arts and crafts, teaching or helping as part of our team.

Thanks to our staff:
Scott Jones, Ruth Hsu, Elaine Miller, Tina Patti, Emily Jones, Sarah Jones, Lauren Kyle, Chris Caporaso, Cathy Palamara, Julie Franchino, Nancy Duhm, Gail Ceravolo, Kara Suttora and Diane Petschel.

Thanks to all of you who participated in and acted as host for this years’ summer Lemonade!

Food Drive
Please remember our food drive. We will continue to collect food as part of our offering during worship. Bring your non-perishable food items to worship with you, and leave them in the designated area in the Narthex. Thank you!

Pastor Berkobin Books
Around the time of our 85th anniversary, David VanHouten had copies of Pastor Berkobin’s book available. We found out that the book is copyrighted and must be returned. If you have a copy at home, please bring it to the church office or call us if you need to have us pick it up. Thank you and we’re sorry for the inconvenience. (This is photocopies of typed pages, not the bound book with the stained glass cover!)

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