Thursday, June 24, 2010

In Our Community


Our Minister of Music
On June 14, Scott Jones was installed as Sub-Dean of the Metropolitan NJ Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. Scott sits on the Executive Board and chairs the chapter program committee during his two-year term. Normally the Sub-Dean moves up to Dean at the end of the two years. He will continue as chapter membership chair and also publishes the member directory.

Scott serves as the registrar for the AGO Region One and Two Convention to be held in Morristown July 3-6, 2011 and is a member of the convention Steering Committee.

Scott will attend the Region One Convention of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians in Pittsburgh, PA from July 26-29.

Taking a cue from the hundreds of bridges in Pittsburgh, this year’s theme is “The Song of the Church: Bridging All Times and Places.” Scott is wrapping up his term as Region VP and always looks forward to the worship and workshops at these conferences.

Our own Susan Wilson placed First, Second and Third in her three events at the NJ State Special Olympics, held in Trenton over June 12 and 13. Susan’s team won the baton relay; she got a second place medal in the softball throw and placed third in the 100m walk. Congratulations Susan—we’re very proud of you!

A New Son!
We are pleased to announce the arrival of David Alan Marsh on June 2. He is the son of Drew and Carissa Marsh of Manhattan, weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz. and was 22” long. Judy and Kauko Aro are the proud grandparents! Our love and best wishes to the whole family. (Drew’s address is available through the church office.)

Let’s Have Some Fun…..

Game Night at Holy Trinity
Join us for another fun night of games on Saturday, July 10 at 7:30p.m. Bring a favorite board game, a deck of cards, or just yourself! You may also bring refreshments to share. We hope to see you!

New Jersey Jackals
Join us as the NJ Jackals take on the Pittsfield Colonials at 7:05 PM on Saturday, July 31. There will be fireworks after the game at Yogi Berra Stadium on the campus of Montclair State. I would like to try for “box seats” at $11 (stadium seats with arms.) There are also “reserved” seats for $9 on aluminum benches, without seat divisions or arms. I have a “buy one get one” offer on ten tickets from the Entertainment Book, but don’t know if it is good on box seats. There is an automatic group discount for groups of 20 or more.

Since we are not sure of the cost, I would appreciate firm, non-refundable reservations and then we will divide the cost by the number going. I plan to purchase the tickets in advance, and there’s an outside chance that by the time I go to the box office, the game may be sold out— but there were still seats as of June 23. For reservations or questions, please contact Scott Jones at (973) 338-0267 or by Wednesday, July 7.

August Calendar
Please note that even though this is a July/August newsletter, the August calendar will be sent out under separate cover when it is ready.

Altar Flowers
Please note that if you would like to honor or memorialize someone with altar flowers, we have the following dates available:

July 11
July 25
August 8
September 5
September 19
September 26
November 7
November 14
November 21

The cost is $30 per date. The sign-up sheet is outside of the church office; if you cannot make it to church but would care to sign up for a date, please give us a call and we can do it for you – then please mail your check to Holy Trinity with a notation of “Altar Flowers”. Thank you!

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