Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thank You!

On Sunday, May 31, we will recognize the various ways people have volunteered to serve and live God's mission through the ministry of this congregation. In the litany of volunteer recognition we will confess: "Our volunteers put flesh and bone on our call to be the body of Christ in the world."

Thank you...

To all who shared soup so far, either of your own making or from your favorite restaurant, and to all who purchased or made bread: The Jones Family, Jill Fenske, Marcia Hayes, Jainie Gambaro, Sally Mueller, Betty Gambaro, Julie Franchino, Phyllis Weber, Linda (Franklin Reformed Church), Pat Brulato, Jeff Grieco, Nancy Guenther. To all who shared a little something else -- who can forget Dave's fired Salami or the week of three pound cakes for dessert. If we missed anyone, please accept our apologies. Thanks. To Phyllis and Nancy for once again organizing and preparing the assortment of fruit and cheeses that make our Maundy Thursday dinner so special.

To the Holy Trinity choir for their dedication and their ministry.

To Pastor Jill and the people of Franklin Reformed for walking with us on our Lenten journey and for sharing with us in our common mission: the good news of the kingdom of God.

To Frank and Chris for all they do, but especially for making raising funds so much fun.

To Nancy for all she does, but especially for pulling together a wonderful and enjoyable Easter pancake breakfast.

To all who worked the pancake breakfast: the cooks, the set up and clean up, the serving, the dishwashing.

To all who helped bring the look of Easter to our sanctuary by coming out on a Saturday morning.

To the people who stayed after worship to brainstorm some ways we can start as a community to reach out to people affected by the current economic downturn.

To the people of Holy Trinity for your prayers, your concern, your cards and well wishes, your patience and understanding during Jakob's time in the hospital and during this current time of adjustment and re-adjustment.

To Tina for her dedication and skill in the administration of the ministry we all share.

To Scott for his leadership -- musical, spiritual and organizational -- and for his attention to detail that keeps this ministry on track.

To all who teach and help with Sunday School and to those who are starting to plan for this summer's Vacation Bible School.

To all who serve us in worship ushers, greeters, lectors, worship leaders and table servers.
Again. Thank you.

Using our Gifts in God's Mission
At Holy Trinity, when we talk about participating in God's mission, we don't talk about starting another program, we wonder how we can use the gifts, talents, passions and interests that God has given us to share and embody the good news of the God's kingdom. Over the past few weeks, we have heard conversations about doing ministry in these areas:

+ Growing and sharing our own vegetables this summer.
+ Simple living and getting control over your financial life.
+ Prayer and spiritual growth.
+ Reducing our carbon footprint and other "green efforts."

Do any of these interests align with your interests? Then join us on Thursday, May 14, at 7 p.m. (after soup) for prayer and conversation around these topics.

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