Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mother's Day Contributions to the Endowment Fund

Three times a year, we encourage the people of Holy Trinity to make gifts to the Endowment Fund in honor of their parents and others through whom God has worked to build faith – Mother’s Day, All Saints Day, and Father’s Day. The name of the donor and the person honored in the gift will be included in the bulletin on these special days. Our Endowment Fund is a vital ongoing and multiplying source of support for our current mission and ministry, but more than that, your gift to the fund is invested; it grows to bear fruit in support of God’s future work through this congregation.

Here is an opportunity for all people of Holy Trinity to participate in the future effort of God’s mission. If you would like to make a gift to the Endowment Fund, please use the tear-off at the bottom of this sheet and include it with your check made out to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Endowment Fund.

2009 Mother’s Day Gift to the Endowment Fund of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

Name: ____________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________

Amount: ___________ Relationship:______________________

Name of person(s) to be honored/remembered:



Name of person(s) giving the gift:______________________________

(Please leave this sheet and offering in the offering plate or office.)

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