Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Stewardship Strengthens...

Stewardship strengthens our relationship with Jesus

Churches today are becoming more concerned about the stewardship of our Earth’s resources; the New Jersey Synod and Holy Trinity are no exception. Martin and Sally Mueller are heading up a committee to begin looking into ways that we can make “green” choices.

Please talk to the Mueller’s if you would like to help.

Christianity and Ecology Resources

Eco-Justice Ministries - - An independent ecumenical agency focused on helping congregations strengthen their environmental concern. Includes the free weekly e-devotion/newsletter Eco-Justice Notes, as well as worship and educational resources

Greenfaith: Interfaith Partners for the Environment - - A New Jersey organization involved in a wide range of faith-based environmental causes. Has a range of programs, grants, tours, justice causes, and resources, including many basic stewardship guides.

ELCA Environmental Advocacy - - a wide range of ELCA actions and resources pertaining to the environment.

Earthkeeping News - - Network Alliance of Congregations Caring for the Earth’s weblog of articles, issues, and other Christianity and ecology resources.

Renewal: Stories from America’s Religious-Environmental Movement – A film with eight 10-15 minute stories on religious groups engaged in environmental work in the U.S.; a very effective discussion starter from the Renewal project, a multi-denominational Christian ecological movement based in the United Kingdom. DVD can be purchased at for $19.95.

Energy Star for Congregations - – A useful guide for congregations seeking to reduce energy usage.

Lenten Carbon Fast - - see how congregations in the greater Washington, D.C. area are working to go green this Lent.

Carbon Footprint Calculator - - see what your estimated carbon usage is – it will likely surprise you!

Biblical Texts and Creation Care -

New Jersey Council of Churches Eco-justice Advocacy - - Not too much on there right now, but good to keep in mind.

With the economic downturn continuing, the needs of Nutley citizens grows. Use your gifts of time and talent to “connect one to many” by considering these volunteer opportunities:

Nutley Family Service Bureau (NFSB):
This increasingly valuable town resource would like to expand its’ current operating schedule. To make this possible, the NFSB needs several volunteers from 11:00am until 3:00pm on the second Saturday of each month. At least 3 people are required, but more will allow the NFSB to rotate responsibility. Those that are interested in volunteering should call Jolinda Griwert, (Co-Director, NFSB) at (973) 667-6322 after 4:30pm, Monday through Friday.

Nutley Red Cross (NRC):
Current programs in need of assistance include:

• Senior transportation: drivers offer one morning or afternoon per week transporting seniors to medical appointments in Nutley and neighboring towns.

• Food pantry: pack food bags for families, weekdays and weekends.

• General office assistance: answering phones, make appointments and distribute food bags, one morning or one afternoon each week.

• Blood drives: greet and sign in donors and operate the coffee table, the third Tuesday of each month from 3pm – 8pm.

Please let us know if you would like to volunteer – the Church Office has the Volunteer Applications for the Red Cross. Thank you.

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